As a member of the German ORCID consortium, our university is committed to supporting ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). The non-profit organisation provides academics worldwide with a personal identification number free of charge. This can be integrated into leuris, which is our university’s research information system.

Making Research Achievements Visible

As a member of the German ORCID? consortium, our university is committed to supporting ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). ORCID is a non-profit organisation that provides academics worldwide with a personal identification number free of charge. Researchers can link their achievements and activities to this ID and present them publicly if they wish. This allows them to manage their CV, publications, funded projects and more in one place. They keep their achievements consistently visible – even if they change employers or their name, or have different name spellings – and distinguish themselves from any namesakes.

ORCID is a global standard and is supported and implemented by a very large number of stakeholders in the academic system, such as funding agencies, publishers, repositories and others. Personal ORCID IDs make it possible to identify researchers in an international context and to correctly link them to publications, research data, projects and more.

As a researcher, you manage your ORCID account yourself and have full control over your data and who can see and use it. You benefit from the numerous databases linked to ORCID, from which you can, for instance, import information on your own publications and research projects.

Link ORCID with leuris

ORCID is being integrated into leuris – our university’s own research information system – in several stages. Currently, researchers can include their ORCID ID in their personal profile and on their personal page in the leuris:Portal. The ID appears as a link that leads directly to their personal ORCID account. For the future, we also plan to enable the transfer of data on publications and projects from leuris to ORCID and vice versa.

To establish a link between leuris and ORCID, researchers can use the dedicated function for creating or linking an ORCID ID on the leuris:Profilseite. Further information on ORCID and detailed instructions are available in the leuris:Wiki. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the .

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