Have you finished studying here or are you on the home straight? Why not join our international Alumni Network and stay in touch with us in the future. We are be happy to inform you about what you can expect after your studies – from starting your career to going abroad.

Certification of diplomas/graduation certificates


You finished your studies and need an apostille of your degree certificates or diplomas (for a fee)?
FPlease contact the Landesdirektion Sachsen (Regional Directorate of Saxony) to arrange for an apostille to be issued. Currently, it is only possible to request one by post. The application must include the application form and your certificates in the original or as a pre-certified copy. Send your application to the following postal address:

  • Landesdirektion Sachsen, Dienststelle Dresden, Stauffenbergallee 2, 01099 Dresden

If you are planning to leave Germany, we recommend that you apply for an apostille before you leave. The apostille can serve as confirmation of your obtained degree for future employers. You can find more information on obtaining an apostille on the website of the Landesdirektion Sachsen and in this information flyer.

Diploma Supplement

Contact your study office/examination office directly for the issuing of a Diploma Supplement. The Diploma Supplement is an important part of the diploma, as it greatly aids the rating and classification of academic degrees for both academic and career purposes. It explains your degree in more detail and also refers to any periods of study abroad. You will receive this in German and English. Please note that no Diploma Supplement can be issued for degree programmes leading to a state examination (Staatsexamen).

Our Alumni Network

We hope that you will always cherish the memory of studying at Leipzig University! It would be great to remain in contact and keep you informed of the latest university news. We would therefore be delighted if you were to join our international Alumni Network!

Our Alumni Network currently comprises almost 2000 alumni from more than 110 nations. Membership is of course free of charge for you.

enlarge the image: Former international students at Leipzig University sit together in the library.
Join our Alumni Network! Photo: Colourbox

Starting a career in Germany

Are you planning to stay in Germany after graduating and work here? Our Career Service for Internationals will be happy to assist you in getting your career off the ground and offers a comprehensive range of services for international students:

  • information & guidance
  • checking application documents
  • workshops/seminars/presentations
  • getting to know companies in the region
  • information on services from other institutions and organisations.

Going abroad after graduating

It’s even possible to complete a period abroad after finishing your studies. Our dedicated page on going abroad after graduating summarises the main points you will need to consider.

enlarge the image: Studierende der Universit?t Leipzig halten gemeinsam einen Globus in die H?he. Nach ihrem Studium steht ihnen die ganze Welt offen.
Why not go abroad after studying? Photo: Christian Hüller

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