The international M.Sc. programme “Neuroscience and Behavioural Biology” is organised by the Institute of Biology in cooperation with colleagues from the Medical Faculty and the Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Athropology. We provide research-oriented training to prepare students for scientific careers in academia or in science-related professions in the private and public sectors.

The teaching modules cover different levels of biological organisation, with topics ranging from molecular and cellular neurobiology to systems and clinical neuroscience and ethology. Thereby, the course program connects mechanisms of brain function in physiological and pathological settings with animal interactions with the environment.

At a glance

  • Field of study

    natural and earth science
  • Degree type

  • Degree

    Master of Science
  • Language of instruction

  • Full/part-time

    full-time, part-time
  • Course start

    winter semester
  • Admission restriction

    national admission restriction
  • Standard period of study

    4 semesters

  • ECTS credits



  • university degree in biology or an equivalent subject
  • Proof of knowledge in at least six of the following areas through module examinations or examinations totalling 60 credit points
    • General Zoology
    • Behavioural Ecology
    • Zoological Systematics
    • Behavioural biology
    • Physiology
    • Microbiology
    • Genetics
    • Neurobiology
    • Biochemistry
    • Bioinformatics
    • Biological Psychology
    • Cell Biology
    • Developmental Biology
  • Knowledge of English at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages


Taught in English, the degree programme is research-oriented and prepares students for a career as a biologist, particularly in the fields of neuroscience and behavioural biology.

The programme consists of compulsory and compulsory elective modules, external courses, and practice- and research-oriented compulsory modules in the third semester. This will allow you to cover a broad spectrum of content or specialise in molecular and cellular neuroscience or systems neurobiology and behavioural biology. In addition to the different areas of biology, you will also study content related to disciplines such as medicine, biochemistry, and psychology. Thereby, the programme promotes the development of independent research skills.

In the first year of study, you will take 6 compulsory elective modules totalling 60 credit points: 5 modules from the Master’s degree programme and one subject-related or non-subject-related module.

In the second year of study, you will complete the compulsory modules "Practical Tutorial", "Theory Course" and "Laboratory Practical", each worth 10 credit points. The Master’s programme includes a non-university internship in the "Practical Tutorial" module.

The degree programme concludes with the Master’s thesis (30 credit points).

  • Study at an international hotspot of neuroscientific research with links to renowned research institutions such as the Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences and the iDiv.
  • Close supervision due to a small number of selected students.
  • Mentoring to help you achieve your personal goals during your time at university.
  • The module structure encourages independent work and provides optimal preparation for the scientific project of the Master’s thesis.
  • A period of study abroad at one of our many partner universities, from Finland to Australia, to broaden your personal horizons.
  • Living in Leipzig, a vibrant city with a rich history and lively culture.

The research-oriented degree programme prepares you for a career in various areas of science and the private sector. Career opportunities exist, for example

  • at non-university research institutions
  • in consulting companies
  • in non-governmental organisations
  • in government and ministries
  • in biotech and pharmaceutical companies

After completing your Master's degree, you will have the opportunity to pursue a doctorate. The Faculty of Life Sciences, the Medical Faculty, the iDIV, the Max-Planck-Institutes and other international research institutions in Leipzig offer excellent local opportunities and specialised graduate schools.

The degree programme includes an extramural internship in the “Practical Tutorial” module.

A period of study abroad is generally recommended. This should be organized by the students themselves (with support of the relevant institution).


Course start: winter semester
Admission restriction(NCU): yes
Application period: 2 May – 31 May
Application portal: AlmaWeb

Please make sure you note our further information on the pages “Online application” and “Applying for a master's programme”.

International students can find information about application periods and how to apply on the “International” page.

Enrolment in a higher semester of this degree programme is currently not possible.


Compulsory curriculum in English