Vacancy from Job ID: STMH-341

The Faculty of Education is seeking to fill the mentioned professorship at the earliest possible date:

Academic environment

Leipzig University is the largest teacher training university in the state of Saxony. At the Institute for Pedagogy and Didactics in Elementary and Primary Education, teacher training students study alongside Master's students in the field of professionalisation in early childhood education.

The professorship is one of the professorships and junior professorships that research and teach at the Institute of Pedagogy and Didactics in Elementary and Primary Education. Together with the Chair of Primary School Pedagogy, it teaches the basics of educational science and primary school pedagogy as well as practical school studies and, together with the Chair of Early Childhood Pedagogy and the professorships of primary school didactics, elementary didactics.

The institute's facilities include several learning workshops, the digital labs "LiteracyLab" and "digital fab lab" as well as an inclusive research school garden. The Faculty of Education is also home to the interdisciplinary Humboldt Research Centre for Child Development (HumanKind).


The junior professorship is initially responsible for the practical school studies modules in primary school didactics and the elementary didactics module. After a successful tenure evaluation and the transition to the W3 professorship, it will also take over the primary school pedagogy module as well as parts of the general school pedagogy and didactics module in the area of primary education.

The future holder should be involved in the realisation of the future concept of the Faculty of Education.

In research, the professorship should contribute to the further development and subject-related profiling with theoretical and empirical work, above all in the central research areas of the Faculty of Empirical School, Teaching and Educational Research and Professionalisation. In particular, active participation in the development of an internationally visible profile of the faculty in research and transfer on questions of primary school research as well as in the further development and consolidation of relevant research and cooperation structures and networks is expected.

In addition, it is desirable to be able to connect to the crosscutting research strands of the Faculty of Education in at least one of the following subject areas:

  • Diversity, participation, inclusion
  • The challenge of digitality
  • Social interaction or democracy education

A willingness to participate in academic self-administration and in central committees of the Faculty is required.


The future holder of the W3 professorship should be able to represent the field of primary school education in its entirety. For the W1 professorship, it is initially expected that the subject area will be represented in research and teaching from a systematic and empirical perspective. 
The future holder of the position should have a nationally visible profile - evidenced by publications and the successful acquisition of third-party funding - in at least two of the following main areas of work or research:

  • Transition from nursery to primary school
  • Cooperative and individualised learning in nursery and primary school
  • Theory-practice transfer in practical school studies in primary schools
  • Professionalisation research

The future holder should have sound knowledge of higher education and scientific didactics and innovative concepts of learner-centred university teaching.

Our offer

The tenure track professorship is initially limited to three years. It will be extendable by a further three years subject to successful intermediate evaluation according to the Regulations on the Interim Evaluation Procedure for Junior Professors at Leipzig University (ZevaO). No later than five years after employment commences, a tenure evaluation will be conducted under the Regulations on the Constitution, Procedure and Evaluation of Tenure Track Professorships at Leipzig University (TTO). The evaluation procedure is based on a binding, mutual evaluation agreement concluded at the start of employment, which sets out the development goals and expectations with regard to the professor’s individual performance in the categories of research, teaching, knowledge transfer as well as academic and non-university commitment. After successful tenure evaluation, appointment to a permanent W3 professorship pursuant to Sect. 60(2) Sentence 2 no. 2 S?chsHSG will take place without readvertising the vacancy.

The employment status and the employment requirements are governed by §§ 64, 65, 72 S?chsHSG and the Saxon Service Regulations for Higher Education Institutions (HSDAVO).

Leipzig University is committed to gender equality.  

Severely disabled persons are encouraged to apply and will be given preference in the case of equal suitability.

Please apply by September 13th, 2024 exclusively via Leipzig University’s recruitment portal

Closing date:

Privacy information

If you choose to apply and send us your documents, you do so voluntarily. Any personal data contained within your application documents, or obtained during an interview, will be processed by Leipzig University – as the advertiser of the position – exclusively for the purposes of the selection process for the position advertised. It will not be passed on to third parties without your consent in the individual case. The legal basis for such data processing is Sect. 11(1) of the Saxon Data Protection Implementation Act (S?chsDSDG) in conjunction with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The controller for the application process within the meaning of the GDPR is the addressee of the application, specified in the advertisement.

Your personal data will be stored for six months after the end of the recruitment process and then erased or destroyed in accordance with data protection regulations. You may refuse or withdraw your consent with effect for the future without giving reasons. In these cases, Leipzig University will not or no longer be able to process and consider your application. Under the GDPR, subject to the relevant statutory requirements you have the following rights vis-à-vis the addressee of the application with regard to your personal data: right of access (Art. 15 GDPR); right to rectification of inaccurate personal data (Art. 16 GDPR); right to erasure (Art. 17 GDPR); right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR); and right to object to processing (Art. 21 GDPR). If you have any questions, please contact the Data Protection Officer at Leipzig University (office: Augustusplatz 10, 04109 Leipzig). You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Saxon Commissioner for Data Protection.