For Leipzig University, the partnership with Stellenbosch University in South Africa – coupled with the accompanying friendship between people – is an excellent example of successful academic and research collaboration, and an important instrument to improve Leipzig’s institutional profile in teaching and research worldwide.

We are continuously working towards expanding the linkages outside of the humanities, and trust that staff and students on both sides will use the opportunities available as a result of the favourable conditions created by Leipzig’s AAA.

Robert Kotzé, Stellenbosch University

zur Vergr??erungsansicht des Bildes: Stellenbosch- Leipzig Seminar
zur Vergr??erungsansicht des Bildes: Rector Beate A. Schücking welcomes Robert Kotze at Leipzig University
zur Vergr??erungsansicht des Bildes: Field trip to the botanical garden at Leipzig University
zur Vergr??erungsansicht des Bildes: Prof Thomas Hofs?ss welcomes H.E. Ambassador of South Africa Phumelele Stone Sizani
zur Vergr??erungsansicht des Bildes:
zur Vergr??erungsansicht des Bildes:
zur Vergr??erungsansicht des Bildes:

The partnership between Stellenbosch and Leipzig University deserves a special mention for many reasons. In many aspects, it is the perfect example of successful cooperation for the development of reciprocal and mutually productive academic contacts.

  1. For institutional integration:
    Joint programmes integrate different curricula at both universities, such as German and German as a Foreign Language, or Global Studies and Poitical Science. Such integrated study programmes establish strong links and commitment between two departments and even across faculties, providing fertile ground for academic networks.
  2. For diversity:
    A considerable number of academic fields are involved: collaboration has ranged from the disciplines of chemistry, theology and economics, right the way through to German as a foreign language, global studies and sustainable development.
    Our collaboration in teaching is complemented by joint research projects.
    This cooperation is carried out bilaterally as well as within consortia (e.g. Global Studies).
  3. For history:
    The partnership has been built up systematically since 1997. Stellenbosch University was nominated as Leipzig University’s South African partner by a group of scholars and administrative staff at Leipzig. It was a mutual, grass-roots democratic decision that continues to yield ever more successful results. Despite and because of all the entanglements of both universities in the different past political systems and their aim to re-position themselves anew in a changed society, the challenges and contributions constitute another element that links Leipzig and Stellenbosch.

Stellenbosch is a special case. In a laboratory, you should trust your colleagues when you experiment with new methods and chemicals. With our colleagues, we will develop new “medicine” to make us even “fitter” in terms of internationalisation.

Dr Svend Poller, International Centre Director, Leipzig University

A Comprehensive Partnership

Robert Kotzé, Director of the Postgraduate & International Office at Stellenbosch University, in an interview on the strategic partnership with Leipzig University.

Huba Boshoff, Professor Jan Botha, Professor Rolf Annas and Professor Louis Jonker from the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa report on the long-standing partnership with Leipzig University.

Academic Exchange

We interviewed two students from Stellenbosch University about their experiences at Leipzig University.

Studentin Melissa von der Universit?t Stellenbosch berichtet über ihren Austausch in Leipzig

Melissa Bradshaw from the partner university Stellenbosch studied the M.Sc. Early Childhood at Leipzig University in 2017.

Studentin Mikhaila von der Universit?t Stellenbosch berichtet über ihren Austausch in Leipzig

Mikhaila Crous from the partner university Stellenbosch studied the M.A. German as a Foreign Language at Leipzig University from September 2016 to August 2017.

Unsere Studierenden in Stellenbosch

International Physics Studies Program, B. Sc.

?Verkriech dich nicht in deinem Zimmer, sondern geh raus unter Leute! Es ist super einfach neue Freunde zu finden, da jeder in der gleichen Situation ist.“

zur Entdeckerstory

Lehramt, Staatsexamen

?8 Monate Südafrika waren für mich das Beste, was ich bisher erlebt hatte. Die Zeit in diesem wundersch?nen Land, das so anders ist als Deutschland, hat mich sehr gepr?gt.“

zur Entdeckerstory

Psychologie, M. Sc.

?Neben der Uni gibt es unglaublich viele Angebote für Studierende. Es wird also nicht langweilig und ich bin mir sicher, für jeden ist etwas dabei!“

zur Entdeckerstory