Our dedicated graduate training programme is structured according to the guidelines of the Research Academy Leipzig. Each doctoral researcher benefits from a supervision agreement, a personal development plan and a research data management plan. The latter two documents will be updated regularly. After finishing, the doctoral researchers will receive a transcript of courses.

RTG, doctoral researcher and semester timelines

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(*) In case of an unforeseen delay, the doctoral researcher can file for an extension. (**) The personal development plan is updated annually, the data management plan when needed.

The qualification programme extends over three years and encompasses, on average, 4.0 semester hours in addition to the individual research programme. It was developed to provide 1,2,3H-specific academic training, career-developing skills, as well as contact to the world-leading researchers in the field to effectively prepare doctoral researchers for their professional careers. Three general types of educational activities are offered: study courses (C), fora (F) and science-related activities (A).

Study courses are designed to effectively transfer relevant basic and advanced scientific knowledge as well as to train key skills. Fora, comprising the 1,2,3H Doctoral Forum and the 1,2,3H Colloquium, represent real and digital meeting places for open discussions. The informal 1,2,3H Doctoral Forum, is organized every two weeks by and for the doctoral researchers to stimulate regular scientific as well as social exchange. Scientific presentations, status reports and tutorials are part of the more formal 1,2,3H Colloquium, a half-day event organized up to four times per semester. Science-related activities include lab rotations, research stays, annual retreats (1,2,3H Workshop), the triannual 1,2,3H Summer School, and conferences. These are intended to establish a creative environment by intensifying scientific collaborations, fostering efficient network building, and stimulating informal discussions.

Dedicated basic and advanced courses offered by the PIs of ???H

The course programme includes basic, advanced and key skill courses. The academic basic and advanced courses are specifically devised for the 1,2,3H research programme and held predominantly by the PIs, sometimes also assisted by the academic guests. They will typically be organized in the form of two-day block courses as part of a biennial cycle. The individual course programme is defined in the PDP and depends on the background of the doctoral researcher. If not specified otherwise, two basic, two advanced, and two key skill courses are suggested as part of the three-year doctoral education.

# Basic Courses

Introduction to Radiochemistry and Isotopic Labelling
The course imparts knowledge on basics and applications of radioactivity, including nuclear and radiochemistry, with a focus on radiotracer methods and radioanalytics. General aspects of isotopic labelling, use of non-hydrogen isotopes in material science and medicine (e.g. positron emission tomography and therapeutical radiopharmaceuticals) and application of hydrogen isotopes are introduced.

Date: March/April 2022


Introduction to Nuclear Quantum Effects
There are many processes in chemistry, physics or materials science in which nuclear degrees of freedom cannot be treated using the laws of classical mechanics. This is especially the case for processes involving light nuclei such as proton or H-atom transfer reactions where reaction rates are significantly affected by tunnelling effects. The course will introduce NQEs from a theoretical and an experimental perspective. Static quantum chemistry methods are introduced, which consider NQEs of hydrogen isotopes on minima structures and reaction barriers, e.g., large-curvature tunnelling methods. A hands-on tutorial will complement the course.

Date: 13-14 September 2022


Analytical Techniques for Isotope Detection
The course gives an overview of the various analytical techniques for the detection of nuclear isotopes. The participants will be introduced into the general principles, experimental setups, strengths, drawbacks, and detection limits of the most important isotope detection methods, including secondary ion mass spectrometry, nuclear microanalysis, mass spectrometry, infrared and Raman spectroscopy, electrochemical detection, nuclear magnetic resonance, neutron scattering and scintillation detection.

Date: 16/17 March 2023


Isotope Separation Techniques
General classic and advanced isotope separation techniques and their features such as diffusion, centrifugation, mass spectrometry, laser isotope separation and cryogenic distillation will be highlighted, compared and discussed in detail. Moreover, the application of nanoporous materials for separation of isotopes by sorption methods, e.g. in swing methods using fixed beds and the underlying mechanisms (diffusion, selective sorption) will be dealt with.

Date: 9/10 February 2023

# Advanced Courses

Path-Integral Methods and Applications
Path-integral approaches have become a popular computational method to investigate NQEs of hydrogen isotopes. This course will introduce scope, limits as well as recent developments of this technique. Similar as for BC2, a hands-on tutorial will complement the course.


Isotope Labelling Applications in Chemistry
A detailed overview on isotopic labelling methods is given and current applications in chemistry and related fields are discussed, e.g., kinetic isotope effects for mechanism elucidation in chemistry, stereochemical aspects of labelling with hydrogen isotopes, determination of metabolic and biosynthesis pathways, drug discovery and development (ligand binding assays, ADME studies (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion) and isotopic techniques in food chemistry.


Material Design Strategies for Isotope Separation
Important classes of nanoporous materials including zeolites, MOFs and related coordination polymers will be introduced. The fundamental principles and modes of operation of these materials for isotope separation (sites on framework and extra-framework positions, pores architectures and species mobility) will be illustrated. Another focus is placed on the methods for characterization of relevant sites and surface properties


Two-Week Practical Course in Radiochemistry
As an option, we offer a two-week course on scientific and legal basics of handling radioactivity, including practical training. This course covers all topics of the officially licensed training course; thus the participants will be able to pass the exam required for the Proof of Competence in the field of radiation protection (Fachkundenachweis im Strahlenschutz) according to § 47 of the German Radiation Protection Ordinance.

Key skills courses offered by the RALeipzig are usually in the format of a one- or two-day workshop. They are free of charge, supplement the training received in the structured doctoral programme, and are open to all doctoral researchers at LU. Unless otherwise specified, participation certificates and ECTS credits will be awarded for completion of these workshops. They typically focus on methodologies, communication, and social skills.

Doctoral researchers will participate in a regular meeting programme each term, consisting of a doctoral forum every two weeks and a colloquium (up to four times per term). Digital formats will be implemented when necessary, but in-person meetings are preferred.

1,2,3H Doctoral Forum: The 1,2,3H Doctoral Forum will be organized by the doctoral researchers, assisted by the scientific coordinator, to stimulate communication and catalyse collaborations. Participation is mandatory for every doctoral researcher. It will have an open format (defined by the doctoral researchers) and covers a variety of aspects, including, for example, informal presentations by representatives from science, politics and industry, excursions to potential employers and research institutes, team building events, tutoring classes, test talks, publication reviews and brainstorming sessions. It also provides a platform to meet and discuss current research topics within the framework of 1,2,3H, but also non-scientific issues.

1,2,3H Colloquium: The 1,2,3H Colloquium will have a fixed format. It will be organized roughly four times per term as a half-day workshop and aims at disentangling challenging topics of the RTG. It starts with a brown-bag-lunch with the guest lecturer. Subsequently, an introductory presentation of one of the PIs will begin the first session. This is followed by progress reports of two doctoral researchers. After the coffee break a guest expert will deliver a tutorial style focused lecture on a topic related to one of 1,2,3H's major research areas. Participation in the 1,2,3H Colloquium is mandatory for all RTG members.

Focused lectures: The chemistry department runs a colloquium series, where leading scientists are invited to present their research work, also on topics that are in the scope of this RTG. Doctoral researchers are strongly encouraged to attend these lectures.

1,2,3H workshop: At the beginning of each funding year an interdisciplinary three-day retreat, mandatory for all 1,2,3H members, will be organized. Doctoral researchers will report on the status of their projects. Selected PIs will give a tutorial on a subject chosen by the doctoral researchers. Sufficient time will be blocked for informal discussions. Thesis committees are encouraged to hold their annual meeting at this occasion. A special kick-off meeting will be organized at the beginning of 2022. 

1,2,3H Conference: At the end of each funding period (every 4.5 years) 1,2,3H will organize an international conference, bringing together the present as well as former RTG members, collaboration partners, and experts in the field. The conference programme consists of about 20 invited lectures by leading scientists, poster sessions in which young researchers, in particular the doctoral researchers of 1,2,3H, present their most recent scientific results, and different social events allowing for scientific discussions and exchange.

1,2,3H Summer School: To attract international candidates as part of the next 1,2,3H cohort, foster interdisciplinary exchange, promote networking, and to enhance the RTGs visibility a summer school with hands-on-tutorials will be organized twice, after 2.5 and after 5.5 years. The summer school will be held by the PIs of 1,2,3H complemented by experts in the field. 

Research stays abroad: A research stay in the group of a collaboration partner at an international institution can be an essential part of the doctoral qualification programme, since it gives doctoral researchers a unique chance to get to know and integrate themselves into a foreign environment. The RTGs doctoral researchers are encouraged to make use of this possibility and to spend on average three months in the group of an 1,2,3H collaborator at a partner institution.

Conferences: All doctoral and postdoctoral researchers are expected to actively participate in multiple national and international conferences during their work within 1,2,3H by presenting their results to an interdisciplinary audience of experts in the field. The participation in conferences is particularly aimed at exposing them to their scientific community and improving their presentation, communication, and networking skills. 

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