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Do you need to contact an expert as part of your research? Would you like the opinion of a renowned scientist, a short statement or even an entire interview? A number of experts at Leipzig University will be happy to help you.

Your selection:
    Prof. Dr. Tina Malti

    Prof. Dr. Tina Malti

    Research Fields

    • Developmental psychology
    • Psychotherapy
    • Public health


    • Positive development across childhood and adolescence

    • Child and youth mental health

    • Adverse experiences and violence by…

    Dr. Susanne R?mer

    Dr. Susanne R?mer

    Research Fields

    • Developmental psychology
    • Society
    • Pedagogy



    Prof. Dr. Henrik Saalbach

    Prof. Dr. Henrik Saalbach

    Research Fields

    • Psychology
    • Developmental psychology


    • Sprache und schulisches Lernen
    • Sprache und Denken
    • Sprachentwicklung
    • Mehrsprachigkeit und Lernen/Denken
    • Lehrersprache im…
    Prof. Dr. Susanne Viernickel

    Prof. Dr. Susanne Viernickel

    Research Fields

    • Developmental psychology
    • Pedagogy
    • Education, educational sciences


    P?dagogik der frühen Kindheit

    Dr. Robert Wilkens

    Dr. Robert Wilkens

    Research Fields

    • Pedagogy
    • Psychology
    • Developmental psychology
    Prof. Dr. Hannes Zacher

    Prof. Dr. Hannes Zacher

    Research Fields

    • Psychology
    • Developmental psychology
    • Human resources


    • Alter, Altern
    • Lebensspannenpsychologie
    • berufliche Entwicklung
    • Anpassungsf?higkeit
    • Stress
    • berufliches Wohlbefinden
    • Eigeninitiat…

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