Do you have a brilliant idea? Perhaps you are already planning a new research project? Then the Department of Research and Transfer is the right place for you. We will advise and support you in the application and implementation of research projects as well as in the exploitation of your research results.

enlarge the image: zwei Frauen sitzen an einem Tisch und schauen auf einen Laptop. Die recht sitzende Frau zeigt und erkl?rt etwas. Die links sitzende Frau macht sich Notizen.
Our Services for External Funding team will be happy to advise you. Photo: Colourbox

Are You Planning a New Research Project?

Then the Department of Research and Transfer is where you will find the right contact persons for expert advice on application formalities.

Junior Researchers, Open Access, Diversity

Do you have questions about how to develop concepts on diversity and young researchers, on open access policies, on research data management, or on gender and well-being? We can put you in touch with the right people.

Training and Workshops

If you are preparing a proposal – especially as an early career researcher – we offer a series of informative events and workshops (including one exclusively in English) on how to apply for and manage external funding:

This informative session is designed to provide an overview of funding providers, types of external funding, and how to search for funding.

In this writing workshop, we will go through the steps of your DFG project proposal (especially Individual Research Grants) together and try out a number of interactive exercises.

This seminar outlines the process of applying to the BMBF, from the initial idea and submitting a funding application to receiving the grant notice. Among other things, it covers how to read a call for proposals and how to structure your proposal.

In this workshop we discuss all aspects of preparing a draft or a full proposal for a BMBF call for proposals, together with the associated cost calculation, and go through a BMWi application (ZIM) together.

This English-language workshop provides non-German speakers with the necessary background knowledge and skills to prepare a competitive proposal under the Horizon 2020 programme. Working in small groups, we will complete a series of writing exercises together.

This workshop is aimed in particular at professors, academic staff, secretaries and project coordinators who are planning an externally funded project. The workshop will explain how to manage the approved project funds correctly and introduce you to various administrative staff who will support you in this important task.

Managing Your Externally Funded Projects

Are you starting an exciting new research project? We can help you handle the administrative side.

  • Project account and project number
    We will assign your project a number and set up a project account in accordance with the specifications of the notice of grant.
  • Budget management
    We store and maintain your budget in the HIS-FSV accounting system. You can access your project information in IVMC-WEB (intranet only). To request a login, please use the form provided.
  • Disbursement requests
    We check your disbursement requests and forward them to the funding providers.
  • Financing and eligibility
    We check the financing and eligibility of staff hired using external funding.
  • Eligibility of invoices
    We check your invoices for eligibility and forward them to the Department of Finances for posting.
  • Interim and final statements
    We help you to prepare interim and final statements.
  • Document lists
    On request, we will provide you with the necessary data for the creation of document lists.
  • On-site inspections
    We will accompany you during on-site inspections by funding bodies.
  • Project account closure
    We close your project account in the HIS-FSV and IVMC systems and archive the project file according to the retention periods prescribed by the funding body.

Do you want to know whether your external funding provider will assume the costs of certain services and products? Our experienced Services for External Funding team will be happy to assist you. If you are planning investments and orders, it is important to bear in mind the following regulations:

This avoids the need for complex reworking and the incurrence of non-reimbursable costs. Please speak to us early on!

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