Leipzig University: History in the making

Read about the most important historical milestones of one of Europe’s oldest universities, from its foundation in 1409 to the opening in 2017 of the Paulinum – Assembly Hall and University Church of St Paul.

Fotocollage aus drei Aufnahmen oder Zeichnungen. Im Vordergrund von drei historisch wichtigen Pers?nlichkeiten wie Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Im Hintergrund sind historische Aufnahmen von Universit?tsgeb?uden angeordnet und das historische Siegel als Wachsabdruck. Am unteren Bildrand ist ein Zeitstrahl angeordnet, die die Jahreszahlen 1409, 1539, 1687, 1906, 1968, 1990 und 2017 hervorhebt.
Source: Leipzig University, university archives
  • 2017
    A ceremony marks the inauguration of Leipzig University’s Paulinum – Assembly Hall and University Church of St Paul.

  • 2011
    The Neues Augusteum is presented to the public on 2 December.
    On 1 March, Professor Beate Schücking becomes the first woman in the history of our university to take up the office of rector.

  • 2009
    600 years of Leipzig University: the highlight of the anniversary year is a ceremony on 2 December with an address by then Federal President Horst K?hler.
    First cross-faculty alumni meeting at Leipzig University

  • 2001
    Announcement of an EU-wide architectural competition for the new and redesigned inner-city university complex on Augustusplatz

  • 1990–1994
    Having been renamed “Karl-Marx-Universit?t” in the GDR, the University drops this new name after German reunification and returns to its traditional faculty and institute structure.

  • 1989–1990
    Many members of the University take to the streets of Leipzig to demonstrate for freedom and civil rights. Students set up a democratically legitimate students’ union.

  • 1973
    The new skyscraper on Augustusplatz is handed over to the Karl-Marx-Universit?t on 31 August.

  • 1971
    The new main building is handed over to the Karl-Marx-Universit?t on 3 September.

  • 1968
    In the course of the third higher education reform in the GDR, the traditional faculty and institute structures are dissolved and Sektionen are founded.
    Demolition of St Paul’s University Church, which remained unscathed in the Second World War, on 30 May following a decision by the Politburo and Leipzig city assembly

  • 1953
    The Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) decides to rename the Universit?t Leipzig “Karl-Marx-Universit?t Leipzig”

  • 1946
    Reopening of Leipzig University in the Capitol cinema by the Soviet military administration

  • 1933–1945
    National Socialism brings intellectual life in Leipzig to a standstill. Many employees and students are dismissed, imprisoned or killed. Most of the buildings on Augustusplatz are destroyed towards the end of the Second World War.

  • 1932
    Werner Heisenberg, head of the Institute of Theoretical Physics at Leipzig University, is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

  • 1927
    Paul Flechsig is awarded the first professorship for brain research in Germany.

  • 1906
    For the first time, women are officially admitted to study at Leipzig University.

  • 1899
    Inauguration of St Paul’s University Church, redesigned by Arwed Ro?bach in the neo-Gothic style

  • 1897
    Inauguration of the Augusteum on Augustusplatz, remodelled by Arwed Ro?bach in the Renaissance Revival style.

  • 1879
    Wilhelm Wundt opens the world’s first institute of experimental psychology at Leipzig University.

  • 1836
    Ceremonial inauguration of the neoclassical Augusteum built by Albert Geutebrück on the square in front of the Grimmaisches Tor (from 1839 Augustusplatz).

  • 1813
    During the Battle of Leipzig, the University is used as a military hospital.

  • 1765–1768
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe studies law at Leipzig University.

  • 1687
    Christian Thomasius is the first German university professor to give a lecture in German.

  • 1682
    Germany’s first scholarly journal, Acta Eruditorum, is published in Leipzig.

  • 1661
    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz enrols at Leipzig University.

  • 1544
    Duke Maurice of Saxony transfers the former Dominican monastery to the University as the Collegium Paulinum. This along with other material support makes Leipzig one of the wealthiest universities in the Holy Roman Empire.

  • 1543
    Founding of Leipzig University Library

  • 1539
    The Reformation marks the beginning of a new phase in the history of the University. The work of Rector Caspar Borner and humanist Joachim Camerarius is tantamount to the founding of a new university.

  • 1519
    Leipzig Debate: the disputation between theologian Johann Eck and the reformers Martin Luther, Andreas Karlstadt and Philipp Melanchthon marks the nascent break between Rome and the Lutherans.

  • 1409
    The Universit?t Leipzig is founded as part of the monastery (Stift) of St Thomas on 2 December with former masters and scholars from Prague.

enlarge the image: Farbfoto: Blick auf den Altarbereich im Paulinum, wo Universit?tsorchester und Chor musizieren. Davor stehen viele Stühle, auf denen festlich gekleidete Menschen sitzen.
enlarge the image: Farbfoto: Bundespr?sident Horst K?hler steht am Rednerpult. Hinter ihm sitzen die Musiker eines Orchesters.
enlarge the image: Schwarzwei?aufnahme der Sprengung der Universit?tskirche St. Pauli im Jahr 1968
enlarge the image: Schwarzwei?aufnahme von Studenten und Studentinnen auf einem Ausflug im Jahr 1924
enlarge the image: Schwarz-Wei?-Aufnahme des Neuen Augusteums (Rossbach-Bau) neben der Paulinerkirche

University chronicle

The history of Leipzig University continues. Every year Leipzig is marked by important events, honours and awards along with new political and social developments. Here is a selection of the most important milestones from 2023 onwards. The German version of this page is much more detailed.


2023 Distinguished Women in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering award presented

Annette Beck-Sickinger honoured as one of the world’s most distinguished female chemists

Leipzig University’s Professor Annette Beck-Sickinger was recently named one of the most distinguished female scientists in the world in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering. Beck-Sickinger was one of twelve women worldwide to be honoured with this award in the 2023 list published by the…

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Dr Katarina Werneburg

Dr Katarina Werneburg

Office for University Communications
Goethestra?e 6
04109 Leipzig

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