Research focus

The minds behind our research

Interdisciplinary centres

There is great potential for successful research to be achieved through cooperation between different disciplines and institutions. This is why our university has created a number of interdisciplinary centres whose structure enables participants to engage in joint research and teaching.

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Spotlight on biodiversity

At iDiv, researchers from 30 nations are working on the foundations for the sustainable management of biological diversity.

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German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research

Abgebildet ist das iDiv Ecotron mit 24 EcoUnits. Die EcoUnits sind identische Einheiten, in denen ?kosysteme beherbergt und erforscht werden k?nnen.
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Global perspectives

ReCentGlobe is an interdisciplinary, cross-faculty centre. Its members use trans-regional approaches and global perspectives to study world religions, cultural orders and political systems, and how they are connected.

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Thinking globally: Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics

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The centre is a joint institution of Leipzig University and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Leipzig. Its research focuses on the dynamics of ecosystems and water resources in global change across spatial and temporal scales.

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Remote Sensing Centre for Earth System Research

Die Forscher des neuen Fernerkundungszentrums untersuchen die Dynamiken von ?kosystemen und Wasserressourcen im globalen Wandel.
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Research projects


Research portal

leuris:Portal is our university’s research portal.