Im Vordergrund ist eine Frau von hinten zu sehen, die an einem Rednerpult steht. Auf dem Pult steht ein Laptop. Die Zuh?renden im Raum, die den Vortrag der Rednerin h?ren, sind nur verschwommen zu sehen.

t.e.a.m. programme

Our t.e.a.m. programe supports female scientists at every stage of their qualification. It offers female students, doctoral candidates, postdocs, postdoctoral researchers and junior professors coordinated mentoring, workshops and networking opportunities in various programme lines.

t.e.a.m. programme at Leipzig University

Experience reports and background information on the t.e.a.m. programme can be seen in the video.

Programme lines

Saxon Innovation Award

The t.e.a.m. programme was awarded the Innovation Award for Continuing Education of the Free State of Saxony in 2017. More about this in the video (in German).


Our rooms are barrier-free accessible for people who are dependent on a wheelchair. A barrier-free WC is available. There are three parking spaces for people with disabilities in Ritterstra?e. If you have any further questions, please contact us by phone or e-mail.

You can find us here

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