Our guest apartments at Ritterstra?e 12 and in the IBZ serve as accommodation for scholarship holders, visiting researchers, professors and their families. How much an apartment costs depends on its size, but also on how long you use it for.

Rental prices

Number of rooms

Rent per month







The minimum time of stay is one month.

All rates include the German broadcasting licence fee. It is not possible to rent the apartments by the day.


Depending on the type of apartment, you will be required to pay a deposit in advance. The amount of this deposit is shown in the following table.

Number of rooms

more than 3 months







Number of rooms

Rent per month







All rates include the German broadcasting licence fee. It is not possible to rent the apartments by the day. We can only consider bookings for less than three months if there are gaps between longer stays, such as during the semester break. Bookings for research semesters are given priority.

Depending on the type of apartment, you will be required to pay a deposit in advance. The amount of this deposit is shown in the following table.

Number of rooms








  • Monthly rent: 1,200.00 Euros (including additional costs, electricity, television)
  • Final cleaning fee: 160.00 Euros
  • During the heating period (October - April) the operating costs increase by 50.00 Euros / month
  • Deposit: 1,500.00 Euros

Transferring your rent

You will need to pay your rent into the specified account in accordance with your rental agreement. It is not possible to pay in cash or by card at the guest house itself.

Overnight stays by visitors

Overnight stays by visitors are subject to permission and must be registered with the guest house management. The maximum length of stay for guests is two weeks. There is a charge of ten euros per night.

Our guest houses

enlarge the image: Blick auf das G?stehaus der Universit?t (Ritterstr. 12) sowie die Nicolais?ule
enlarge the image: Rote Fassade des Werner-Heisenberg-Hauses der Universit?t. Die B?ume vor dem Geb?ude lassen erahnen, dass es in einer besonders gr¨¹nen Umgebung steht.

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