Graduation Ceremony 2 October 2024

Whether you studied in the humanities, natural sciences, law, life sciences or teacher training, this ceremony brings all students together to recognise their excellence and celebrate their graduation in style.

Rektorin Eva In¨¦s Obergfell im Portr?t vor einer Glasfront

We don¡¯t only want to celebrate your personal success, but also the community you have built during your time at our Alma Mater Lipsiensis. Let¡¯s celebrate this important moment together!

Professor Eva In¨¦s Obergfell, Rector


Bild zur Illustration der Graduierungsfeier

Registration Deadline

The registration period for the graduation ceremony ended on August 30, 2024. Unfortunately, no further registrations are possible for the event on October 2, 2024.

In addition to the central graduation ceremony, there are also decentralised events organised by the individual faculties/institutes.

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Questions and answers about the graduation ceremony

The event will take place on 2 October 2024 at the Paulinum ¨C Assembly Hall and University Church of St. Paul as well as at the New Augusteum on the Augustusplatz campus.

Admission to the event area begins at 11 am. The official programme starts at 2pm. Between the start of registration and the beginning of the official ceremony, we invite you to visit our information stands in the foyer, where you will find the UniShop, the Career Service and our start-up service. There will also be photo points around the foyer where you and your guests can have professional photos taken to capture the moment. It will also be possible to view the altar area in the Paulinum from 11am.

Please note that you must register on site. You will receive important information and, most importantly, a wristband that gives you access to the venue. Without a wristband you will not be admitted to the event. Registration opens at 11am at the information desk in the Neues Augusteum. Please allow sufficient time.

The central graduation ceremony, which is taking place for the first time, is a festive occasion to celebrate your successful graduation together with students from all disciplines and to experience the sense of community that is present at our university. Professor Eva In¨¦s Obergfell, rector of Leipzig University, will honour graduates by delivering a farewell speech. The ceremony will also include additional commencement remarks and Leipzig University Music. And at the end of the ceremony, we will take a ¡°final photo with a symbolic hat toss¡± as a lasting souvenir of the day, which you will receive free of charge. 

The framework programme includes stands with Unishop items, food and drinks, and interactive activities in the New Augusteum. At photo stations in the foyer, you can also have your photo taken with your guests and capture this most memorable event.

Students graduating (bachelor¡¯s, master¡¯s, Diploma, Magister and state examination) in the eligible semesters (winter semester 2023/24 and summer semester 2024) may participate in the graduate ceremony. Eligible doctoral researchers will also receive an invitation and information via email.

Registration for the graduation ceremony starts on 27 June 2024 and ends on 30 August 2024. You can only register using the registration form on the website.

You may bring up to two guests. You will receive an email in September 2024 with information and access codes to register yourself and your guests for the ceremony.

If there are still remaining places available at the end of August 2024, we will inform you whether and how many remaining tickets can be purchased for additional guests. We ask that you refrain from contacting the organisational team to enquire about this.

Since the capacity in the Paulinum ¨C Assembly Hall and University Church of St. Paul is limited, the ceremony will also be via live-streamed in the New Augusteum.

You do not have to pay any fees to participate in the graduation ceremony. We would like to thank our sponsors, especially our partners for research funding (Leipzig University Foundation and Leipzig University Society), for their generous support.

There is no dress code, but it is good to remember that the ceremony is a festive occasion. You should feel comfortable in the clothing you choose to wear.

Graduates are encouraged to wear the traditional attire of a cap and gown. You must order both on your own from our partner Robe Academicus in advance of the event by 30 August 2024. After you register for the ceremony, you will automatically receive an email with the link to rent a cap and gown. It costs €25 and you will also be required to pay a deposit of €70. Once you have returned the cap and gown, the deposit will be transferred back to your account.

You can pick up your cap and gown on 2 October 2024 (the day of the ceremony) from the New Augusteum on the Augustusplatz campus and should then return it there after the ceremony. Robe Academicus will send you an email in September 2024 that will include information about the exact times when you can pick up and try on your gown.

Graduates from abroad (outside of the EU) may pay for the cap and gown on site with a credit card or in cash. If you wish to do so, you should leave a note in the comments field on the Robe Academcius order form that you are from a country outside of the EU and therefore cannot transfer the fee in advance.

Yes, the venue is accessible for individuals with disabilities. If you need additional support, please send an email with detailed information to alumni(at)

Photos and videos will be taken during the ceremony. When you register for the ceremony, you are giving the University consent to use any photos or videos in which you appear.

There are also photo stations in the New Augusteum, where you can have your photo taken professionally. And we will take a ¡°final photo with a symbolic hat toss¡± as a lasting souvenir of the day, which you will receive free of charge. 

You are also welcome to take photos yourself.

In addition to the central graduation ceremony, many faculties and institutes also hold their own ceremonies, at which degree certificates are sometimes handed out directly. Please note that no degree certificates will be awarded during the central graduation ceremony. Your faculty will send you information about the specific dates and locations of any graduation ceremonies.

Looking Back

You have spent a lot of time at the University over the past few semesters. We would like to take you on a tour of the campus of your alma mater to remind you of your time here as a student.

The Campus in Pictures

enlarge the image: Leibnizforum mit herbstlichem Laub, Foto: Nancy Haustein
enlarge the image: Draufsicht auf den Innenhof des Campus Augustusplatz in der Innenstadt
enlarge the image: Au?enansicht Neues Augusteum, Foto: Christian H¨¹ller
enlarge the image: Blick auf das Augusteum des Campus Augustusplatz und auf den MDR-Turm im Hintergrund
enlarge the image: Gro?es Foyer des Neuen Augusteums mit Blick auf Computerarbeitspl?tze
enlarge the image: Draufsicht auf das Innere der Mensa am Park von der ersten Etage
enlarge the image: Innenhof des Campus Augustplatz mit Sicht auf den S¨¹dausgang, der Richtung Augustusplatz geht
enlarge the image: Innenansicht der untersten Ebene der Campusbibliothek mit Blick auf die belegten Arbeitspl?tze
enlarge the image: Schr?gansicht der Frontfassade der Bibliotheca Albertina im Musikviertel
enlarge the image: Frontalblick auf die Galerie des Lesesaal Mitte in der Bibliotheca Albertina
enlarge the image: Blick von der Galerie des Lesesaals Mitte der Bibliotheca Albertina auf die Arbeitspl?tze
enlarge the image: Neues Geb?ude der Bibliothek Medizin und der Mensa am Medizincampus
enlarge the image: Rundes Geb?ude des gro?en H?rsaals der Anatomie in Leipzig
enlarge the image: Studierende der Medizin bekommen im Praktikum Inhalte praxisnah vermittelt.
enlarge the image: Studierende der Zahnmedizin ¨¹ben an Modellen im Labor
enlarge the image: Vorlesungssituation in einem H?rsaal f¨¹r Mathematik- und Informatikstudierende
enlarge the image: Vorlesungssituation in einem gro?en H?rsaal der Chemie und Mineralogie
enlarge the image: Studierende im modernen Labor der Chemie und Mineralogie
enlarge the image: R¨¹ckansicht des Geisteswissenschaftlichen Zentrums mit Blick auf den Bundesverfassungsgerichtshos
enlarge the image: Innenansicht der Ebenen im Geisteswissenschaftlichen Zentrum
enlarge the image: Sicht von oben auf das Foyer des Geisteswissenschaftlichen Zentrums und seiner Glassfassade mit bunten Elementen
enlarge the image: Eingang der Bibliothek Jura im Peterssteinbogen
enlarge the image: Innenansicht der Bibltiothek Jura mit Sicht auf die zweite Ebene
enlarge the image: Frontalansicht auf das Fakult?tsgeb?ude der Lebenswissenschaften im Sommer
enlarge the image: Au?enansicht des Fakult?tsgeb?ude der Physik und Geowissenschaften auf die Hauptfassade im Sommer
enlarge the image: Student der Physik macht ein Praktikum im Labor
enlarge the image: Blick auf die Schillerstra?e im Zentrum
enlarge the image: Draufsicht von weit oben auf den Campus Jahnallee mit Blick auf die Sportwissenschaftliche Fakult?t
enlarge the image: Innenhof des Campus Jahnallee der Universit?t Leipzig mit der neuen Bibliothek f¨¹r Erziehungswissenschaften und Sportwissenschaften
enlarge the image: Gr¨¹ne Wegweiser auf dem Campusinnenhof der Veterin?rmedizin
enlarge the image: Studierende der Veterin?rmedizin bei einer ?bung im Labor
enlarge the image: Studierende der Veterin?rmedizin ¨¹ben an einem Pferd im Stall

Looking Forward

You didn¡¯t just study here, you also experienced and helped shape the history of your alma mater. This is why it is important to us to stay in touch with you even after you graduate.

Getting your degree marks a significant milestone in your career ¨C it is a moment you will look back on with pride. Nevertheless, it is not a final farewell as we can continue to stay in touch via the alumni network.

Christin Kieling, Alumni Coordinator


 Christin Kieling

Christin Kieling

Alumni Coordinator

Office for University Communications
Goethestra?e 6
04109 Leipzig