Jun.-Prof. Dr. Daniela Ru?

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Daniela Ru?


Global Dynamics of Resource Use and Distribution (JP)
Emil-Fuchs-Stra?e 1, Raum 3.08
04105 Leipzig

Telefon: +49 341 97 - 37866


I'm a historical sociologist working on the relationship between society and nature in a global perspective. My first book Working Nature: Steam, Power, and the Failure of the Energy Economy (forthcoming) offers a historical account of the energy economy informed by a Critical Theory of Nature: Rather than assuming society uses energies available in nature, I propose to conceive of the energy economy as a dialectical self-realization of society against nature's resistance.

My recent research deals with the decarbonization of the electric grid, the theory and practice of Soviet energy planning, as well as early Soviet ecological thought.

My main areas of interest include:

Global historical sociology of the environment, resources, and energy

Electric Grids, Energy Transitions and Decarbonization

Environmental and Energy History in Russia and Eastern Europe

Historical Epistemology & Sociology of Science and Technology

Historical Materialism and Critical Theory

Berufliche Laufbahn

  • 02/2024 - 04/2024
    Fellow im 'Technology, the Environment, and the Future of Europe'-Programm am Remarque Institute for the Study of Europe, New York University
  • 11/2019 - 09/2022
    Post-Doc am Department of Sociology der University of Toronto
  • 10/2017 - 10/2019
    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Graduiertenkolleg 'World Politics' der Universit?t Bielefeld
  • 04/2016 - 06/2016
    Stipendiatin des Deutschen Historischen Instituts, Moskau
  • 02/2014 - 09/2017
    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Abteilung Wissenschaftssoziologie des Forums Internationale Wissenschaft der Universit?t Bonn
  • 10/2011 - 01/2014
    Studentische Hilfskraft, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung


  • 10/2016 - 04/2017
    Fulbright-Stipendiatin an der Columbia University, New York City
  • 10/2007 - 12/2013
    Studium der Sozialwissenschaften und Slawischen Sprachen in Berlin und Belgrad

weitere Publikationen


Philosophie, Soziologie, Geschichtswissenschaft

Kontaktm?glichkeiten für Medienanfragen

Telefon: +49 341 97 - 37866