Dr. Robert Wilkens

Dr. Robert Wilkens

Lecturer (LfbA)

P?dagogische Psychologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Lehren, Lernen und Entwicklung
Haus 3
Marschnerstra?e 31, Room 234
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31264
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31269


Robert Wilkens is a research assistant at the Center for Teacher Education and School Research (ZLS). In this capacity, he works in the team of the "Scientific Training for Teachers in the Side Entry into Elementary Schools" (wAL GS) and is responsible for both the educational science module "Developmental and Instructional Psychology" and the accompanying evaluation research.

As a teacher for special tasks at the Chair of "Educational Psychology with a Focus on Teaching, Learning and Development", he teaches in the educational science modules "Developmental Psychology" and "Learning and Instruction".

Focus of research are the health of teachers, mindful university and professional competencies of teachers.

Robert Wilkens is a trained IEGL-moderator (www.ichundmeineschule.eu) and a mindful teacher.

Professional career

  • 01/1999 - 07/2003
    Student Assistant - Department of Educational Psychology - Department of Adult Education- Department of Media Education and further Education
  • since 08/2003
    Freelance Lecturer, Specialized in Early Childhood Education, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology
  • since 10/2009
    Researcher and lecturer at Leipzig University, Faculty of Educational Sciences Department of Educational Psychology (Prof. Siegfried Hoppe-Graff, since 2015: Prof. Saalbach)
  • 10/2017 - 09/2022
    Researcher at the Center for Teacher Education and Research (ZLS) wAL GS (Scientific training for teachers as lateral entrant for primary schools)
  • since 06/2022
    Lecturer and coach on "Teacher Health" and IEGL moderator (www.ichundmeineschule.eu).


  • 10/1997 - 07/2003
    Studies (Masters) in Educational Science, Communication and Media Studies, Media Pedagogy, Educational Psychology and Pedagogy at Leipzig University and Université de Fribourg
  • 08/2003 - 05/2010
    Doctoral Dissertation (Dr. phil.) at Leipzig University, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Title: Teacher-student-interactions following transgressions. A case study on internalisation of rules of conduct in primary school.
  • Developmental and Instructional Psychology (lecture and seminar)

    Lecture and seminar for wAL GS

  • Developmental Psychology

    Seminar for the educational science module 3 of teacher training (state examination).

  • Learning and instruction

    Seminar for the educational science module 4 of teacher training (state examination).

  • Fostering of giftedness: basics-methods-results

    Seminar in the module of the MA program "Talent Development and Competency Development", Module 9: Approaches, Measures, and Programs of Talent Development.

  • Developmental Psychology and Learning and Instruction

    Seminar for the side entry program.

  • Preparation of the Primary school practice

    Supervision of the day and block internship.

  • Observation of transgressions

    Project seminar for the preparation of the school practical studies (SPS).

  • Condition, process, and censequences of teaching and learning

    Seminar for the educational science module 2 of teacher training in the BA/MA system.

Research fields

Pedagogy, Psychology, Developmental psychology

Contact for media inquiries

Phone: +49 341 97-31264