Professor Eva Inés Obergfell is the rector of Leipzig University. She is the head of the University and represents it externally. As chair of the Rectorate, she decides on its policies, and is responsible for the orientation of research and teaching and the implementation of the Senate’s resolutions.

enlarge the image: Rector Professor Eva Inès Obergfell. Photo: Christian Hüller
Rector of Leipzig University Professor Eva Inès Obergfell. Photo: Christian Hüller


  • Since 1 April 2022
    Rector of Leipzig University
  • 2016–2021
    Vice President for Teaching and Studies at Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin
  • 2019–2021
    Spokesperson of the Steering Committee for Cross-Cutting Theme 7, “Teaching and Learning”, in the Berlin University Alliance (BUA, with Freie Universit?t Berlin, Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin, Technische Universit?t Berlin, and Charité - Universit?tsmedizin Berlin)
  • 2016–2022
    Programme coordinator and academic director of the German-French legal studies programme BerMüPa at Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin in cooperation with the Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II)
  • Since 2020
    Lecturer on the master’s programme CAS International Business Transactions and Technology Transfer at the Faculty of Law at the University of Zurich
  • Since 2019
    Member of the Standing Committee on Teaching and Learning of the German Rectors’ Conference
    Director of the Humboldt research institute for property and copyright in democracy at the Faculty of Law at Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin
  • 2015–2016
    Member of the Academic Council of Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin
  • 2015–2016
    Vice Dean for Research of the Faculty of Law at Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin
  • 2013–2022
    Executive director of the Josef Kohler research institute for intangible rights of the Faculty of Law at Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin
  • 2013–2021
    Academic member of the Senate Evaluation Committee of the Leibniz Association
  • 2012–2015
    Departmental coordinator of the Faculty of Law at Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin
  • 2011
    Appointment as professor at Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin
  • 2010
    Habilitation at the University of Konstanz
  • 2009–2011
    Interim professorships at RWTH Aachen University, the Universities of Mannheim and Bonn and at Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin
  • 2004–2011
    Research assistant for business law at the Chair of Business Law and Intellectual Property at the Technical University of Munich (on leave from 2009)
  • 2002–2003
    Attorney-at-law specialising in copyright and media law at Hogan & Hartson Raue in Berlin
  • 2002–2008
    Authorisation by the Landgericht Berlin to practise as an attorney-at-law
  • 2002
    Second state examination in law
  • 2000–2002 
    Legal traineeship at the Landgericht Cottbus (including time spent at Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg, the German embassy in Santiago de Chile, and the law firm Leonhardt, Dietl, Graf & von der Fecht in Buenos Aires, Argentina, among others)
  • 2000
    Doctorate (Dr. iur.) at the University of Konstanz
  • 1998/1999
    Second degree in Romance studies and media studies (accompanying doctoral studies) at the University of Konstanz
  • 1997–2000 
    Research assistant at the Chair of Civil Law, Private International and Procedural Law, Comparative Law at the University of Konstanz
  • 1997
    First state examination in law
  • 1994/1995
    Faculté Internationale de Droit Comparé in Strasbourg, France
  • 1993–1994
    Studies abroad at the Université Robert Schuman in Strasbourg, France
  • 1991–1997
    Law studies at the Universities of Bielefeld, Strasbourg and Konstanz

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