Being what’s known as an auditor, or “Gasth?rer:in”, lets you attend lectures and classes at our university without being enrolled on a degree programme. Auditor status is suitable for anyone who wishes to learn more about the subjects that interest them, either during or after their professional career. You do not need a higher education entrance qualification to apply for auditor status. This page explains how to become an auditor at Leipzig University and what this means for you.

Applying for Auditor Status

As an auditor, you are free to attend courses at Leipzig University without any obligations. You are not entitled to take examinations, but may be able to have achievements on some courses certified (by arrangement with the relevant lecturers), which you can then have count towards your studies later on if you enrol.

Auditor Status for Refugees

If you are a refugee or asylum seeker, you can apply for auditor status. You are not permitted to take examinations. You will need to complete the auditor status application for refugees. If you need more information, please read our FAQs about studying for refugees or send us an email. The association “Hilfe für ausl?ndische Studierende in Leipzig e.V.” will also be happy to support you in all matters relating to your everyday life and studies.

Please note:
Being granted auditor status – Gasth?rerschaft in German – does not mean you have the status of an enrolled student. This means, for example, that you are not entitled to the “semester ticket” for public transport.

As an auditor, you are also not permitted to attend language courses at Leipzig University. Please refer to the Language Center and Spracheninstitut websites for more information.

You do not have to fulfil any specific requirements to be granted auditor status. You do not even require a higher education entrance qualification. However, you must not be enrolled as a student at Leipzig University. The following may be granted auditor status:

  • School pupils
  • Students from other higher education institutions
  • Jobseekers
  • Refugees
  • Parents on parental leave
  • People in work
  • Retirees.

To become an auditor, select the courses you are interested in from the Leipzig University course catalogue and submit an

application for auditor status

If you have chosen courses from different institutes, you will need to apply separately for each institute. You can hand in the completed application form in person or send it to us in the post, by fax or email by the start of the lecture period for the relevant semester.

As an auditor at Leipzig University, you will be required to pay 80 euros fee each semester.

The fee is discounted to 45 euros if one of the following applies to you:

  • You depend on basic state benefits under Book XII of the German Social Code (SGB)
  • You receive benefits under Book II of the SGB (“Bürgergeld”)
  • You hold a “Leipzig-Pass”.

You will have to reapply for this discount each semester. Please submit appropriate proof with your application.

For students of other universities, for school pupils, and for refugees, auditor status is free of charge upon presentation of a valid certificate.

Halle-Jena-Leipzig Central German University Alliance

Are you studying at Leipzig, Halle or Jena? Would you like to attend courses at one of the other two universities? Under the Halle-Jena-Leipzig Central German University Alliance, you can attend courses at one of the other universities. This is a useful way to broaden your horizons during your studies. Find out how it works here.

The Halle-Jena-Leipzig Central German University Alliance enables students of the three universities to organise their studies individually and offers the following possibilities:

  • Attend lectures and classes
  • Earn credits
  • Use libraries and other university facilities
  • Recognition of prior credits after determination of equivalence by the responsible examination office of the home university.

In order for credits you earn to be recognised at your home university, please clarify with your examination office before submitting your application whether it will be possible to have the courses and credits count towards your degree.

Each university’s website provides information about the courses offered:

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Leipzig University

For advice and information and to receive your auditor card, please contact:

Leipzig University

 Heidrun Eger

Heidrun Eger

Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung / Fernstudium

Goethestra?e 3-5, Room 1.04
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30050
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31130050

You can contact the following at the partner universities in Halle and Jena:

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Abteilung 1 Studium und Lehre
Referat 1.3 Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung, Studiengebühren, Stipendien und Wahlen
Barfü?erstra?e 17 (Hinterhaus)
06108 Halle (Saale)

Jana F?hling
Tel.: +49345 5521321
Fax: +49345 5527608

Send email


Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Dezernat für akademische und studentische Angelegenheiten
Studierenden-Service-Zentrum (SSZ)
Am Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena

Phone: +49 3641 93-1111
Fax: +49 3641 93-1112

Send email
