Datum/Uhrzeit: bis Uhr
Art: Workshop/Seminar
Ort: H?rsaalgeb?ude, H?rsaal 20

Did you excel in English at school? Or maybe it wasn’t the best experience? Well, either way, this workshop is bound to provide new insight into the world of English, or more specifically academic writing. We will look at structure (both at the paragraph and sentence levels) and register and style and will also talk about the best resources and AI tools to use. I look forward to seeing you there!

Did you excel in English at school? Or maybe it wasn’t the best experience? Well, either way, this workshop is bound to provide new insight into the world of English, or more specifically academic writing. We will look at structure (both at the paragraph and sentence levels) and register and style and will also talk about the best resources and AI tools to use. I look forward to seeing you there!

You can register here starting September 24 at 12:00 pm. You can also just show up and participate without registering.

Dozentin: Kerstin Gackle