The master's degree programme analyses financial markets from an interdisciplinary perspective (economics, business administration, law, economic history) and on the basis of different methods. Studying in Leipzig and Angers strengthens the European dimension of the master programme. The international double Master's degree is oriented towards professional work in the financial markets and in regulatory agencies.

At a glance

  • Field of study

  • Degree type

  • Degree

    Master of Science
  • Language of instruction

    English, anteilig fremdsprachlich (Deutsch und Franz?sisch im Wahlbereich)
  • Full/part-time

    full-time, part-time
  • Course start

    winter semester
  • Admission restriction

    national admission restriction
  • Standard period of study

    4 semesters

  • ECTS credits



Programme specific admission requirements are

  • A completed Bachelor's degree in the fields of business administration, economics and/or law.
  • Proof of knowledge of English at level B2.

The selection of students is carried out jointly by the University of Leipzig and the University of Angers. The faculty checks whether the above-mentioned requirements are met and issues a decision.



You will become able to independently describe, interpret and derive complex theories, concepts and methods based on the current state of economic science in the areas of EU financial markets, financial market institutions and financial market regulation. By obtaining a sound knowledge of financial markets and institutions, you are qualified for professional work in private and public institutions related to financial markets. In the first year at Leipzig University, the theoretical foundations are taught. In the obligatory classes the historical development of financial markets (Development of Financial Markets and Institutions), basic knowledge of financial market regulation (Financial Market Regulation) and the context of financial market regulation in the field of economic policy (European Integration and Economic Policy) are taught. Among the electives, you can choose from a broad range of classes in the field of finance (e.g., Wertpapiermanagement, Portfoliomanagement, Derivative und Risikomanagement). In the second year at the University of Angers, the obligatory classes include the business aspects of financial markets (e.g., Corporate Accounting, International Accounting, International Financial Regulation within the EU) as well as important legal aspects of financial markets (e.g., International Financial Business Law, Seminar in Law and Finance). In the electives, students can deepen their knowledge, which prepares them for the Master's thesis.

The Master's degree programme is modularised. Modules for a total of 120 credit points must be completed. The obligatory classes account for 72 credit points, the electives in Leipzig for 30 and the elective classes in Angers for 2 credit points. The master's thesis constitutes 16 credit points.

Different theoretical approaches are combined with empirical methods, enabling a deep understanding of financial market institutions and financial markets. The programme has a strong interdisciplinary character (economics, business management, law, finance, economic history) inlcuding aspects of sustainability.

With the double master's degree in European Financial Markets and Institutions, you will be qualified for the European job market. A great diversity of job opportunities related to financial markets is open to you, e.g., in German and French banks, insurances and other financial institutions, and in the fields of public administration and of financial market regulation, e.g., Bundesfinanzministerium, Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, Trésor, The European Commission, European Central Bank, Autorité des Marchés Financiers, Autorité de Control Prudentiel et de Résolution, Banque de France, Deutsche Bundesbank, European Systemic Risk Board, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau etc.


The Master's thesis can be written based on an internship.


At the Université d' Angers or the University of Leipzig.

  • Course start: winter semester
  • Admission restriction (NCU): yes
  • Application period: 2 May – 31 May
  • Application portal: AlmaWeb

Please note the additional information on the pages "Online Application" and "Application for a Master's programme".

International students will find information on application deadlines and the application procedure on the page "International".

The degree programme will be offered for the first time in the winter semester 2023/24. For this reason, it is not yet possible to enrol in a higher semester.