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The ???H Colloquium is organised two to three times per semester as a half-day workshop and aims at disentangling challenging topics of the RTG. It starts with a brown-bag lunch with the guest lecturer and the doctoral (and postdoctoral) researchers. Subsequently, two doctoral researchers present their research in progress reports and a ???H PI gives an introductory presentation. After the coffee break, a guest expert delivers a tutorial-style focused lecture on a topic related to one of ???H’s major research areas.



Prof. Mischa Bonn
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz

Molecular structure and dynamics of (heavy) water at interfaces


Prof. Stefan Kaskel
Dresden University of Technology

Switchable metal-organic frameworks: understanding and functions


Announcement (PDF)
PDF 165 KB


The public sessions of the 1,2,3H Colloquium are streamed. Details can be found in the individual announcements.