Kerstin Gackle

Kerstin Gackle

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Prorektor für Talententwicklung: Studium und Lehre
Nikolaistra?e 10, Raum 3.03
04109 Leipzig

Telefon: +49 341 97 - 30049

 Kerstin Gackle

Kerstin Gackle

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Goethestra?e 2
04109 Leipzig


– Academic Writing for Research Papers

– Essentials of Academic Writing

– Focus on Strategies

– Leave the Denglish Behind: Writing and Translation Strategies

– Research Papers and Theses


– “Leave the Denglisch Behind: Translation and Post-Editing Strategies, Netzwerktreffen der Hochschulübersetzer*innnen 2024, Mannheim, April 2024

– “Strategies for Translating into English,” ATA German Language Division, Leipzig, February 2024

– “Translation Strategies: German into English” for participants of the planned Academic Translation Workshop at Ebernburg Castle, Online, April 2020