How do I find my research profile?

After your doctorate, it is important to develop your own research profile and find your own place in the scientific community. What are your main areas of focus? Below you will find various starting points for reflecting on your individual profile.

How do I research ethically and with integrity

To implement your projects with integrity and in accordance with the principles of research ethics, good scientific practice is essential. Find out more about the relevant contact points at our university.

How should I handle research data?

A sustainable, open approach to research data and publications promotes transparency, reproducibility, and reuse of research results. It is part of safeguarding good scientific practice.

How do I publish my research?

In order to achieve scientific independence and reputation, your own publications are indispensable. Various contact points support you in this. A particular focus at our university is on Open Science and Open Access.

How do I connect research to business?

The exchange between science and business is important at our university. This is demonstrated by cooperation with companies from the region, support with patenting procedures, offers for business start-ups and various transfer events.

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