The unity of research and teaching (“teaching through research”) as well as the community of teachers and learners are fundamental principles for teaching and study at Leipzig University. They unite teachers and students, management and administration in a community of responsibility that is founded on discourse and exchange. The Office for Quality Management in Teaching and Studies sees itself as part of this community and supports the faculties in further developing degree programmes and in optimising teaching-related structures and processes.

The importance of quality management in teaching and learning

Leipzig University aims to offer degree programmes that are in line with academic, didactic and social requirements. We want to produce graduates who are able to think and act in a considered and reflexive way in relation to the world, and to regard themselves critically as global citizens in economic, ecological, social and cultural contexts.

The unity of research and teaching (“teaching through research”) and the idea of the community of learners and teachers fundamentally shape Leipzig University’s culture for teaching and study.

To enable this exchange between teachers and students, quality management in teaching and learning ensures

  • regular events (quality processes)
  • a reliable framework (quality criteria)
  • a sound empirical basis (key indicators and survey data).

Our university has successfully put its quality management system to the test by means of a system accreditation and has been accredited since July 2018.

Central Tasks

The Office for Quality Management in Teaching and Studies (StQE) supports Leipzig’s Rectorate, faculties and degree programmes in all quality management processes in teaching and learning. The key processes in this regard are

  • guidance and support in the context of degree programme and teaching development;
  • quality assessment of degree programmes (committee procedure);
  • evaluation of courses, modules and degree programmes;
  • teaching report procedure;
  • external review of degree programmes;
  • certification of degree programmes; and
  • complaint management relating to teaching and degree programmes.

The basis for this is Leipzig University’s quality management handbook, which is systematically updated by the StQE in coordination with the responsible committees.


Denis Keune

Head of the Office for Quality Management in Teaching and Studies

Ritterstra?e 9-13, Room 3.02
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30005

Dr Christoph Markert


Ritterstra?e 9-13, Room 3.01
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30140

Peggy Schneider


Ritterstra?e 9-13, Room 3.03
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30158

Julia Kilian


Ritterstra?e 9-13, Raum 3.03
04109 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-30060

Steven K?rtge

Teaching Report and Quality Consulting

Ritterstra?e 9-13, Room 3.05
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30141

Dr Christine Taube

Teaching Report and Quality Consulting

Ritterstra?e 9-13, Room 3.09
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30142

Beatrice Hartung

Curriculum Development

Ritterstra?e 9-13, Raum 3.08
04109 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-30062

Esther Donat

External Review

Ritterstra?e 9-13, Room 3.09
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30024

Mandi Strambowski

Curriculum Development

Ritterstra?e 9-13, Raum 3.05
04109 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-30063

Andreas Kasperski

Curriculum Development

Ritterstra?e 9-13, Room 3.08
04109 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-30107