Prof. Dr. Hannes Zacher

Prof. Dr. Hannes Zacher


Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie
St?dtisches Kaufhaus
Neumarkt 9, Room 2041
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35932
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35933


Hannes Zacher is Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at the Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Leipzig University, in Germany. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Giessen in 2009 and subsequently worked in academic positions in Australia and the Netherlands. In his research program, he investigates occupational health and well-being, proactive and adaptive employee behavior, aging at work and career development, as well as environmentally sustainable behavior in organizations. Across these research agendas, he employs multiple methodologies, including longitudinal surveys, experience sampling studies, and experiments. His research is well supported through competitive grants (German Science Foundation, Volkswagen Foundation) and industry funding. He has published over 180 articles in international journals and serves on a number of national and international journal editorial boards.

Professional career

  • since 10/2016
    Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology, University of Leipzig, Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology
  • 01/2016 - 09/2016
    Professor of Innovation and Human Resource Management, Queensland University of Technology (Australia)
  • 01/2014 - 12/2015
    Associate Professor of Organizational Psychology, University of Groningen (Netherlands)
  • 07/2010 - 12/2013
    Lecturer in Organizational Psychology, The University of Queensland (Australia)
  • 04/2009 - 04/2010
    Postdoctoral Fellow in Lifespan Psychology, Jacobs University Bremen (Germany)


  • 10/2006 - 07/2009
    Ph.D. in Psychology (Dr. phil.), Justus-Liebig-University Gie?en
  • 10/2000 - 10/2006
    Diploma (B.Sc./M.Sc.) in Psychology, Technical University of Braunschweig
  • Centre for Digital Work
    Zacher, Hannes
    Duration: 10/2020 – 12/2022
    Funded by: andere Bundesministerien
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie; Innovationsmanagement/-?konomie (IMW)
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  • The Role of Work in the Development of Civilization Diseases
    Zacher, Hannes
    Duration: 10/2020 – ongoing
    Funded by: Stiftungen Inland
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie
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    Zacher, Hannes
    Duration: 07/2020 – 12/2021
    Funded by: Stiftungen Inland
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie
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  • Understanding Effects of Idle Time on Employee Outcomes: The Role of Work Characteristics and Action Regulation Strategies
    Zacher, Hannes
    Duration: 04/2020 – 03/2023
    Funded by: DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie
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  • Stereotype threat, disengagement, and wellbeing among older employees
    Zacher, Hannes
    Duration: 01/2019 – 12/2021
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie
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more projects

  • Dietz, C.; Zacher, H.; Scheel, T.; Otto, K.; Rigotti, T.
    Leaders as a role models: Effects of leader presenteeism on employee presenteeism and sick leave
    Work & Stress. 2020. 34 (3). pp. 300–322.
    show details
  • Zacher, H.; Schmitt, A.; Jimmieson, N. L.; Rudolph, C. W.
    Dynamic effects of personal initiative on engagement and exhaustion: The role of mood, autonomy, and support
    Journal of organizational behavior. 2019. 40 (1). pp. 38–58.
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  • Zacher, H.; Kooij, D. T. A. M.; Beier, M. E.
    Active aging at work: Contributing factors and implications for organizations
    Organizational dynamics. 2018. 47 (1). pp. 37–45.
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  • Gielnik, M. M.; Zacher, H.; Wang, M.
    Age in the Entrepreneurial Process: The Role of Future Time Perspective and Prior Entrepreneurial Experience
    E-journal of applied psychology. 2018. pp. 1067–1085.
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more publications

Research fields

Psychology, Developmental psychology, Human resources


  • Alter, Altern
  • Lebensspannenpsychologie
  • berufliche Entwicklung
  • Anpassungsf?higkeit
  • Stress
  • berufliches Wohlbefinden
  • Eigeninitiative
  • Selbstmanagement, Innovation, Führung
  • Unternehmensgründungen
  • umweltfreundliches Verhalten

Contact for media inquiries

Phone: +49 341 97-35932