Given the fact that transfer services predominantly result from research, the Vice-Rectorate unites the thematically interlinked areas of research and transfer. The Vice-Rectorate is responsible for the development of excellence in research with a view to participation in the national excellence competition and, beyond that, with a view to developing excellent framework conditions for research and transfer. Its remit thus covers strategic, cross-faculty matters pertaining to research and transfer.

enlarge the image: Portraitaufnahme: Prof. Dr. Jens-Karl Eilers
Professor Jens-Karl Eilers, Vice-Rectorate for Excellence Development: Research and Transfer, Photo: Christian Hüller


  • Since April 2022
    Vice-Rector for Excellence Development: Research and Transfer at Leipzig University
  • 2021–2022
    Spokesperson (with Professor M. Sch?nwiesner) of the Graduate School Brain Dynamics at Leipzig University
  • Since 2019
    Member of the advisory board of the Jena Faculty of Medicine
  • 2016–2022
    Spokesperson (with Professor M. Sch?nwiesner) of the Brain Dynamics research profile area at Leipzig University
  • 2012–2020
    Elected member of the DFG Neurosciences grant council
  • 2005–2022
    Acting director of the Carl-Ludwig-Institute of Physiology
  • 2005–2008
    Dean of Study Affairs at the Faculty of Medicine
  • 2003
    Professor of physiology at Leipzig University
  • 2000–2003
    Heisenberg stipend at the Max Planck Institute of Brain Research in Frankfurt, Germany with Professor W. Singer
  • 1999–2000
    Heisenberg stipend at the Department for Neuroscience, Duke University, NC with Professor G. Augustine
  • 1992–1999
    Postdoc with Professor A. Konnerth at the Institute of Physiology of the Medical Faculty of Saarland University
  • 1992–1993
    Postdoc with Professor A. Konnerth at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry in G?ttingen, Germany
  • 1998
    Habilitation in physiology at the Medical Faculty of Saarland University
  • 1994
    Doctorate (with the title Dr. med.) at the Clinics of Surgery of the Universit?t zu Lübeck
  • 1992
    Medical licensure
  • 1985–1992
    Medical studies (Universit?t zu Lübeck, Germany)

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