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The Brain Dynamics Graduate School and the Institute of Biology invite you to the Open Lab Day. Members of the Research Group Sch?nwiesner will introduce you to their research and demonstrate two experimental designs used in investigating how the brain encodes and processes simple and complex sounds.

Research interests:

We are interested in how the brain encodes and processes simple and complex sounds and how these mechanisms change when people adjust to new listening situations. For this we use various techniques that can alter our auditory perception, such as modifying the shape of the ears with silicone moulds, artificially generating unidentifiable sound objects or retraining of acoustic cues in virtual reality environments. These studies address basic mechanisms of sound processing that underlie all higher human auditory functions, such as speech and music perception. We are especially interested in looking at individual brains, rather than group averages, with the aim of understanding how differences in brain processing relate to differences in perception and behaviour. Currently, we investigate human auditory systems, with an expansion to incorporate rodent model systems under way.

Experiment Demonstrations:

  1. Free field - the experiment is a part of the study, which explores the topic of how high-level structures in music and language modulate the perception of low-level acoustic qualities of sound, such as spatial location. During the experiment participants sit in the anechoic chamber filled with loudspeakers, and listen to music. The task is to localise where the sound comes from.
  2. “Cathedral” - it is unknown how auditory distance is perceived after people have been adapting to new sounds and their reflections in large halls. In this experiment you will go through a series of distance perception tasks and we will see how your perception of space changes, shifts or skews after audiovisual training.

Time & Location:

When: Thursday, May 23rd 2024, 9:00 a.m.

Where: Seminarraum 111 (1st Floor), Institute of Biology, Talstra?e 33

Preliminary program:

9.00 - 9.30 – Introduction to the lab

9.30 - 10.45 – Experiment demonstrations in 2 groups (Round 1)

10.45 - 12.00 – Experiment demonstrations in 2 groups (Round 2)

12.00 - 13.00 – Pizza and discussion time


The number of participants is limited to 6, on a first-come, first-served basis. If there is more interest, we are happy to offer another afternoon session on the same day.
If you are interested in the Open Lab Day, please send a short registration email.