All of the services mentioned here provide free, open-ended, and confidential advice.

Switch to the German version of this page for the full range of services.

Current and prospective international students

Before your studies

  • How does studying at Leipzig University work?
  • Which subjects can I choose?

International Centre

The International Centre advises current and prospective international students on all matters related to our courses of study, the application process, and studying at Leipzig University.


  • Are my degrees and qualifications recognised in Germany?
  • What can I study in Germany with my degrees and qualifications?
  • Which requirements do I need to meet before studying?

International Centre

The International Centre provides information and advice to prospective international students on entry requirements, application procedures, and admission to both undergraduate programmes leading to bachelor’s, Diplom, and State Examination degrees, as well as to master’s programmes.


  • How do I apply for an exchange program at Leipzig University?
  • What requirements do I need to meet?

International Centre

The International Centre advises international students from our European and global partner universities on admission requirements and guides them through the entire process, from nomination to enrolment.

  • Are there counselling and advisory services available for prospective students who are refugees?

International Centre

The International Centre advises refugees on topics such as study requirements, study preparation, application procedures, and the start of their studies, as well as other support services.

  • What level of German language proficiency do I need in order to study?
  • Do I need to complete a preparatory course (Studienkolleg) before starting my studies?

International Centre

The International Centre provides advice and information on academic and language preparation opportunities for all courses offered.

Arriving in Leipzig

  • Which visa do I need for entry to study?
  • How do I obtain a residence permit?

International Centre

At the International Centre, you will find information and advisory services on the subject of entry and residence in Germany.

  • How do I find a room in a student hall of residence or an apartment / shared living space?
  • Who can answer legal questions regarding renting or other concerns related to housing and tenancy?

Studentenwerk Leipzig

The Studentenwerk Leipzig is available to assist you with questions related to housing in Leipzig.

Student Council

The Leipzig University Student Council offers legal advice on rental and housing issues, as well as support in case of rental disputes.

  • How do I finance my studies?
  • What scholarships and financial aid options are available?

Studentenwerk Leipzig

The Studentenwerk Leipzig advises you on all questions related to student financing, including information on BAf?G grants from the state, part-time student jobs, education loans, and scholarships.

Information on various scholarship opportunities can be found on Leipzig University’s website. Additionally, the scholarship database of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) lists funding opportunities for international students and scholars.

  • What health insurance do I need?
  • What is covered by the accident insurance provided by Leipzig University?

International Centre

The International Centre provides information and advice on insurance coverage for international students, including health insurance matters.

During your studies

  • How and where do I re-register for the upcoming semester?
  • How do I apply for a leave of absence or exmatriculation?

International Centre

The International Centre provides advice and information on all matters related to academic organisation like enrolment, re-enrolment, leaves of absence, and exmatriculation.

  • Who can I turn to with questions regarding my course of study?

Academic advisers

You can seek guidance on the course of studies from the academic advisers of your programme. To do so, please choose your programme in the linked overview and navigate to the Contact section.

Study offices

You can clarify administrative matters related to your course of studies (e.g. module registration, recognition of credits, examination issues) at your faculty’s study office.

  • Where do I get information about recognition of credits?

Study offices

The faculty study offices provide advice on the recognition of credits from previous study programmes and can assist you in planning your further course of studies.

  • Where can I find support in writing my term paper or thesis?
  • Are there resources available to learn about academic research and writing?

Academic Lab

The Academic Lab offers interested students not only writing advice but also guidance on research methods and software (in collaboration with the University Computing Centre), along with numerous other support services for learning and enhancing academic practices.

  • How do I navigate the university library?

University Library

Personal consultations based on subject and topic can be scheduled in the University Library.

  • Whom can I contact regarding matters related to examination issues?

Study offices

You can consult the examination management in the faculty study offices for inquiries such as registration/cancellation of exams, examination dates and deadlines, objections, and issuance of certificates.

  • What do I have to consider when switching degree programmes?

International Centre

You can receive advice on switching your degree programme, with either restricted or unrestricted admissions, or on placement in a higher academic semester from the International Centre.

  • Where can I get advice on taking a leave of absence?

International Centre

For questions regarding a leave of absence from your studies, you can contact the International Centre.


  • Who can help me with general challenges in my studies?
  • What should I do about motivational issues and procrastination?
  • Who can support me when having doubts about my studies and thoughts of quitting?

International Centre

If you are having second thoughts about studying, language challenges, performance and motivation issues, feeling stressed and overwhelmed in your studies, experiencing communication problems, or if you are considering alternatives to your current course of study, you can make use of the counselling services offered by the International Centre.

  • How do I cope with difficulties, stress, and anxiety in everyday life?

Psychological counselling

When facing personal challenges in your studies such as motivation issues, exam and presentation anxieties, writer’s block, dealing with stress and emotional crises, you can take advantage of the initial psychological counsleling at the Student Service Centre (SSZ).

Psychosocial counselling by the Studentenwerk Leipzig

The psychosocial counselling service offered by the Studentenwerk Leipzig provides advice on topics including doubts about your choice of study, exam anxieties, procrastination, self-doubt, depressive moods, fears, issues related to alcohol and drugs, or if you are dealing with mental health conditions.

Psychosocial counselling by the Student Council

The psychosocial counselling service provided by the Student Council is an easily accessible point of contact for challenges and stresses in student life, offering open consultation hours and individual appointments for counseling.

Enhance project

The Enhance project provides a range of counselling services for mental health problems and stress in student life as part of a research initiative.

Studying in special circumstances

  • What can I do if I experience discrimination?

Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs

The Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs provides support in the event of discrimination and offers information, including on sexualised as well as racist discrimination.

Foreign Students Unit of the Student Council

The Foreign Students Unit of the Student Council offers consultation hours on topics such as issues with authorities, equal treatment, and support in addressing discriminatory measures.


  • What support services are available for students with health impairments?

Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs

The Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs provides individual counseling services and information on studying with a disability or chronic illness, including topics such as accessible workplaces, compensatory measures, and assistance with mental health challenges.

Commissioner for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses

For questions about the University’s support services, information regarding compensatory measures, and conflict cases, you can avail yourself of the counselling services provided by the Commissioner for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses.

Social counselling Service

At the Social Counseling Service of the Studentenwerk Leipzig, you can receive support on topics such as accessible housing, financing your studies and additional needs, communication aids, connecting with volunteers, or contacts to authorities and self-help groups.

  • Where can I find support if I am pregnant or studying with a child?
  • Where can I find advice if I am taking care of family members?

Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs

The Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs provides support with offers for studying with children (during a semester abroad), maternity leave for students, childcare and information on the topic. The free ELDERCARE programme is available for students who are caring for relatives.

Social counselling service

The social counselling service of Studentenwerk Leipzig advises student mothers and parents (and those who are expecting a child) on matters related to study organisation, financial perspectives, living with children, childcare, and other related topics.

After your studies

  • Where can I get information about transitioning from my studies to the professional world?
  • What skills do I need for a successful career entry?
  • What should I consider in my job application?

Career Service for International Students

The Career Service for International Students provides information and advice on entering the German job market, reviews application documents, and offers workshops and seminars on the application process and improving your German in a professional context.

  • How do I apply for a doctorate at Leipzig University?

International Centre

The International Centre provides information and advice to international students on the requirements, application process, and funding opportunities for a doctorate.


  • Where can I seek advice for general questions about my doctorate?
  • What support services are available from other doctoral candidates?

Graduate Academy Leipzig

The Graduate Academy Leipzig offers diverse support for doctoral students and postdocs during the orientation phase, in addition to the offerings provided by the faculties.

Doctoral Candidates’ Council

The Doctoral Candidates’ Council provides voluntary counselling for doctoral candidates and students with plans for doctoral studies.

  • How do I exmatriculate?

International Centre

The International Centre is available for questions related to exmatriculation (removal from the University register).

  • After completing my studies, how can I stay in touch with Leipzig University?

Leipzig Alumni International

International alumni of Leipzig University have the opportunity to become part of the global network Leipzig Alumni International and thus stay connected to their alma mater. This includes regular alumni newsletters, the alumni magazine, and participation in various events. Those who wish to share their own knowledge and experiences with the next generation of students can do so through the mentoring programme.

Starting your studies and beginning of the semester

  • How does the enrolment process work?
  • What are the steps for a successful start to my studies?

International Centre

The International Centre provides advice on enrolment and the first steps towards a successful course of study.

  • How does module registration work?
  • Which registration procedures apply to my degree programme?

Study offices

At your faculty’s study office, you will receive subject-specific advice regarding module registration.