Press release 2022/153 from

The association ¡°Hilfe f¨¹r ausl?ndische Studierende in Leipzig e.V.¡± (Aid for international students in Leipzig) is committed to the task of helping international students at higher education institutions in Leipzig who suddenly find themselves in dire emergency situations. ¡°As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and Ukraine war, the number of students in need has risen sharply,¡± said Professor Hans-Bert Rademacher, chair of the association and professor for differential geometry in the Institute of Mathematics at Leipzig University. However, the association is reaching its financial limits.

¡°The association¡¯s board is currently being confronted with the situation that an increasing number of international students are facing financial difficulties, while at the same time the association¡¯s funds are exhausted. We recently had to reduce the maximum funding amount from €500 to €400 ¨C in some cases, this maximum amount is just a drop in the bucket,¡± said Rademacher. ¡°And for the first time in our thirty-year history as an association, we unfortunately had no choice but to reject some applications.¡±

The association has already provided assistance to 39 students in need this year and expects to continue receiving applications in the coming months. Rademacher said, ¡°We don¡¯t yet know what effect the rising food and energy prices will have on international students. It¡¯s very likely that more international students will face financial hardship like this and need non-bureaucratic help.¡±

Thanks to the initiative of the former rector Professor Beate Sch¨¹cking, two years ago the association launched a fundraising campaign for students who had fallen on hard times due to the pandemic. The donations amounted to more than €57,000 and helped 118 students from 44 countries. The University Society for Friends and Supporters of Leipzig University awarded the association a special prize for its outstanding commitment during the coronavirus crisis. Professor Rademacher was awarded the University Medal in 2021 for his work.

Shortly after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the University Society for Friends and Supporters of Leipzig University and the ¡°Hilfe f¨¹r ausl?ndische Studierende e.V.¡± association called for donations for students and academics who were facing financial hardship as a result of the war. A month later the initial payments were disbursed.

Bank account:

Verein f¨¹r ausl?ndische Studierende e.V.
Sparkasse Leipzig
IBAN: DE16 8605 5592 1181 1344 86
BIC: WELADE8LXXX (Sparkasse Leipzig)

All contributions and donations are tax deductible. At the beginning of each calendar year, donation receipts are issued and sent for the previous year. When transferring money, we therefore ask you to provide your complete address in the payment reference.

Further information: 

Hilfe f¨¹r ausl?ndische Studierende in Leipzig e.V.