Die Pflege und Betreuung von Angeh?rigen soll mit einem Studium an unserer Universit?t vereinbar sein. Nutzen Sie unseren Pflegewegweiser für einen ersten ?berblick über Unterstützungsleistungen und Vorsorgem?glichkeiten. Ob telefonische Beratung oder Vor-Ort-Pflegeberatung – unser kostenfreies Programm ELDERCARE bietet Unterstützung bei Pflege und Betreuung.

Care guide

The DIGITAL CARE GUIDE of the Koordinierungsstelle Chancengleichheit Sachsen (KCS) provides information on legal definitions, care recipient entitlements, support services for caregiving family members, precautionary measures, as well as helpful links. A care glossary explains important terms.

ELDERCARE: Free counselling and support

Receive support in caring for family members: In nursing and care homes, professional caregivers ensure round-the-clock care. In home care, however, it requires a trusting collaboration with the caregiving family members.

Our nursing specialists support and relieve you as caregiving family members. The comprehensive range of services includes various elements for guidance, consultation, and training:


Submit your callback request via the Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs to our partner.

At regular intervals, our partner offers ELDERCARE consultation hours. There, you can clarify your questions regarding a “sudden nursing case” with care experts. Additionally, you can schedule individual appointments. Currently, the office hours are conducted exclusively online or by telephone. Please express your interest to the Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs.

The trained nursing professionals can also provide a free care training session in the household of the care recipient or the family member if needed. This may become necessary if a family member needs to be cared for at home unexpectedly or if this is foreseeable. Participants will be empowered to ensure safe care and support for their family member. This can help prevent highly stressful events and crises between the caregiver and the care recipient in advance. Additional consultations can be arranged if needed. 

In collaboration with the care insurance companies, free nursing courses are also offered where the essential basics of home care and support can be learned. The nursing courses are aimed at family members who are already providing care and those who are considering this decision but have not yet started caregiving.

As not everyone has the opportunity or time to attend nursing courses and information events in person, various ONLINE COURSES can be attended on the Curendo website. You can access the e-learning for free from anywhere and at a convenient time.

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