Publication series “IMPULSE. Leipziger Hochschulbeitr?ge zu Diversit?t und Chancengleichheit (contributions to diversity and equal opportunities at Leipzig University") offers an interdisciplinary insight into work on gender equality as well as current and future challenges. The change of perspective is mostly varied - from a political, scientific or practice-based angle. The series is published by Leipziger Universit?tsverlag.

IMPULSE Volume 1: But you want it, too!

Cover der Publikation Du willst es doch auch!
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IMPULSE Volume 2: The Prostitution Protection Act

Cover der Publikation Das Prostituiertenschutzgesetz
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IMPULSE Volume 3: Who is this Mr Gender?

Cover der Publikation Wer ist dieser Herr Gender?!
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IMPULSE Volume 4: Living and loving in the shadows

Cover der Publikation L(i)eben im Verborgenen
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IMPULSE Volume 1: Du willst es doch auch! (But you want it, too!)

Diskriminierungserfahrungen der Studierenden und Besch?ftigten an der Universit?t Leipzig (Discrimination experienced by students and employees at Leipzig University)

Kann es Diskriminierung an einer weltoffenen und vielf?ltigen Universit?t überhaupt geben? (Can discrimination even exist at a cosmopolitan and diverse university? And if so: who is discriminated against, by whom and why? In order to find answers to these questions for Leipzig University, the Equal Opportunities Office, supported by the university management, decided to conduct a survey on discrimination experienced by students and employees as part of the "Shaping Diversity" audit by Stifterverband. The findings generated from the unexpectedly high response rate and the almost 1,000 case reports will continue to have a significant impact on university gender equality policy in the years to come.

Leipziger Universit?tsverlag

enlarge the image: Cover der Publikation Du willst es doch auch!
Publikation: Du willst es doch auch! Diskriminierungserfahrungen der Studierenden und Besch?ftigten an der Universit?t Leipzig. In: IMPULSE. Leipziger Hochschulbeitr?ge zu Diversit?t und Chancengleichheit. Band 1. Georg…

IMPULSE Volume 2: The Prostitution Protection Act

Implementierung – Problematisierung - Sensibilisierung (Implementation - Problematisation - Raising Awareness)

Disputations – academic debates – are part of day-to-day university life. Academic conferences provide a platform for these debates. Nowadays, universities face up to their responsibility as stakeholders in society by offering a forum for socially relevant topics that are embedded in scientific and academic research. The ability to engage in the discourse that this facilitates means having the ability to provide space for different positions and to question them critically. The university's Equal Opportunities Office was aware ahead of time that a conference on the Prostitution Protection Act would not only elicit support. However, the pros and cons of prostitution were explicitly not on the agenda – instead, the controversy focused on the need for and protection of sex work. From a political, scientific and practice-based point of view, it succeeded in taking an interdisciplinary as well as internationally comparative approach to the topic and deriving valuable findings, which now – at a remove – offer a valuable basis for reflecting on the Act.


enlarge the image: Cover der Publikation Das Prostituiertenschutzgesetz
Publikation: Das Prostituiertenschutzgesetz. Implementierung – Problematisierung - Sensibilisierung. In: IMPULSE. Leipziger Hochschulbeitr?ge zu Diversit?t und Chancengleichheit. Band 2. Georg Teichert (Hrsg.). 2019.

IMPULSE Volume 3: Who is this Mr Gender?

Interdisziplin?re Antworten auf die allt?gliche Bedeutung von Geschlecht (Interdisciplinary responses to the importance of gender in everyday life)

A spectre is haunting Germany, namely the spectre of "gender mania". Few other phrases have been used more often in recent years to speak disparagingly about gender equality policy efforts or projects. Questions on the background of gender equality measures or on the causes of gender differences are raised far less frequently. An anthology of selected articles that featured in the interdisciplinary lecture series "Wer ist dieser Herr Gender?!" (Who is this Mr. Gender?!) is being published here for the first time. The series focuses on the search for traces of the importance of gender in everyday life and in the process repeatedly reveals new and unique perspectives.


enlarge the image: Cover der Publikation Wer ist dieser Herr Gender?!
Publikation: Wer ist dieser Herr Gender?! Interdisziplin?re Antworten auf die allt?gliche Bedeutung von Geschlecht. In: IMPULSE. Leipziger Hochschulbeitr?ge zu Diversit?t und Chancengleichheit. Band 3. Georg Teichert…

IMPULSE Volume4: Living and loving in the shadows

Homosexualit?t zwischen Stonewall und der Ehe für alle (Homosexuality between Stonewall and marriage equality)

To a large extent, women who love women and men who love men are free to live according to their sexual identity in Germany today. State and society do not prevent them from doing so. This was not always the case and for that very reason, it is not something to be taken for granted. A glance back at history shows how rocky the road to the emancipation of gays and lesbians has been in Germany. Many small milestones were reached in the intervening years – milestones that the gay and lesbian movement fought hard to reach. The catalogue accompanying the exhibition of the same name organised by Leipzig University's Equal Opportunities Office sheds light on the turbulent historical period between the Stonewall riots and marriage equality, focusing in particular on the plight of homosexuals in the GDR. A number of experts explore the topic from various angles. Contemporary witnesses and photographs by the renowned Leipzig visual chronicler Armin Kühne from the 1970s lend authentic insights into a period when homosexual liaisons still had to conducted in the shadows.


enlarge the image: Cover der Publikation L(i)eben im Verborgenen
Publikation: L(i)eben im Verborgenen. Homosexualit?t zwischen Stonewall und der Ehe für alle. In: IMPULSE. Leipziger Hochschulbeitr?ge zu Diversit?t und Chancengleichheit. Band 4. Georg Teichert (Hrsg.). 2019.

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