Enrolment into the first semester is currently suspended.

At a glance

  • Field of study

    natural and earth science
  • Degree type

  • Degree

    Master of Science
  • Language of instruction

  • Full/part-time

  • Course start

    winter semester
  • Admission restriction

    national admission restriction, aptitude test
  • Standard period of study

    three semesters

  • ECTS credits



  • A first academic degree, or degree from a state or state-recognised university of cooperative education, in chemistry or in another natural science or engineering subject with a comparable proportion of chemistry-related content; alternatively proof that the applicant can earn such a degree by the beginning of the master’s programme if he or she pursues the standard course of study;
  • the examination board responsible for the binational degree course decides on the comparability of a degree;
  • knowledge of English at C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

This programme requires applicants to pass an aptitude test. More information is available on the institute website. The faculty will check whether the above requirements have been met and then issue an official notification. This serves as proof that the candidate meets the relevant admission requirements.

Depending on where the application is submitted, a decision on whether to admit applicants to the programme is made by a selection committee at Ohio University or Leipzig University. The selection procedure is governed by statutes called the Satzung über die Durchführung der Auswahlverfahren zur Vergabe von Studienpl?tzen in Studieng?ngen mit universit?tsinterner Zulassungsbeschr?nkung. The decision-making process and the selection of each candidate at Ohio University are governed by the regulations applicable there (details are set forth in the Cooperation Agreement).


Ending in a double degree, the International Master of Chemistry and Biotechnology degree course is a binational master’s programme with an integrated period abroad at Ohio University.

The intensive study programme is highly research-oriented and taught entirely in English. It is a chemistry course with a focus on biotechnology. It offers a wide range of options from the interdisciplinary chemical and biotechnological fields of analytics and forensics, inorganic chemistry and material sciences, biochemistry and biotechnology, organic chemistry and active ingredients, and physical, theoretical and technical chemistry.

In particular, the aim is to enable students to think and work independently as scientists and to successfully solve problems in various scientific and technical fields. This includes knowledge of technical terminology and a critical approach to research literature.

In the sense of chemistry and biotechnology as a multifaceted, global science, graduates are increasingly required to assume important interdisciplinary functions in all areas of industry, business, state and society.

Those students who are selected and enrolled at Leipzig as the home university earn the following credits: 30 credits in two compulsory elective modules and 15 credits in a compulsory elective internship module at Ohio University; 25 credits in five compulsory elective modules and 15 credits in a compulsory elective internship module at Leipzig University; five credits in a compulsory elective module at the university where the master’s thesis is completed.

Students are required to select two specialisations from the following five areas:

  • Area 1 - Analytics and forensics
  • Area 2 - Inorganic chemistry and material sciences
  • Area 3 - Biochemistry and biotechnology
  • Area 4 - Organic chemistry and active ingredients
  • Area 5 - Physical, theoretical and technical chemistry

Each area consists of modules, which are a combination of self-contained courses of limited duration with a certain methodological and subject-specific orientation, and which are concluded with a module examination on the basis of which credits are awarded. Further details are set out in the examination regulations.

Graduates of the master’s programme hold an internationally sought-after professional qualification in chemistry. The main objective of the programme is the ability to work efficiently and independently at the forefront of chemical research. The master’s programme attaches just as much importance to a further deepening of specialist knowledge as it does to introducing students to the practical side of innovative work in science, as well as to solving problems when faced with the most challenging questions in modern technology and business.

Chemistry is not only about basic research, which usually requires a doctorate. In addition, many students possess specific talents and interests that are equally important for the economy and especially for small and medium-sized industries. This is why the International Master of Chemistry and Biotechnology programme must create the conditions both for starting a career directly and for doctoral studies.


More information about the application process is available on the faculty website.

International students can find information about application periods and how to apply here.

More information about the application process is available on the faculty website.

International students can find information about application periods and how to apply here.


One semester of study at a foreign partner university

Compulsory curriculum in English

Award of a double degree with an international partner university