Under the Saxon Freedom of Higher Education Act (S?chsHSFG), the University Council is a central committee of our university. It gives recommendations for developing Leipzig University’s profile and improving its performance and competitiveness, taking into account the development planning of the Free State of Saxony and the agreed targets.

enlarge the image: Group photo in the marble-tiled foyer of the Krochhochhaus.
Members of the University Council. From left: Dr Hans-Gerhard Husung, Dr Ronald Werner (SMWK), Birgit Munz, Samuel Kermelk, Professor Annette Beck-Sickinger, Professor J?rg Junhold, Professor Heike Gra?mann, Professor…


The University Council is an advisory and control committee of our university, participating in strategy formation as well as structural and development planning. Working on a voluntary basis, its members contribute their experience from academia and research, from science management and science policy as well as from the private sector. The University Council meets at least twice a semester. Its meetings are not open to the public.

The responsibilities of the University Council are set forth in Section 86 of the Saxon Freedom of Higher Education Act (S?chsHSFG):

  • preparation of a proposal for the election of the Rector
  • application to the Extended Senate for the Rector to be voted out of office
  • confirmation of the Extended Senate’s vote to remove the Rector from office
  • approval of the Rector’s proposal for the appointment of the Head of Administration and Finance
  • approval of the University’s development planning, draft business plan and annual financial statements
  • formulation of principles for the use of posts and resources and the use of reserves
  • statement on the Rectorate’s annual report
  • approval of the activities of the Rectorate
  • statement before the conclusion of target agreements
  • statement on the establishment of, major changes to, and the discontinuation of study programmes.

Members of the University Council

Members are appointed on a pro rata basis by the Senate and the State Ministry of Science and the Arts for a term of five years.


Dr Hans-Gerhard Husung

Dr Hans-Gerhard Husung

Former State Secretary for Science and Research in the Berlin Senate Administration for Education, Young People and Science and former Secretary General of the Joint Science Conference (GKW)

Deputy Chairwoman

Prof. Dr. Annette Beck-Sickinger

Prof. Dr. Annette Beck-Sickinger


Biochemie/Bioorganische Chemie
Brüderstra?e 34
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 36901
Fax: +49 341 97 - 36909


Professor Friederike Fless

Professor Friederike Fless

President of the German Archaeological Institute

Professor Heike Gra?mann

Professor Heike Gra?mann

Administrative Director of the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC)

Professor Volker Gruhn

Professor Volker Gruhn

Founder and Chairman of the Advisory Board at adesso AG

Professor J?rg Junhold

Professor J?rg Junhold

Director of Leipzig Zoological Garden and Managing Director of Zoo Leipzig GmbH

 Samuel Kermelk

Samuel Kermelk

Managing Director of HeiterBlick GmbH

 Birgit Munz

Birgit Munz

Vice President of the Higher Regional Court Dresden, President of the Saxon Constitutional Court

Professor Peter Wiedemann

Professor Peter Wiedemann

Director of the Department of Ophthalmology at Leipzig University Hospital

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