Saxony’s job market is a great source of work for our students, graduates, doctoral researchers and postgraduates, especially due to the many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based here. This page introduces some of these SMEs. Our projects and events bring you into direct contact with regional employers. Perhaps you could even end up working for one of them.

Work in Leipzig 2021

This event is an opportunity for students, alumni and others to meet recently established companies and find out about prospects for starting a career in our Leipzig region. Our Career Service organises the annual event together with Leipzig Alumni and Invest Region Leipzig.

In 2021 the following companies took part in the event: Natuvion, AKKA, Sprin-D, XITASO, Huboo Technologies.

Live Stream From 25 November 2021

Live stream from 25 November 2021

Introducing the Region’s Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

c-LEcta is great because...

At c-LEcta, we are all about innovation. It accompanies us through all company processes: from research and development in the field of biotechnology to the global marketing of our enzyme products, which ultimately ensure more sustainable production in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Colleagues treat each other with great respect, they’re open and helpful, which makes it a real pleasure to be part of the team. And we have flat hierarchies, which is great for putting your own ideas into practice.

Applicants should be...

We are looking for people who share our passion for innovation. In many areas, applicants will need a relevant scientific degree in biochemistry or the life sciences. But beyond that, we are especially looking for team players who are eager to advance their own ideas in their area of expertise. As we are mainly active in international markets, English is important as a first or second language.

Saxony and the Leipzig region offer us...

With our main offices at Alte Messe in Leipzig, we have an absolutely central location and are in the immediate vicinity of numerous scientific institutions such as BioCity and the Fraunhofer Institute. For most colleagues, this means short commutes, but also the option of enjoying the benefits of the surrounding recreational areas (such as the new lakes) after work without having to spend a long time travelling every day.

My first day at c-LEcta was...

When I had just started, many of my colleagues said that I could contact them at any time if I had any questions. And they meant it! I had a lot of support right from the start, and in no time at all I had found my feet and felt that I was part of the team.

(Interview with Brian, Digital Marketing Manager)

enlarge the image: Brian, c-LEcta GmbH
Brian, c-LEcta GmbH

DOK Leipzig is great because...

We are passionate about artistic animated and documentary films! This combination makes us unique as a film festival – and with more than 60 years under our belt, we’re the oldest documentary film festival in the world. We work with great passion to show the films – including experimental forms and extended reality works – to as many people as possible and to discuss the topics and creative approaches together with the audience and film-makers. But DOK Leipzig isn’t only a festival for the public, but also an important meeting place for the international film industry. Each year we bring together film-makers with producers, distributors and buyers to help develop and sell new film projects. At DOK Leipzig, we work in fairly flat hierarchies; everyone’s opinion counts and is heard.

Saxony and the Leipzig region offer us…

An incredibly diverse cultural landscape and lots of art lovers. From arthouse cinema to jazz, choir, theatre, puppetry and visual arts to the WGT and the Lachmesse – there is a very broad spectrum of culture in Leipzig and local audiences love various art forms. We are happy to be part of this with documentaries, animated films and XR. We are also quite well connected with other cultural institutions in Leipzig, all of which share our philosophy, including Schaubühne Lindenfels, Cinémathèque Leipzig, Passage Kinos, Schauburg and the Luru cinema.

Applicants should be...

Interested in artistic films, in communicating with film-makers and audiences, and in the film festival dynamic, which can be both exhilarating and turbulent when the festival rolls around. We are always looking for new team members to contribute ideas for our festival work. As we are an international festival, good knowledge of English is helpful and even essential for some positions. It is great if applicants already have experience in the cultural sector or from other festivals, but this is not a prerequisite.

Last week I learned…

... or rather explored what we have already set for our festival programme this year – and there really is everything, from GDR film history to current documentaries and animated films from Eastern European countries to media art. I read a lot about a Serbian film-maker and watched her films, got lost in experimental animation, and discovered well-known films in our database that were screened at other major festivals.

enlarge the image: Nina Kühne
Nina Kühne. Photo: DOK Leipzig

InterCultural Elements is great because…

...the company is very international. I find it just wonderful to have the opportunity to communicate and share ideas with people from all over the world on a daily basis. That’s what makes working at ICE so fun. The flat hierarchy promotes communication and employees are encouraged to contribute ideas.

Saxony and the Leipzig region offer us...

...steady growth in the labour market and the e-commerce industry. Leipzig is a young and dynamic city where more and more young people want to live, because the intercultural environment offers them plenty of opportunities to put their ideas into practice.

Applicants should be...

...motivated and interested in working in a multicultural team and in the field of e-commerce. The official language of the company is English, but since we work in an international environment and with customers from all over the world, it is important for us that our employees speak other languages too.

My first day at InterCultural Elements was...

...packed with exciting experiences. I really liked the working environment and the international team made me feel most welcome. They were always willing to help me during my training, which made me feel more comfortable at work. Since then, ICE has constantly offered me new challenges, so it never gets boring.

(Interview with Guissell Leiva Sánchez)

madebymade is great because...

...we’re creating something completely new. Building a modular insect breeding plant together is very exciting and challenging. A lot of information just doesn’t exist yet, so there is a good deal of “learning by doing”. There is also a high learning curve in our work, because lateral thinking and new ideas are necessary to move forward. Working at our company is very exciting and we learn a lot.

Saxony and the Leipzig region offer us...

...proximity to Leipzig University as well as research institutions with which we partner. With our concept of local recycling management, we want to strengthen the region in the long term and we also hope to find motivated future employees here.

Applicants should be...

...motivated and eager to participate in something innovative. That, and passionate about contributing to a more sustainable future. Don’t be afraid of insects and larvae – or of getting your hands dirty!

My first day at madebymade was...

...exciting! I was given a very warm welcome and had time to settle in and familiarise myself with the world of insect breeding.
(Interview with Charlott Ochsenfahrt)

enlarge the image: Photograph of Charlott Ochsenfahrt
Charlott Ochsenfahrt. Photo: madebymade

nextbike is European market leader in bike sharing. We like to share and thus mobilise millions of people in a sustainable way. As micro mobility pioneers, we have been developing smart bike sharing schemes since 2004. Currently, we have established bike sharing as an elementary component of urban mobility in over 300 cities worldwide.

nextbike is great because...

The teamspirit at nextbike still complies with that of a start-up. We have flat hierarchies, are working agile and like to celebrate togehter, sometimes even spontaneouly in the office kitchen until the early morning. At the same time we have differentiated professionally as an organisation by means of external consultation, we defined processes, responsibilites and roles and established different management tools. In short: At nextbike the power of the early years unites with the expierence of twenty years by now.

Saxony and the Leipzig region offer us...

A home and in our particular world - maybe not typical for Saxony -  a highly international environment.

How was your first day at nextbike?

That was 13 year ago by now and I cannot really remember. Generally, I jumped in at the deep end and laughed a lot. I still like laughing, but I have much more experience by now.

(Interview: Mareike Rauchhaus, Head of Communications at nextbike)


enlarge the image: Mareike Rauchhaus ist Head of Communications bei nextbike
Mareike Rauchhaus, Head of Communications bei nextbike. Photo: nextbike GmbH

Optimax Energy is great because...

We are an international team with a wide range of ages, constantly looking for innovative solutions to revolutionise the energy market with a sustainable concept. We attach great importance to flat hierarchies, supporting each other and a highly pronounced culture of feedback, which helps us to constantly improve and develop new ideas.

Saxony and the Leipzig region offer us...

Saxony provides the ideal environment for us to advance our business model. When it comes to the relocation of international talent, there are also numerous points of contact who support and enable us to offer this service independently, which is a real advantage for new employees who are relocating and have decided to move to Leipzig for us.
Here they find the perfect environment, including plenty of exciting ways to spend their free time (such as at Leipzig’s lakes or in the city centre) and to explore the surrounding area (Saxon Switzerland, the Erzgebirge, etc.). What’s more, the city is very cosmopolitan and dynamic, which most people like.
Our team also feels very comfortable here and wants to stay in this beautiful area for the long term.

Applicants should be...

In addition to the professional requirements specific to the position, we expect our applicants to have a constant desire to learn new things and to expand their own knowledge base. Our business model is extremely digital, which is why we attach particular importance to continuous training in this area of expertise. Fortunately, in the 21st century there are many ways for individuals to approach the whole thing largely autonomously according to their own learning needs (online courses, blogs, e-books, etc.), and we are very happy to support each other.
Furthermore, because our workforce is made up of different nationalities (Russia, Ukraine, France, Brazil, Iran, etc.), it is important for us that new team members feel comfortable in an English-speaking environment and actively support us in thinking outside the box.

My first day at Optimax Energy was...

Very friendly. I was welcomed by my then team leader and the CEO. I had quick chats with my new colleagues and clarified the most important things about my onboarding. We believe that structured onboarding and a proper welcome are essential to make it easier for new talent to get started. We are constantly working on this process and get feedback from our colleagues to make it even better.

(Interview with Tina Steinbi?, Head of HR at Optimax Energy)

PRISMA is great because...

We are an agile, diverse, and international team with colleagues from more than 15 different nations. We are constantly changing and improving thanks to our collaborative culture and cross-functional teams.

Saxony and the Leipzig region offer us...

If you are a fan of music, art and culture; then Leipzig is the place to be. Leipzig is a city with plenty to do and a burgeoning multicultural scene. You can find every advantage of a modern city and still be able to enjoy the peaceful, serene environment of the nearby countryside. 

Applicants should be... 

A PRISMAte is always eager to learn and likes driving different topics and takes ownership! PRISMA is open-minded and diverse and so are our colleagues! Newbies should not be afraid of challenging the status quo and bringing their ideas.

My first day at PRISMA was... 

Welcoming! It’s always intimidating to join a new company, but everyone was so friendly and welcoming that I felt immediately comfortable and part of the team.

(Interview with Mariana Fernandez. The working language at PRISMA is English.)

enlarge the image: Mariana Fernandez. Photo: PRISMA
Mariana Fernandez. Photo: PRISMA

SpinLab – The HHL Accelerator is great because...

...we work with a large network of exciting start-ups with business ideas. The growing start-ups are constantly looking for new staff and advertise lots of jobs, including for students keen to get a foot on the career ladder.

Saxony and the Leipzig region offer us...

...a growing community of creative and international people who want to realise their business ideas or work in a start-up.

Applicants should be...

The start-ups in our network often have flat hierarchies. This requires perceptiveness and an ability to take charge of your work. Good English is often required. At some companies only English is spoken, which is particularly advantageous for international applicants.

Last week I learned...

...that I should ask a lot more questions. This is true both when looking for a job and in professional life in general. You reach your goal faster and, if you are proactive and approach people, it is amazing how often people are prepared to help you.
(Interview with Marina Chkolnikov)

enlarge the image: Photo of Marina Chkolvikov
Marina Chkolvikov. Photo: SpinLab

the nu company is great because...

We want to show that there is another way – healthier, tastier, more sustainable. That’s why we’re declaring war on sugar, plastic and climate change. We are a diverse, highly motivated team that combines strengths from sustainable management, nutrition science, design and marketing and puts our full effort into the mission for better nutrition and sustainability.

Saxony and the Leipzig region offer us...

Leipzig is full of talented people, some of them fresh out of uni and others with professional experience. In addition, a lot of people who live in Leipzig can identify with our goal of making the world a greener place. This is obviously a perfect fit, which is why we have already found plenty of new colleagues here.

Also, many people are willing to move to Leipzig to work with us because the city offers so much variety.

Applicants should be... 

That naturally depends on the position in question, but in general we are looking for new colleagues who are as keen as we are to plant a billion trees. Applicants should also be highly self-motivated (since we work according to the Holacracy model), hungry for more (not only for bars, although we can understand that) and enjoy start-up life (there’s sometimes an extra hour of work to do, but you get a family for free).

My first day at the nu company was... 

Unforgettable and incredibly welcoming. In the morning, because it was the start of a new quarter, the founders presented the plans for the last three months and everything the company had achieved. In addition, all of us nu*bies were introduced to the rest of the team. After that, there was a very individual, structured and exciting onboarding process. We were prepared for the working day, given a package with bars, books and electronic devices, and in the evening the day was topped off with a cocktail party in the office. The next day we all travelled together to the Erzgebirge and planted trees. What a way to start!

(Interview with Inés Rogge)

enlarge the image: Portr?taufnahme von Inés Rogge.
Inés Rogge. Photo: the nu company

Tilia is great because...

... our employees have a wide range of strategic, operational and technical skills and experience. This allows us to develop tailor-made solutions for our customers and projects and to implement them together.

Saxony and the Leipzig region offer us...

...highly qualified young professionals from various fields who come to us to gain an insight into the energy industry and water management and experience aspects of sustainability in practice.

Applicants should be...

...keen to learn about new topics, able to think outside the box, and communicative team players.

My first day at Tilia was... September 2015. As an intern, I was able to gain my first work experience in the company and apply the knowledge I had learned during my studies. Today – about five years later – I can look back on an exciting time and am glad to be a part of Tilia in Leipzig.

(Interview with Carlos Walther)

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Carlos Walther, Photo: Tilia GmbH


Our projects inform you about your options and unlock new perspectives for your career in Saxony.

TalentTransfer, a project of the StepIn programme, is a new initiative set up by the Saxon State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport (SMWA) aimed at securing skilled workers.

In the three regions of Chemnitz, Dresden and Leipzig, TalentTransfer puts young academics in touch with local companies in order to get Saxony’s students, doctoral researchers and alumni interested in the regional business world. Together with the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK) and ZAROF. GmbH, our university is part of an experienced project alliance for the Leipzig region that aims to offer orientation early on and point out real-world career options.

Learn more

The project “A? | Arbeitgeberattraktivit?t st?rken ― Akademische Fachkr?fte gewinnen” puts students and graduates of our university in touch with companies in the districts of Leipzig and Nordsachsen – a region with a great need for university graduates. This exchange helps to make students and companies aware of each other’s potential and opportunities.

  • Students from our university are given access to the job market in the district of Nordsachsen. Actively taking part allows graduates to benefit from new opportunities and perspectives.
  • Companies get to know new academic target groups, especially from the humanities and social sciences. They recognise the students’ potential, which they can use and further develop for their individual business needs.

The project is supported by a cooperation network consisting of Leipzig University’s Career Service, Wirtschaftsf?rderungsgesellschaft Nordsachsen GmbH, companies from the district of Nordsachsen and ZAROF. GmbH.

“Quickstart Sachsen+” is a flagship project offering support on the subject of dropping out of university, highlighting opportunities.

It is aimed at students who are considering dropping out of university or have already dropped out, as well as at companies that would like to exploit the potential of (former) students:

  • Information on vocational training after dropping out of university
  • Consultant networking and training
  • Raising awareness and removing taboos on the subject of dropping out

The project pools existing advisory services and information from universities, the Federal Employment Agency, chambers of industry and commerce, and other stakeholders throughout Saxony, thereby creating a network. The dialogue between regional members within that network ensures high-quality consultations and develops effective solutions to the challenges of students leaving university early.

Learn more

Christin Hiebner

Quickstart Project

Goethestra?e 3-5, Room 1.17
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30030
Fax: +49 341 97 - 39301

enlarge the image: Seven people are shown standing on a stage.
enlarge the image: Foto eines mit Stichw?rtern beschriebenen Tisches, auf dem Filzstifte liegen.
enlarge the image: Studierende bei einem Workshop von Quer Denken
enlarge the image: Studierende nehmen an einem Workshop von Quer Denken teil
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