Our researchers regularly present their research and exhibits at technology shows and trade fairs. Find out about the upcoming trade fairs where you can meet our researchers.

Technology Fairs

Our University supports innovative researchers who would like to present close-to-market research results at technology fairs. The aim is to establish contact with potential research and industry partners.

The Knowledge and Technology Transfer Section is the point of contact for all researchers at Leipzig University who would like to present their research results at technology fairs.

Stands at trade fairs for all higher education institutions in Saxony are organised by the “Forschungsland Sachsen” working group under the auspices of the Technische Universit?t Dresden. The activities of this working group are partly financed by the Saxon State Ministry of Science and the Arts (SMWK).

The exhibits selected are presented at the stands run by the “Forschung für die Zukunft” working group, which is an initiative of the federal states of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia to support higher education institutions, research institutions and their partners.

Upcoming Fairs

 Due to the coronavirus our University presents the exhibits exclusively at virtual trade fairs:

  • ANALYTICA, Munich, 19. – 23. Otober 2020
  • MEDICA, Dusseldorf, 16. – 19. November 2020

Selected Exhibits

We select only close-to-market research results to present at technology fairs. The focus is on prototypes of innovative technical solutions, ready-to-use services, innovative software solutions and consulting services. The following provides an overview of particularly successful trade fair presentations:

enlarge the image: Richard Bieck demonstriert das System RoboDirect auf der MEDICA 2017. Foto: ICCAS
Richard Bieck demonstrating the RoboDirect system at MEDICA 2017. Photo: ICCAS

RoboDirect – Guidance Systems for Minimally Invasive Interventions (MEDICA, Düsseldorf, 13–16 November 2017)

The Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery (ICCAS) of the Faculty of Medicine at Leipzig University worked together to develop RoboDirect, a model-based robotic system for treatment procedures. RoboDirect is designed to support surgeons in conducting minimally invasive procedures. For example, interventional radiology procedures such as biopsies and puncturing tissue structures benefit from the high positioning accuracy of the robotic system. The combination of an optical tracking system with a robotic arm enables the exact positioning of medical devices. Using an augmented reality-based tablet app, patient-specific reconstructed 3D models can be referenced and target structures marked. The robotic arm controls the defined positions and provides a guiding system for the needle feed. The additional integration of an ultrasound probe makes it possible to check the needle position in the tissue. This prevents repeated insertion of the needle when the target is missed. In the long term, the aim is to reduce the burden on the patient and surgeon as well as to increase precision and efficiency. In the near future, systems such as RoboDirect will be used routinely for tissue punctures, biopsies and ablations.


Leipzig University
Faculty of Medicine
Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery (ICCAS)

Semmelweisstra?e 14, Building14
04103 Leipzig

+49 341 97-12000

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enlarge the image: Biobank mit kryokonservierten Blutproben
Cryogenically preserved samples stored in the Biobank. Photo: LIFE

Biobank and Biomarker Profiling in Large Cohorts of Children and Adults (analytica, Munich, 1013 April 2018)

The Leipzig Research Centre for Civilization Diseases (LIFE) focuses on widespread diseases such as depression, diabetes, allergies and atherosclerosis. To this end, more than 25,000 participants have been included in the study since 2010 and have taken part in interviews, questionnaires and physical examinations. More than 1 million biosamples (e.g. blood and urine) of the participants have undergone laboratory testing and been cryogenically preserved in our Biobank. These samples were analysed using established clinical and laboratory analysis methods in a medical laboratory accredited according to ISO DIN 15189 and 17025 on the day of sampling (80 parameters). In addition, a newly developed, validated mass spectrometric platform for metabolom and proteom analysis (e.g. bioactive lipids and apolipoproteins) was used to quantify deep-frozen biomaterial (a total of approx. 300 biomarkers). Thanks to the extensive phenotyping of the study participants, more than 20 million data entries have been stored in the LIFE database using procedures to ensure the quality of the data. This data can be used to answer specific research questions and validate hypotheses.


Leipzig University
Faculty of Medicine
Leipzig Research Centre for Civilization Diseases (LIFE)

Philipp-Rosenthal-Stra?e 27
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 9716720

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Innovative Knowledge Acquisition and Customer Interaction in Customer Relation Management (CeBIT, Hanover, 11–15 June 2018)

Innovative Customer Relationship Management (CRM) includes addressing, interacting and retaining customers using new technologies such as social media, artificial intelligence, big data and IoT. CRM requires highly integrated solutions that place the customer at the centre of business processes. Innovative CRM enables the automated extraction of company-relevant knowledge from the diverse data found on internal and external sources (e.g. Social Web and IoT) as well as the design of new forms of customer interaction (e.g. Robotic Process Automation and Customer Context Profiling). However, such approaches regularly present companies and system providers with technical, legal and organisational challenges.

At the Social CRM Research Center e. V. (SCRC), Leipzig University researchers are working together with international partners to develop new methods and technologies for integrated CRM approaches. The SCRC offers a wide range of services for end-user companies, as evidenced by current projects such as German-Brazilian Partnerships for Social CRM, LETSmart for data protection-compliant CRM with consent wizards, FiDiPub for the use of Social CRM in the publishing industry, the COPS project for detecting content in digital media that could endanger young people, S2DES for the cross-domain use of sensor data and the SMECS project for the design of smarter energy communities.


Leipzig University
Information Systems Institute (IWI)
Chair of Information Systems, Application Systems (IWIAS); Social CRM Research Center (SCRC)

Grimmaische Stra?e 12
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97-33600

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Digitalisation in Logistics, the Energy Industry and Medicine (CeBIT, Hanover, 11–15 June 2018)

Leipzig University researches big data solutions and since March 2014 has been an active partner of the Competence Center for Scalable Data Services and Solutions, one of two big data centres in Germany funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Research in the field of logistics domains is carried out in joint projects with software and industry partners, including SMILE (BMWi, 2018–2021), Surtrade (BMBF, 2017–2020), LSEM (BMBF, 2012–2017) and LogiLeit (BMBF, 2012–2015) as well as on the European level (Logical and ESSENCE). Leipzig University uses a powerful cloud infrastructure as the basis for big data technologies and has proven expertise in application systems for mass data, web technologies, and cloud and big data technologies. Within the framework of the SEPL research project, an open energy data platform for the efficient integration, processing and analysis of heterogeneous mass data and for networking smart devices is being researched, developed and operated. The aim is to combine data from a variety of sources, obtain information from these and achieve rule-based control of smart devices on the basis of the knowledge gained. The Smart Energy platform thus gives small and medium-sized enterprises the opportunity to process data that was previously not accessible or usable and to develop and offer value-added services based on this data.


Leipzig University
Information Systems Institute (IWI)
Chair of Information Systems, Information Management

Grimmaische Stra?e 12
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97-33720

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