Researchers at our university have made successful bids for numerous EU projects in recent years. Here we present the most important projects.

Horizon Europe

In 2021 the current framework programme "Horizon Europe" started. First applications of researchers of Leipzig University have been evaluated positively. Here you find the most important ones:

ERC-Project (European Research Council)

  • Professor Alexej Bufetov
    ERC Starting Grant "Integrable Probability" (2022 – 2027)
  • Prof. Dr. Gesa Hartwigsen
    ERC Consolidator Grant “The Flexible Brain: (Re-)shaping Adaptation in Semantic Cognition” (2023 - 2027)
  • Prof. Dr. Ana Bastos
    ERC Starting Grant "Forest vulnerability to compound extremes and disturbances in a changing climate" (2024 – 2027)
  • Prof. Dr. Dejan Gajic
    ERC Starting Grant "The Mathematical Analysis of Extremal Black Holes and Gravitational Radiation" (2022 – 2028)

Collaborative Projects as Coordinator

  • SOLO – Soils for Europe
    Coordinator: Dr. Carlos António Bastos de Morais Guerra 
  • PREPARE-TID – Pipeline for Rapid Diagnostics of Emergency Transboundary Infectious Diseases
    Coordinator: Dr. Ahmed Abd El Wahed

Collaborative Projects with more than 600,000 Euro funding

  • OpenWebSearch.EU – Piloting a Cooperative Open Web Search Infrastructure to Support Europe's Digital Sovereignty (2022-2025)
    Juniorprof. Dr. Martin Potthast (Institut für Informatik)
  • DYNAMO – DYnamic control in hybrid plasmonic NAnopores: road to next generation multiplexed single MOlecule detection (2022-2026)
    Prof. Dr. Ralf Seidel (Peter-Debye-Institut für Physik der weichen Materie)
  • CREATIC – Central European Advanced Therapy and Immunotherapy Centre (2023 - 2029)
    Dr. Dr. Maik Friedrich (Institut für Klinische Immunologie)
  • CERTAINTY – A CEllulaR immunoTherapy virtuAl twin for personalIsed cancer treatmeNT (2023 - 2028)
    Prof. Dr. Thomas Neumuth (ICCAS - Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery)
  • ARTEMIS – AcceleRating the Translation of virtual twins towards a pErsonalised Management of fatty lIver patients (2024 - 2027) 
    Dr. Stefan H?hme (IZBI - Interdisziplin?res Zentrum für Bioinformatik)

Horizon 2020 projects

In the Framework Programme "Horizon 2020", which ran 2014-2020, the average budget secured each year has been significantly higher than that of previous programmes. There have been some 75 projects, the most important ones are listed below.

ERC projects (funded by the European Research Council)

enlarge the image: Professor Alfons K?s and Professor Ralf Seidel in action
Professor Alfons K?s and Professor Ralf Seidel at the Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter Physics. Photo: Christian Hüller

Structural Funds projects

Leipzig University also receives European money via the Structural Funds. A variety of research projects have already been funded under the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). A complete overview is provided by a biannual list of projects funded in the Free State of Saxony under the ESF and ERDF.

FP7 projects

In the EU’s 7th Framework Programme (FP7), which ran from 2007 until 2013, researchers at our university succeeded in securing 75 projects with a total budget of around 26 million euros. These are composed as follows:

?    57 collaborative projects, five of them as coordinator
?    5 ERC projects (European Research Council awards based on individual merit)
?    11 institutional Marie Curie projects, one of them as coordinator
?    2 individual Marie Curie projects

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