There is great potential for successful research to be achieved through cooperation between different disciplines and institutions. This is why our university has created a number of interdisciplinary centres whose structure enables joint research and teaching.

enlarge the image: Eine Frau im Laborkittel sitzt vor einem Superresolutionsmikroskop am Biotechnologisch-Biomedizinischen Zentrum
Super-resolution microscopy at the Centre for Biotechnology and Biomedicine (BBZ). Photo: Dr Heinz-Georg Jahnke

Centre for Biotechnology and Biomedicine (BBZ)

A collaboration between teams involved in biotechnology within Leipzig University’s life science network, the BBZ combines outstanding basic research with an internationally competitive development and exploitation platform. The BBZ is one of Leipzig University’s Central Institutions.

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Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)

The Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe) is a Central Institution of Leipzig University. More than 200 members of staff from various faculties and disciplines work together and investigate globalisation projects in the present and the past, across the borders of continents and oceans.

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German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig

iDiv aims to record biological diversity in all its complexity, to provide and make use of scientific data on a global scale, and to develop viable strategies, solutions and utilisation concepts in order to halt the further loss of biodiversity. iDiv is one of Leipzig University’s Central Institutions.

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Centre for French Studies (FZ)

The Centre for French Studies at Leipzig University serves interdisciplinary and cross-faculty cooperation in research, teaching and continuing education between all subjects dedicated to the study of France and francophone cultures.

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Innovation Center for Computer-Assisted Surgery (ICCAS)

The ICCAS team’s vision is the “surgical cockpit” – an assistance system that monitors all work processes in the operating theatre. It is designed to provide comprehensive support for the surgeon, from information analysis and therapeutic decision-making to conducting the procedure. ICCAS is an institution of Leipzig University’s Faculty of Medicine.

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enlarge the image: Intelligent Operating Room at ICAAS.
Intelligent Operating Room. Photo: Leonie Lang, ICCAS

Interdisciplinary Centre for Bioinformatics (IZBI)

The IZBI promotes research in selected areas of bioinformatics and systems biology. It supports interdisciplinary projects through bioinformatic data analysis and modelling. The IZBI is a cross-faculty centre.

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Competence Centre for Right-Wing Extremism and Democracy Research (KReDo)

KReDo promotes basic research in democratic theory and the academic examination of historical as well as current social and political developments. The ability to intervene and strengthen democratic cooperation in society is a major concern. KReDo is an institution hosted by the Faculty of Theology.

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Leipzig Research Center for Early Childhood Development (LFE)

The Humboldt Science Center for Child Development brings together researchers, practitioners, communities and policy makers to empower every child's positive development and health to answer fundamental questions for human well-being. The Research and Teaching Nursery (FoLKi) is part of the Science Center. Humankind is hosted by the Faculty of Education. 

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Leipzig Research Centre for Civilization Diseases (LIFE)

LIFE collects data on the health and living conditions of the people of Leipzig. It makes this data available to researchers at Leipzig University’s Faculty of Medicine and other research institutions. The aim is to research modern diseases such as depression, diabetes, allergies and cardiovascular diseases. LIFE is an institution of the Faculty of Medicine.

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LIFE Child

LIFE Child aims to find out how environmental factors and lifestyles can influence the health of children and young people.
The aim of the study is to examine more closely modern diseases such as allergies, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The study also focuses on healthy mental and physical development from infancy to early adulthood. LIFE Child is hosted by Leipzig University’s Faculty of Medicine

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Saxon Incubator for Clinical Translation (SIKT)

The SIKT’s research activities focus on novel diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in three core medical areas:

  • Cardiovascular medicine
  • Skin and connective tissue
  • Liver

In its core units, the SIKT offers expertise in the areas of animal husbandry, preclinical research, quality management, technology platforms and bioimaging. The SIKT is one of Leipzig University’s Central Institutions.

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Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies (FraGes)

The Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies connects interdisciplinary gender research and acts as an interface for research into definitions and changes in gender relations in the sociocultural context. The FraGes is a cross-faculty centre.

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Centre for Clinical Studies (ZKS)

The Centre for Clinical Studies is the point of contact for all questions concerning clinical studies and offers central services for medicine at Leipzig University. Among other things, it supervises studies initiated by scientists and private companies. The ZKS is an institution of the Faculty of Medicine.

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Centre for Teacher Training and School Research (ZLS)

The ZLS takes on teaching and research tasks, but also provides coordination and organisational services. It supports all faculties involved in teacher training in the initial, further and continuing training of teaching staff. The ZLS is one of Leipzig University’s Central Institutions.

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Centre for Magnetic Resonance (MRZ)

The Centre for Magnetic Resonance promotes the broad application of magnetic resonance methods in biology, chemistry, medicine, physics and veterinary medicine. The aim is to make new fundamental contributions to research in biochemical, biophysical and medical diagnostic work as well as in materials sciences. The MRZ is a cross-faculty institution.

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Centre for the Study of the Musculoskeletal System (ZESBO)

The Centre for the Study of the Musculoskeletal System (ZESBO) is a research laboratory and part of the Department of Orthopaedic, Trauma and Plastic Surgery at Leipzig University. The research laboratory’s main areas of expertise are biomechanical testing, FEM simulation and conducting and evaluating clinical trials. The ZESBO is an institution of the Faculty of Medicine.

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