The project funding provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Federal Ministry of Health, and the Saxon State Ministry of Science and the Arts plays a major role in our university’s research achievements. Here you will find a list of current and recently completed projects with funding in excess of 500,000 euros.

enlarge the image: Farbfoto eines Operationssaales mit verschiedenen technischen Ger?ten und einem Dummy-Menschen auf einer Liege
The smart operating theatre is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Photo: Leonie Lang, ICCAS

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

NAKO: German National Cohort (GNC) – National Cohort Study Centre for Research on Widespread Diseases

Project director: Professor Markus L?ffler (Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology)
Term: 2014–2023

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DZD München – German Center for Diabetes Research: Adipose tissue research

Project director: Prof. Dr. Michael Stumvoll (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Endocrinology, Nephrologym Rheumatology)
Term: 2016 – 2025

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SMITH – Smart Medical Information Technology for Healtcare

Project director: Prof. Dr. Markus L?ffler (Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology)
Term: 2016 – 2026

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ToSEE: Treatment of Benzodiazipine-Refractory Status Epilepticus in the Elderly Population

Project director: Professor Joseph Cla?en (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology)
Term: 2018–2023

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AMIS II – Analysis of developmental pathways from child maltreatment to internalizing symptoms and disorders in childhood and adolescence: from longitudinal trajectories to intervention

Project director:  Prof. Dr. Kai von Klitzing; since 2021/01/10 Dr. Lars Otto White (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Paediatric Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics)
Term: 2019 – 2024

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HerediCaRe – Establishment of a national registry to evaluate and improve risk-adapted prevention for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer

Project director:  Dr. Christoph Engel (Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology)
Term: 2019 – 2024

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Specific Inhibition of the Ribosomal 50S Subunit Assembly in Bacteria as Novel Bactericidal Mechanism Unexploited by Current Antibiotics

Project director:  Professor Ralf Hoffmann (Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Centre for Biotechnology and Biomedicine (BBZ))
Term: 2020–2024

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MR-Thrombosis – MR-supported minimally invasive diagnosis and treatment of thromboses

Subproject: Research into an optimized manufacturing process for MR-compatible nitinol constructs
Project director:  Prof. Dr. Andreas Melzer (Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery (ICCAS))
Term: 2019 – 2023

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ELVIS-Studie – Nasal high-flow versus non-invasive ventilation in the treatment of acute acidotic hypercapnic exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD)

Project director: Prof. Dr. med. Hubert Wirtz (Faculty of Medicine, Medical Department II – Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases, Pneumology Center for Clinical Studies)
Term: 2020 – 2025

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CORALA II – Long-term need for Ranibizumab injections with or without early targeted peripheral laser photocoagulation for the treatment of macular edema due to central retinal vein occlusion

Project director: Prof. Dr. med. Matus Rehak (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology)
Term: 2020 – 2025

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SUCEED-F – Study of frequent environmental exposures and diseases in childhood and adolescence: feasibility

Project director:  Prof. Dr. med. Antje K?rner (Faculty of Medicine, Deaprtment of Pediatrics)
Term: 2020 – 2024

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SYMPATH – Systems medicine of pneumonia-aggravated arteriosclerosis

Project director:  Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz (Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology)
Term: 2020 – 2025

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LiSymKrebs – DEEP-HCC – Detailed analysis of the spatial organization of the development of hepatocellular carcinoma

Project director:  Prof. Dr. Daniel Seehofer (Faculty of Medicine, Department for Visceral, Transplantation, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery)
Term: 2021 – 2027

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LiSymKrebs – SMART-NAFDL – A systems medicine approach for the early detection and prevention of hepatocellular carcinoma in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Project director:  Prof. Dr. Thomas Berg (Faculty of Medicine, Medical Department II – Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases, Pneumology)
Term: 2021 – 2027

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SaxoCell – Living Medications

Procet directors: Prof. Dr. Uwe Platzbecker, Dr. Vladan Vucinic, Dr. Beatrice Sara Berneck, Prof. Dr. Jan C. Simon, Dr. Kristin Reiche, Prof. Dr. Achim Aigner, Prof. Dr. Thomas Neumuth, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hacker (Faculty of Medicine)
Term: 2021 – 2024

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SmartBWL – Smartphone-assisted behavioral therapy for weight loss in adults with severe obesity

Project director:  Prof. Dr. Anja Hilbert (Faculty of Medicine, Department for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy)
Term: 2021 – 2024

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Faktencheck Artenvielfalt

Project director: Prof. Dr. Christian Wirth (iDiv and Faculty for Life Sciences)

Term: 2021 – 2024

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ValuGaps – Comprehensive valorization of natural capital in Germany: approaches and methods for dealing with scarce information and uncertainties

Project director: Dr. Jasper Nikolaus Meya (iDiv)
Term: 2021 – 2024

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@ktivPLUS – Obesity and Depression- Development, Activeness, Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of a Self-Help Strengthening Online Coach

Project director: Dr. Margit L?bner (Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Social Medicine, Work Medicine and Public Health)
Term: 2022 – 2025

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CAP-TSD – CAP-TSD - Causal analysis and predictive modeling of molecular and clinical time series data of pneumonia patients: Subproject A

Project director: Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz (Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology)
Term: 2022 – 2025

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3MP-FUS – Neuromodulation in rare neuropsychiatric disorders with focused multi-modal-multi-parameter ultrasound

Subproject: Experimental technical and pre-clinical evaluation of the FUS system, clinical requirements definition and integration

Project director: Prof. Dr. Andreas Melzer (Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery (ICCAS))
Term: 2022 – 2025

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6G Health

Project director: Prof. Dr. Markus L?ffler (Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology)
Term: 2022 – 2025

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FOMO – Nanoporous shape-matched glass monoliths as drug depot systems for drug targeting in dentistry

Project director: PD Dr. rer. nat. Andreas K?nig (Faculty of Medicine, Department for Dental Prosthetics and Material Science)
Term: 2022 – 2025

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LINC – Lipid Immune Neuropathy Consortium

Project directors: Prof. Dr. Ruth Martha Stassart (Faculty of Medicine, Paul-Flechsig-Institute for Neuropathology), Prof. Dr. Robert Fledrich (Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Anatomy)
Term: 2022 – 2025

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PROGNOSIS – Epidemic-related resource requirements of hospitals Modeling of incidence, bed occupancy, staff planning and supply chains

Project director: Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz (Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology)
Term: 2022 – 2025

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GeMTeX MII – Cross-consortia use case of the medical informatics initiative: Automated processing of German clinical texts

Project directors: Prof. Dr. Martin Boeker / Prof. Dr. Markus L?ffler (Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology)
Term: 2023 – 2026

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LE-REP – Interdisciplinary junior research center for reproductive health

Project director: Prof. Dr. Bahriye Aktas (Faculty of Medicine, Division of Obstetrics)
Term: 2023 – 2026

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INTERPOLAR – Reducing medication problems and drug interactions (USE Case)

Project director: Prof. Dr. Markus L?ffler (Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology)
Term: 2023 – 2026

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PrivateAIM – Privacy-protecting analytics in medicine

Project director: Prof. Dr. Toralf Kirsten (Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology)
Term: 2023 – 2027

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NUM DIZ – Network of data integration centers of the University Medicine

Project director: Dr. Thomas Wendt (Faculty of Medicine, Datenintegrationszentrum)
Term: 2023 – 2025

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ADAPT – African "One Health"-Network for Disease Prevention

Project director: Prof. Dr. Uwe Truyen (Institut for Animal Hygiene and Public Veterinary Services, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)
Term: 2023 – 2027

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DZKJ – Deutsches Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Aufbauf?rderung Standort Leipzig/Dresden

Project director: Prof. Dr. Antje K?rner (Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine)
Term: 2024 – 2026

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ScaDS.AI: Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Dresden/Leipzig

Scientific Coordinator: Professor Wolfgang E. Nagel (TU Dresden)
Deputy: Professor Erhard Rahm (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Computer Science)
Term: 2014–2029

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marEEshift: Marine Ecological-Economic Systems in the Western Baltic Sea and Beyond: Generic Models, Coordination and Communication

Project director: Professor Martin Quaas (Faculty of Economics and Management Science, Institute for Resource Management)
Term: 2019–2023

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XEOL-ID: Identification of Defects by Element-Specific Excitation of Optical Luminescence

Project director: Professor Claudia Sarah Schnohr (Faculty of Physics and Earth System Sciences, Felix Bloch Institute for Solid State Physics)

Term: 2019–2023

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UndiMeS – Unterrichten mit digitalen Medien in Sachsen

Project director: Professor Silvia Sch?neburg-Lehnert (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Mathematics)
Term: 2019–2023

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Hrich GPa ? High-Pressure Reactions for the Production of Hydrogen-Rich Hydrides as a Path to New Superconductors

Project director:  Professor Holger Kohlmann (Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry)
Term: 2020–2024

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SO-SERVE: Social Service Engineering – Using synergies of work and service science to improve work on and with people

Sub-project: Technical Requirements Analysis, Design and Testing of a Framework Concept for Human-Centred and Efficient Service Work
Project director: Dr Stefan Kühne (University Computing Centre)
Term: 2020–2023

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UltraSPEC2 - Ultrakompact Spectrometer

Project director: Prof. Dr. Marius Grundmann (Faculty for Physics and Geo Sciences, Felix-Bloch-Institute)
Term: 2020–2023

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SharKI – Shared Tasks as an innovative approach to implementing AI and big data-based applications in the university landscape

Project director: Professor Sven Hofmann (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Computer Science)
Term: 2021 – 2024

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InnoLogBat – E-mobility warehouse logistics: innovation lab for battery logistics in e-mobility

Subproject: Studies in the field of the automotive circular economy and ML-based service portfolio for the storage logistics of batteries for e-mobility
Project director: Professor Bogdan Franczyk (Faculty of Economics and Management Science, Insitute for System Services)
Term: 2021 – 2025

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K-M-I – Artificial and humanly intelligent: Competence center for transformed work in Western Saxony

Subproject: SKi-based data managment and data analytics in the pilot projects
Project directors: Professor Erhard Rahm (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Computer Science); Dr. Stefan Kühne (University Computing Center); Dr. Christoph Augenstein (Faculty of Economics and Management Science, Insitute for System Services)
Term: 2021 – 2026

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RaQuEI – Room temperature quantum sensors for electromobility

Project director: Professor Jan Berend Meijer (Faculty for Physics and Earth System Sciences, Felix-Bloch-Institute)
Term: 2021 – 2024

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CoGeQ – Competetive German Quantum Computer

Project director: Prof. Dr. Jan Berend Meijer (Faculty for Physics and Geo Sciences, Felix-Bloch-Institute)
Term: 2022 – 2024

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MANGAN – Intelligent metadata extraction and intuitive search for spoken audio content

Project director: Dr. Stephan Klingner (University Computing Center)
Term: 2022 – 2025

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metsigon – Metal single crystal gas pressure and flow cells for operando neutron diffraction

Project director: Prof. Dr. Holger Kohlmann (Faculty for Chemistry and Mineralogy, Institute of inorganic Chemistry)
Term: 2022 – 2025

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T!Raum-Initiative: ReWass  – Regionalentwicklung und Wasserbewirtschaftung unter Wasserknappheit

Project director:Dr. Stefan Geyler (Faculty of Economics and Management Science, Institute for Infrastructure and Resource Management)
Term: 2024 – 2027

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T!Raum-Initiative: ReWass  – Regional development and water management under water scarcity

Project director: Dr. Stefan Geyler (Faculty of Economics and Management Science, Institute for Resource Management)
Laufzeit: 2024 – 2027

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LiquidInfo  – AI-assisted information processing and transformation for meetings and presentations with the LiquidInfo-Box

Project director: Dr. Stephan Klingner (University Computing Centre)
Term: 2024 – 2027

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Research Institute for Social Cohesion (FGZ)

Project director: Professor Matthias Middell (Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics and Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Global and European Studies Institute)
Term: 2020–2024

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The Controversial Legacy of 1989: Appropriations Between Politicisation, Popularisation and the Historical-Political Conveyance of History

Project director: Professor Monika Wohlrab-Sahr (Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Institute for the Study of Culture)
Term: 2018–2022

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RIRA – Radical Islam versus radical anti-Islam. Social polarization and perceived threats as driving factors of radicalization and co-radicalization processes in adolescents and post-adolescents

Project director: Professor Gert Pickel (Faculty for Theology, Institute of Practical Theology)
Term: 2020 – 2024

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World knowledge - The production of world knowledge transformed

Project director: Matthias Middell (Global and European Studies Institute / ReCentGlobe)
Term: 2021 – 2025

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Collaborative Project: Personalised Competence Development Through Scalable Mentoring Processes (tech4comp)

Network coordination and project director: Professor Heinz-Werner Wollersheim (Faculty of Education, Institute of Educational Sciences)
Term: 2018–2022

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LemaS-PEP – Sub-Project 19: Personalisierte Entwicklungspl?ne (PEP) als Instrument einer individuellen Begabungsf?rderung: Nachhaltige Gestaltung von leistungsf?rdernden Lehr-Lern-Settings im Regelunterricht

LemaS-PEP is a sub-project of the “Leistung macht Schule” research network (LemaS). As part of this research network, Junior Professor Johannes Mayer (children’s literature and primary-level literary learning) at Leipzig University is conducting his own sub-project. 

Project director: Professor Heinz-Werner Wollersheim (Faculty of Education, Institute of Educational Sciences)
Term: 2018–2022

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MECAM: Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb

Project director: Professor J?rg Gertel (Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences, Institute for Geography
Term: 2020–2023


PraxisdigitaliS: Shaping Digital Practice in Saxony

Project director: Professor Sonja Ganguin (Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Institute of Communication and Media Studies)
Term: 2020–2023

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DISKOS – Comparing multimodal source corpora of music

Project director: Prof. Dr. Josef Focht (Fakult?t for History, Arts and Regional Sciences; Music Instrument Museum of Leipzig University)

Term: 2021–2023

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Re-Act – Rule of Law in Eastern Central Europe

Project director: Prof. Dr. Astrid Lorenz (Faculty for Social Sciences and Philosophy and ReCentGlobe)

Term: 2021–2024

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ILEA Basis-T – Individual learning development analyses of basic skills in the inclusive transition from nursery to school

Project director: Professor Katrin Liebers, Professor Susanne Viernickel (Faculty of Education Science, Institute for Pedagogy and Didactics in Elementary and Primary Education)
Term: 2021 – 2024

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ANCIP – African non-military conflict intervention practices

Project director: Prof. Dr. Ulf Engel (Faculty of History, Arts and Regional Studies; Institute of African Studies and ReCentGlobe).

Term: 2022 – 2026

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LemaS-Transfer – Phase II. Performance makes school - transfer to the school landscape

Project director: Prof. Dr. Heinz-Werner Wollersheim (Institut for Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education)

Term: 2023 – 2027

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MultiplEE: Sustainable Deployment of Renewable Energies with Multiple Environmental impacts – Policy Strategies to Address Environmental Trade-Offs of the German Energy Transition

Project director: Dr Paul Lehmann (Faculty of Economics and Management Science, Institute for Infrastructure and Resource Management)
Term: 2017–2023

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TOP – Development of a terminology- and ontology-based phenotyping framework (within the framework of SMITH)

Project director:  Dr. Alexander Uciteli (Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology)
Term: 2021 – 2026

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Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

KIKS ? Artificial Intelligence for Clinical Studies 

Project director: Professor Thomas Neumuth (Faculty of Medicine, Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery – ICCAS)
Term: 2020–2023

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KliNet5G – Clinical Network via 5G

Project director: Professor Thomas Neumuth (Faculty of Medicine, Innovation Center for Computer Assisted Surgery – ICCAS)
Term: 2022 – 2025

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Funding guideline to strengthen the transformation dynamics and new beginnings in the mining areas and at the coal-fired power plant sites

Project director: Professor Thomas Neumuth (Faculty of Medicine, Innovation Center for Computer Assisted Surgery – ICCAS)
Term: 2022 – 2026

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EXIST: ISC-Leipzig: International Startup Campus 

Project director: Professor Utz Dornberger (Faculty of Economics and Management Science, international SEPT programme)
Term: 2020–2024

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b-ACT matter – Research and Transfer Center for bioactive Matter

Project directors: Professor Tilo Pompe (Faculty for Life Sciences, Institute of Biochemistry); Professoe Frank Cichos (Faculty for Physics and Life Sciences, Peter-Debye-Institute for Soft Matter Physics)
Term: 2021 – 2025

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MoLeWa – Regional Transformation Network - Development and Implementation of a Regional Transformation Strategy in the Automotive and Supplier Industry and Industry-Related Service Sectors in the Transformation Region Leipzig

Project director: Prof. Dr. Bogdan Franczyk (Faculty of Economics and Management Science, Institute for Systems Services)
Term: 2022 – 2025

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Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Lebendige Luppe – Promoting ecosystem services and biodiversity through floodplain revitalization in an urban context

Project directors: Professsor Sylke Nissen (Faculty for Social Sciences and Philosophy, Institute for Sociology); Professor Christian Wirth (Faculty for Life Sciences and iDiv)
Term: 2014 – 2023

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Federal Joint Committee (G-BA)

HITS - Heart failure - Individual Training, Telemonitoring and Selfmanagement

Project director: Professor Martin Busse (Faculty of Sport Science, Institute of Sport Medicine and Prevention)
Term: 2019–2023

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Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

LIPSY – Leipziger Individual Placement and Support for People with Mental Illnesses

Project director: Prof. Dr. Steffi G. Riedel-Heller (Institut for Social Medicine, Occupational Medicine and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Leizpig Medical Center)
Term: 2022 – 2025

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Endowed Chair of Social Psychiatric Participation Research, Department of Sociology

Project director: Prof. Dr. Georg Schomerus (Department of Psychatry and Psychotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Leizpig Medical Center)
Term: 2024 – 2028

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Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure

TeleNoma – Telemedicine application based on nomadic radio networks

Project director: Prof. Dr. Thomas Neumuth (Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Leipzig Medical Center)
Term: 2024

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Tri5G – Trimodal 5G pioneer region Leipzig North LOGISTICS-IT-AUTOMOTIVE for companies / public services / research & development

Project director: Prof. Dr. Bogdan Franczyk (Information Systems Institute, Faculty of Economics and Management Science) 
Term: 2021 – 2024

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Federal Office of Administration

InRa-Study — Racism as a threat to social cohesion in the context of selected social and institutional areas

Project director:  Professor Gert Pickel (Faculty of Theology, Institute for Practical Theology)
Term: 2021 – 2024

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The Federal Government Commissioner for Eastern Germany

Elitenmonitor – Underrepresentation of East Germans in central management positions: Development over time, mechanisms, options for actionend

Project directors: Dr. Lars Vogel and Professor Astrid Lorenz (Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Institute of Political Science)
Term: 2022 – 2025

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Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

In-Ovo-LC-MS — Application of endocrinological in-ovo sex determination in the domestic chicken using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) for the development of marketable concepts

Project director: Professor Almuth Einspanier (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Physiological Chemistry)
Term: 2018 – 2024

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Miro – Central German fruit-growing innovation region

Project director: Professor Bogdan Franczyk (Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, Information Systems Institute)
Term: 2023 – 2025

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Federal Ministry of the Interior

Racism as a threat to social cohesion in the context of selected social and institutional areas

Project director: Professor Gert Pickel (ReCentGlobe)
Term: 2022 – 2024

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Saxon State Ministry of Science and the Arts

Innovative Strategies for BIoactive/Antibacterial AdvanceD ProsthEses

Project director: Professor Anette Beck-Sickinger (Faculty of Life Sciences, Institute of Biochemistry)
Term: 2020–2023

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Lung microbiome model - A modular microbiome host model of the lung from the 3D printer to study the pharmacokinetics of pulmonary drugs and xenobiotics

Project director: Prof. Dr. Leonard Kaysser (Institute for Drug Design, Faculty of Medicine)
Term: 2024 – 2026

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Project director: Prof. Dr. Michaela Schulz-Siegmund (Institut for Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine)
Term: 2024 – 2026

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Transfer Technologies for the Validation of Proteine- and Peptide Therapeutics 

Project director: Jun-Prof. Dr. Clara Schoeder (Institute for Drug Design, Faculty of Medicine)
Term: 2024 – 2026

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Biocatalysts for the recycling of polybutylene succinate (PBS) bioplastics

Project director: Dr. Georg Künze (Institute for Drug Design, Faculty of Medicine)
Term: 2024 – 2026

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Establishment of a SpiNNaker2 cluster for cutting-edge research at Leipzig University

Project director: Prof. Dr. Jens Meiler (Institute for Drug Design, Faculty of Medicine)
Term: 2024 – 2026

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Smart Regional Development Infrastructure

Project director: Professor Gerik Scheuermann (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Computer Science)
Term: 2020–2022

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Saxon State Ministry of Justice and for Democracy, Europe and Equality

Else Frenkel-Brunswik Institute

Project director: Prof. Dr. Oliver Decker (Leipzig Resesarch Center for Global Dynamics - ReCentGlobe)
Termin: 2020 – 2024

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