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Magnetic resonance techniques are used in a wide range of scientific disciplines and in practice. The best-known example is magnetic resonance imaging in medicine. These techniques are currently enjoying a major boost thanks to the rapidly developing field of spin hyperpolarization. This can considerably increase the intensity of signals, counteracting the relatively low sensitivity of magnetic resonance. Together with twelve other scientists from Europe and the US, J?rg Matysik, a chemistry professor from Leipzig, has published a review article on the current state of research in this field in the prestigious journal "Chemical Reviews".

“Hyperpolarization gives new impetus to existing magnetic resonance applications and opens the door to exciting new possibilities,” says Professor J?rg Matysik. “I am very honoured to be part of this select team of international writers. We hope that this review work will facilitate the exchange of knowledge between the subfields of this broad topic in order to rapidly overcome existing challenges in magnetic resonance and enable new applications.”

In their article, the scientists provide a harmonised picture of the numerous methods and techniques that fall under the umbrella term hyperpolarization and also explain its origins. Technical requirements, typical applications and unsolved problems are also discussed. The authors cite a range of key areas for development, including “prolonging polarization lifetimes, making hyperpolarization techniques more generally applicable to chemical/biological systems [and] reducing the technical [...] requirements”.

Publication in ?Chemical Reviews“:
“Spin Hyperpolarization in Modern Magnetic Resonance”, authored by J?rg Matysik together with twelve other researchers, Chemical Reviews, online: 26 January 2023, print edition: 22 February 2023,