Are you interested in more than one study programme and open to the idea of earning two degrees at the same time? Enrolling as a double degree student lets you pursue two programmes at Leipzig University at once. In exceptional cases, it is also possible to enrol at two different universities.

Double Degrees at Our University

At Leipzig University, you can be enrolled on more than one programme at the same time, letting you earn more than one degree. Please apply for a double degrees via the AlmaWeb portal. Once you have applied online, a PDF document will be created. This will explain how to notify the Student Office of your double degree in your individual case.

In principle, you can combine all the subjects from our range of courses for your double degree programme. Please bear in mind a few important details:

  • Two study programmes with no admission restrictions can be combined without any problems.

  • You can also enrol in one study programme without admission restrictions and one restricted programme.

  • Applications for two restricted study programmes will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

All information on the individual programmes and the admission requirements can be found here.

  • No matter how many degree programmes you enrol in, you only have to pay the semester fee once.
  • Do you wish to apply for a leave of absence? A leave of absence is only possible for both programmes at the same time.
  • Please notify the Student Office if you decide to give up your double degree. A written notification is sufficient.
  • Please note the option of studying part-time is not open to students enrolled on two degree programmes.
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Photo: Christian Hüller

Studying at More Than One University

In exceptional cases, it is also possible to study on two degree programmes at different universities.

According to Section 19 of the Saxon Higher Education Act, studying at two different universities in parallel is possible if this is appropriate for the purpose of studying.

If you wish to pursue a teaching degree offered in cooperation with the Academy of Music and Theatre (HMT), please do not submit an application for separate degree programmes.

  • ? If you are already a student at our university, please submit an application to study at two universities to the Student Office. If you do not yet study here, please apply via the AlmaWeb portal and then submit the additional application together with your enrolment documents.

  • We will review your documents and then notify you of our decision via your AlmaWeb account.

  • If your application to study at more than one university is approved, please provide us with a copy of your enrolment certificate from your second university. To do this, send an email with your name and enrolment number, with the enrolment certificate as an attachment, to your contact person.

  • For as long as you continue to study at two universities, please always send us a current enrolment certificate from your second university when you re-enrol for the following semester.

If you intend to study at two different universities, you will need to decide which is your main university – where you enrol as a Haupth?rer – and which is your second university – where you enrol as a Nebenh?rer. If Leipzig is your main university, you pay the semester fee and have the rights of regular students. Please state your decision when applying to study at two different universities.

If your bachelor’s certificate is the only document you are unable to hand in by the beginning of the semester, you do not have to apply to be enrolled at two universities!

If you have been enrolled at our university for at least one semester, you can apply for a leave semester. Since both universities must agree to your leave of absence, please apply for it at both universities.

It is not possible to take a leave of absence in the first semester of study at Leipzig University.

If you decide to stop studying at an additional university, please submit a certificate of exmatriculation from your second university to the Student Office. If you successful completed the degree, please also submit a certified copy of your degree certificate. If you only want to continue your studies at your second university, please exmatriculate from Leipzig University.

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