Leipzig University’s international alumni network, or LAI for short, fosters contact between the University and its alumni from all over the world. It currently comprises over 2300 alumni from more than 110 nations. Here we inform you about the structure of the network and introduce some of our members. We would be delighted to welcome you as a member of our network. Membership is free of charge.

enlarge the image: Zu sehen auf dem Foto ist eine internationale Menschengruppe auf dem Augustusplatz, im Hintergrund ist das Universit?tsgeb?ude sichtbar. Die Personen scheinen im regen Austausch zu sein, im Hintergrund prangen Plakate mit der Aufschrift "Weltoffene Hochschulen gegen Fremdenfeindlichkeit".
Meeting of DAAD scholarship holders in May 2016 on the topic of biodiversity, photo: Elisabeth B?hme

Over two decades of international alumni activity

Leipzig Alumni International was founded in 1998 as an independent project of our university’s International Centre. The network has grown ever since. The majority of our alumni come from Russia, Vietnam and Ethiopia (former GDR connections) as well as from France, Spain and the US. Our alumni work comprises three areas:

  • maintaining and strengthening contact with the University’s international alumni
  • encouraging the exchange of knowledge and experience among alumni
  • enabling international cooperation.

Leipzig Alumni International addresses former students, exchange students, scholars and lecturers. LAI is also open to all current students, scholars, staff and sponsors and friends of Leipzig University. Everyone has the opportunity to benefit from the connections within the network – be it at the start of their career, for personal development or exchange with other alumni.

Members of LAI benefit from a wide range of services:

  • Membership is free of charge.
  • You will receive our regular newsletter containing information from the University and Leipzig.
  • Once a year you will receive the complimentary alumni magazine LUMAG.
  • We can support your alumni partnerships and projects.
  • Our alumni portal and social media channels allow you to network with other alumni.
  • You can take part in regular subject-specific courses for alumni.
  • We will support your initiative to establish an alumni club in your home country.

We always welcome your project ideas and partnerships that you would like to implement with the help of our network.

Research alumni with LAI

Generally speaking, research alumni are academics who have completed a research stay at our university and now hold a research position outside of Germany. As a member of the network, you can benefit from a number of services:

  • You can apply for scholarships for implementing teaching or research projects and to subsidise printing costs.
  • At the invitation of our university, you can attend conferences and workshops as a speaker.
  • We offer further training events for your scientific qualification and networking.

Become a member

We would be delighted to stay in touch and welcome you as a member of the network. Please use the registration form to join. Registered LAI members can log in below.

Registration form

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Our international alumni

How did our alumni enjoy their time at our university and what are they up to today? Get to know some of the faces of our network.

enlarge the image: Sportwissenschaftlerin Luana Cristina Ferreira dos Santos
Luana Cristina Ferreira dos Santos. Photo: Kirsten Nijhof


“From August 2010 to January 2011 I completed an International Coaching Course (ITK) in swimming at the Faculty of Sport Science. My fondest memory of this time is that of the intercultural exchange with fellow students from all over the world. We would meet at least once a week to go over the contents of the course and then do something together, such as cooking international food or going for a walk. The intercultural exchange was unlike anything else! As the course progressed became one big “family”. I am currently working in the Faculty of Sport Science’s international relations team as a coordinator for our alumni activities. The intercultural understanding that I acquired during my studies now serves as a core competence in my daily work. I am also an international anti-doping officer at national and international events.”

Career at Leipzig University:

  • 2011: Completion of the International Coaching Course (ITK) at the Faculty of Sport Science


  • Project coordinator for alumni activities on the international relations team at the Faculty of Sport Science at Leipzig University
enlarge the image: Ana Beatriz Ribeiro
Ana Beatriz Ribeiro. Photo: private


“I am the founder of The Leipzig Glocal, a lifestyle blog where I publish articles in English about life in Leipzig together with other columnists. Our reports and insider tips have already helped many international students to find their feet in Leipzig. During my studies and time as a doctoral candidate, my writing style has improved considerably, I have become more culturally sensitive and more analytical. I am currently completing my doctorate in global studies at Leipzig University, which I began in 2012. My fondest memory of my time in Leipzig is a live performance together with a doctoral colleague. We sang songs by Britney Spears and Tove Lo at a graduation ceremony in front of professors and other doctoral candidates.”

Career at Leipzig University:

  • 2011: Master’s degree at the Global and European Studies Institute
  • Since 2012: Doctorate at the Graduate School Global and Area Studies


  • Editor-in-Chief of the webzine and blog The Leipzig Glocal
enlarge the image: Portr?t von Abdulaziz Bachouri
Abdulaziz Bachouri. Photo: Christian Hüller


“I came to Leipzig in 2009 to read Arabic Studies and German as a Foreign Language. The University quickly became my second home. I will always remember my enrolment ceremony, at which a foreign student was awarded a DAAD prize for his outstanding achievements and commitment. I decided there and then that one day I, too, would be standing down there to accept that prize. One year after I started my studies, I was already able to give a tutorial of my own (Arabic Phonetics and Conversation) and soon I also took part in a Leipzig University mentoring programme. These jobs supported me financially and intellectually and I enjoyed being in contact with students and organisations. I would recommend that every student get involved during their studies. Because in the end what counts is what you have done for humanity: my philosophy in life is ‘live and give and you shall receive’.”

Career at Leipzig University:

  • 2012: DAAD Prize for outstanding achievements of foreign students studying at German universities
  • 2016: Master’s degree in Arabic Studies


  • Project coordinator at the Saxon State Ministry of Social Affairs and Consumer Protection (Department of Equality and Integration)
enlarge the image: Portr?t Renáta Fixl
Renáta Fixl. Photo: private


“In those days, the subject I studied in Leipzig from 1979 until 1984 was called German Language and Literature for Foreigners. Our seminars were remarkably diverse, with motley groups of students from Vietnam to Cuba, from Italy to Finland. Our alma mater taught us a lot, and not only about our subject. During my studies I was a member of the Hungarian dance group of the Solidarity Ensemble. The ensemble was a suitable platform for stimulating interaction with students from all over the world. At the same time, it strengthened cohesion among us compatriots. Since in the GDR the study of literature was somewhat controlled, I turned more to linguistics, and language history became my favourite subject. I especially remember two lecturers, Mr Forstreuter and Professor Gro?e. The latter also supervised my diploma thesis. To this day I still have many friends and acquaintances who were fellow Hungarian students at that time, whether from the University or from the Academy of Fine Arts.”

Career at Leipzig University:

  • 1984: Graduated as a Diplom-Germanistin


  • Head of the Hungarian office of the German Hanns Seidel Foundation in Budapest
enlarge the image: Port?t Zhang Xiaochen
Zhang Xiaochen


“Whilst studying for my master’s in Global Studies at Leipzig University and the University of Wroc?aw, I picked up innovative tools, interdisciplinary methodology and critical thinking. Since then, this knowledge has helped me to master difficult challenges in my day-to-day work and to find solutions for highly complex issues together with stakeholders. I am President of FinTech4Good, a global fintech and blockchain network that works with start-ups, international companies, non-profit organisations and investors.”

Career at Leipzig University:

  • 2006–2008: Erasmus Mundus MA Global Studies


  • President of FinTech4Good (US)
enlarge the image: Port?t Hayat Abed Ali Hashim
Hayat Abed Ali Hashim. Photo: private


“My time at Leipzig University was an important period in my life. It was my first time studying abroad. I came to Germany as a young girl from a very conservative Muslim family. Coming into contact with foreign students from over 80 nations was to have a profound impact on my future life. After graduating in 1981, I spent another decade working in journalism. I now teach Arabic in California, US. Many political factors have shaped my life and made me the person I am today. For a while I worked as a German-Arabic translator for several newspapers. I liked the German language so much that I studied German at the University of Baghdad. I would love to visit my university in Leipzig again.”

Career at Leipzig University:

  • 1981: Degree in Journalism


  • Arabic teacher in California, US
enlarge the image: Portr?t Dr. Fruzsina Müller
Dr Fruzsina Müller. Photo: private


“In 2005 I came to Leipzig and first worked as a freelance journalist, an exhibition guide at the “Runde Ecke” Museum, and a Hungarian lecturer at the adult education centre. From 2007 to 2016 I did my doctorate at Leipzig University’s Institute for the Study of Culture. At the same time I was enrolled on the Transnationalization and Regionalization international PhD programme. I have fond memories of the trust and encouragement I received from my doctoral supervisor and often from other lecturers. I also like to think back to the small doctoral office and the nice colleagues. During my time at Leipzig University, I learned to always take a critical look at both researched sources and secondary literature. I also learned to work independently and to trust myself. Today these skills are very useful in my work as a historian at Ev.-Luth. Diakonissenhaus Leipzig e. V. My task there is to write the history of the Diakonissenhaus.

Career at Leipzig University:

  • 2016: Doctorate at the Institute for the Study of Culture on the subject of consumerism and fashion in socialist Hungary


  • Historian at Ev.-Luth. Diakonissenhaus Leipzig e. V.

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