Here we present the current cohort of the Pre-Doc Award with the doctoral projects. There is also information for the Awardees - Predocs as well as Postdocs.

Insight into the Kick-Off event on 20.10.2023

enlarge the image: Group photo from the Kick-Off Event in October 2023
enlarge the image: Prof. Gl?ser welcomes everyone in his speech.
enlarge the image: Dr. Koburger stands in front of a lot of people and introduces the Pre-Doc Award Programme.
enlarge the image: People are sitting in chairs and discussing a presentation.
enlarge the image: A tandem pair present their project together.
enlarge the image: A tandem pair present their project together.
enlarge the image: A lot of people are sitting on chair and applauding a presentation.
enlarge the image: A lot of people are sitting in a bright room and are listenting to a presentation
enlarge the image: Five people are standing in a bright room in front of a window.
enlarge the image: People standing round a table and chatting during the coffee break.

Cohort 2023/24

enlarge the image: Portrait of Israel Akinlabi (left) and Dr. Vajiheh Safavi Rizi (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24
Israel Akinlabi (left) and Dr. Vajiheh Safavi Rizi (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Private/Christian Hüller

Developing Genetically Encoded Sensors for Single-Cell Nitric Oxide (NO) Bioimaging

Einrichtung: Institute of Biology


Nitric oxide (NO) is a multi-tasking signal molecule during plant development and stress response. However, its dynamics within cells remain challenging to study due to the limitations of NO detection methods. To address this gap we aim to develop genetically encoded NO biosensors (GreeNOs). This allows real-time subcellular NO detection under control and stress conditions such as flooding, where NO is a major signal molecule. GreeNOs will facilitates gene function analysis particularly with focus on NO biosynthesis and scavenging. An additional aim is to track NO localization in different cellular compartments. Eventually we will be able to integrate GreeNOs to investigate the NO signalling during plant response to its environment. GreeNOs promises to advance our understanding of the interaction between plants and their environment. This knowledge can eventually be beneficial for improving crop stress resilience in the context of climate change.

Israel Akinlabi

Johannisallee 23, Room 108
04103 Leipzig

Dr. Vajiheh Safavi Rizi

Johannisallee 21
04103 Leipzig

enlarge the image: Portrait of Dr. Verena Schneider (left) und Franz Beensen (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller
Portrait of Dr. Verena Schneider (left) und Franz Beensen (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller

Conspiracy Beliefs from a Religio-Sociological Perspective

Einrichtung: Institute of Practical Theology


The belief in the existence of hidden powers that have conspired is a well-known phenomenon in modern societies. Especially in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, it seems to have spread in recent years. The conspiracy belief and its followers are extremely diverse; esoteric and far-right milieus sometimes overlap. Content-wise, there is a vast array of specific delusions. This phenomenon is relevant in that for many followers, their belief becomes a guiding principle for action. In my project, I aim to identify and elucidate the connections between conspiracy beliefs and political attitudes.

Franz Beensen

Nikolaistra?e 10
04109 Leipzig

Dr. Verena Schneider

Beethovenstra?e 25
04107 Leipzig

enlarge the image: Portrait of Tom G?tze (right) and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christina Lamers (left) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller
Portrait of Tom G?tze (right) and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christina Lamers (left) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller

Peptide dendrimers as innovative drug delivery systems

Einrichtung: Institute for Drug Discovery


During the development of novel therapeutic agents, especially the achievement of sufficient bioavailability is a challenge of promising drug candidates.
In our research project, we aim to establish peptide dendrimers as innovative drug delivery systems that shield promising drug candidates from the endogenous environment and enzymatic degradation. We plan on synthesizing macrocyclic structures that host certain therapeutic agents like small organic molecules or siRNA. The outer surface of the dendrimers includes functional groups to ensure a controlled drug release.
The main focus of this work includes the development of a reliable strategy for macrocyclic peptide dendrimer synthesis and model experiments for a controlled drug release.
The results of our research will open new possibilities for drug design facilitate by enlarging the pool of considerable drug molecules and therefore.

Tom G?tze


Prof. Christina Lamers

Brüderstr. 34
04103 Leipzig

enlarge the image: Portrait of Norbert Graefe (left) and Dr. Georg Künze (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller
Norbert Graefe (left) and Dr Georg Künze (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller

Developing enhanced enzymes for PET degradation with the help of artificial intelligence

Institution: Institute for Drug Discovery


Currently only 10% of plastics are recycled worldwide, posing threats to the environment and human health. Therefore, we are engineering enzymes capable of degrading plastics. Enzymatic recycling circumvents the need for costly technical processes and allows for the recovery of raw materials, which facilitates the transition from a linear, unsustainable to a circular, environmentally friendly economy. Artificial Intelligence holds promise in revolutionising enzyme engineering by learning enzyme fitness landscapes and predicting beneficial amino acid mutations which increase the enzyme’s robustness and activity for its application in the industry.

We seek to establish an automated workflow whereby an AI-algorithm predicts enzyme libraries, which will be tested by high?throughput screening. This bears the potential of laying the groundwork for finding future biocatalysts.

Dr. Georg Künze

Haus V
H?rtelstra?e 16-18
04107 Leipzig

enlarge the image: Portrait of Pragati Gupta (right) and Dr. Zohreh Hosseinzadeh (left) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller
Portrait of Pragati Gupta (right) and Dr. Zohreh Hosseinzadeh (left) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller

Functional Retinal Organoids as Therapeutic Approaches for Retinal Diseases

Einrichtung: Department of Ophthalmology and Eye Hospital


According to the WHO, more than one billion people globally suffer from vision impairment, including retinal diseases. This research is critical for the effective development and understanding of human retinal models in the treatment of retinal diseases. This study aims to generate the human retina from stem cells called retinal organoids. Then, enhance human retinal organoid maturation and functionality using herbal small molecules to activate vital signaling pathways—Wnt, PI3K/Akt, and Notch. This includes scrutinizing molecular impacts on pathways, characterizing effects on electrical activity and light responsiveness of retinal organoids. The overarching objective is to advance the development of retinal organoids, thus providing profound insights into retinal diseases and their prospective therapeutic remedies.

Pragati Gupta

Liebigstr. 12, Room B116
04103 Leipzig

Dr. Zohreh Hosseinzadeh


Dr. Zohreh Hosseinzadeh has left the University of Leipzig and is therefore currently participating externally in the Pre-Doc Awad programme, including the supervision of Pragati Gupta.

enlarge the image: Portrait of Felix Hahn (left) and Dr. Katharina Methner (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller
Portrait of Felix Hahn (left) and Dr. Katharina Methner (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller

Seasonality patterns in the past: A case study on corrals from the middle Miocene Vienna basin

Institution: Institute for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing


One of the biggest stress factors for modern ecosystems, in addition to direct human interventions, is global climate change. A key to understand the current climate change and its consequences for the geo- and biosphere is the reconstruction of past climate changes. Suitable study intervals are the Miocene Climate Optimum (MCO, ~ 17-14 Ma BP) and the subsequent Middle Miocene Climate Transition (MMCT, ~ 14-13 Ma BP). The latter represents a stepwise cooling interval after the global warmth of the MCO. In our project we will measure oxygen isotope ratios in corrals from the MCO and MMCT and use the results to reconstruct the development of the climate and the degree of temperature and rainfall seasonality in Central Europe (Vienna Basin).  

Felix Hahn

Ritterstra?e 26
04109 Leipzig

Dr. Katharina Methner

Talstra?e 35, Room 0-05
04103 Leipzig

enlarge the image: Portrait of Maximilian Hoffmann (right) & Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christina Lamers (left) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller
Portrait of Maximilian Hoffmann (right) & Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christina Lamers (left) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller

Developing Next-Gen Complement Inhibitors: A Computational-Experimental Approach to Cyclic Peptide Design for C5 Inhibition

Institution: Institute for drug discovery


The complement system is vital for innate immunity and host defense, but also implicated in diseases including rare hematological, and more recently shown inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. Despite its importance, only few therapies have been approved targeting the complement system for rare diseases. Addressing novel disease areas is challenging due to limited availability of cross-species pharmacological tools for in vivo disease models. This study aims to develop broad species complement C5 inhibitors. Using structural insights from compstatin and CirpT1, we aim to design novel cyclic peptide C5 inhibitors. A computational approach will define the CirpT1-C5 protein interface, designing peptides akin to compstatin. Cyclic peptides will be synthesized, tested for complement inhibition, and optimized iteratively for human and rodent efficacy.

Maximilian Karl Felix Hoffmann


Prof. Christina Lamers

Brüderstr. 34
04103 Leipzig

enlarge the image: Portait of Henriette Jopp (left) and Dr. Katrin Rietscher (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24
Henriette Jopp (left) and Dr. Katrin Rietscher (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller/Private

Development of an organotypic skin model for the blistering skin disease EBS

Institution: Institute of Biology


Our project is part of a therapy approach for the blistering skin disease Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex (EBS), caused by mutations in keratin genes KRT5 or KRT14. Such mutations trigger the collapse of the cytoskeleton into cytoplasmic protein aggregates, followed by skin fragility and blistering, diminished cell adhesion, inflammation and itch. We have recently identified a drug, already in clinical use for a different disease that reduces keratin aggregation and increases cell adhesion in cultured keratinocytes. Our project will establish an ex vivo, physiologically relevant, organotypic 3D skin model from EBS patient-derived keratinocytes. This allows for deeper mechanistic insight into the pathomechanisms of EBS as well as represents a crucial step toward drug validation and development of a clinical study.

Henriette Elisabeth Jopp

Flügel A und B
Philipp-Rosenthal-Stra?e 55
04103 Leipzig

Dr. Katrin Rietscher

Flügel A und B
Philipp-Rosenthal-Stra?e 55, Room B1-0220
04103 Leipzig

enlarge the image: Portrait of Clemens Mosig (right) & Dr. Martin Reinhardt (left) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller
Portrait of Clemens Mosig (right) & Dr. Martin Reinhardt (left) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller

SDDeurope: Standing Deadwood Detection at European Scale using Transformers Title

Institution: Institute for Earth system science and remote sensing


Climate change causes widespread tree mortality in forests around the world. It remains a challenge to obtain an accurate state of forest vitality at scale. The Sentinel satellites by the European Space Agency

(ESA) offer the first measurement platform that delivers global data at a spatial resolution of 10 meters per pixel every 5 days on average. We aim to train a model that is able to locate tree mortality from this satellite data. Using this mortality information and other data sources we additionally aim to infer the vitality of a forest and finally hope to gain insight into how climate impacts forest health.

Clemens Mosig

L?hrs Carré
Humboldtstra?e 25
04105 Leipzig

Dr. Martin Reinhardt

Talstra?e 35, Room 2-07
04103 Leipzig

enlarge the image: Portrait of Kleopatra Papagrigoriou (right) & Dr. Bj?rn Bastian (left) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller
Portrait of Kleopatra Papagrigoriou (right) & Dr. Bj?rn Bastian (left) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller

Toward quantitative control of the surface temperature and adsorption rate on single nanoparticles in the gas phase

Einrichtung: Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry


Nanoparticles play an increasingly central role in our environment and in technical applications. Their properties differ significantly from those of larger particles and bulk materials due to shape, surface-to-volume ratio and quantum effects. Conventional experimental techniques rely on averaging over an ensemble of particles and are not capable of examining single nanoparticles without the influence of perturbing interactions with the environment. Our novel mass spectrometry instrument allows the characterisation of single nanoparticles in the gas phase. The absolute mass and charge of the particle are determined non-destructively, while the interaction with electromagnetic radiation is determined indirectly via the mass changes due to the desorption of surface adsorbates. This allows to draw conclusions about the surface properties of the nanoparticle.

Kleopatra Papagrigoriou

Technikum Analytikum
Linnéstra?e 3, Room TA422
04103 Leipzig

Ph.D. Bj?rn Bastian

Technikum Analytikum
Linnéstra?e 3, Room 421
04103 Leipzig

enlarge the image: Portrait of Marta Santos Mariz (left) & Dr. Caroline Meier zu Biesen (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller
Marta Santos Mariz (left) and Dr. Caroline Meier zu Biesen (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller

Endometriosis: Sex/Gender-Specific Health and the Experience of Living With an Ignored Disease

Einrichtung: Institute of Anthropology


Endometriosis is a chronic, inflammatory disease wherein tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows elsewhere. This life-limiting condition is characterised by incapacitating pain, stigma, delays in diagnosis, and oftentimes, reproductive issues. Effecting around 10% of people with uteruses worldwide, it’s one of the most common diseases; albeit the aetiology and cure remain unknown. Insufficient biomedical investment into endometriosis is part of a broader constellation of historical, cultural, and political issues dealing with gender and health. Through these facets, our planned doctoral project aims to ethnographically analyse the relationship between the disease, infertility and assisted reproductive technologies. This research will offer a qualitative perspective on experiences of living with endometriosis, while shedding critical light on systemic aspects which contribute to its neglect.

Marta Santos Mariz

Ritterstra?e 26
04109 Leipzig

Dr. Caroline Meier zu Biesen

Stra?e des 17. Juni 2
04107 Leipzig

enlarge the image: Portrait of Anna Claudia Schmidt (left) & Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nanna Notthoff (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller
Portrait of Anna Claudia Schmidt (left) & Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nanna Notthoff (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller

POSITRACK: Promoting Positive Attitudes Torwards Aging and Active Lifestyles with Activity Trackers for Older Adults

Institution: Exercise Psychology


This research addresses the promotion of positive attitudes towards aging and physical activity among older adults who make up a significant proportion of the world's population. Older adults face many negative views regarding their physical abilities and technological competence. These stereotypes may hinder them from being physically active and from using technology to support their engagement in physical activity, whereas a positive attitude towards aging is associated with higher activity levels. The project centers on utilizing technology, particularly activity trackers, and investigates how these devices can shift perceptions and boost engagement in physical activity. The ultimate goal is to develop, implement, and evaluate a technology-driven intervention that motivates older adults to stay active by cultivating positive views on aging.

Jun.-Prof. Ph.D. Nanna Notthoff

Haus 1, B-Trakt
Jahnallee 59, Room 1403
04109 Leipzig

enlarge the image: Portrait of Diandra Ursu (left) & Dr. Joris Spigt (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller
Portrait of Diandra Ursu (left) & Dr. Joris Spigt (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller

Existentialism on the Modern Screen

Einrichtung: Institute of Philosophy


This project delves into the enduring relevance of the philosophical movement called existentialism by examining its subtle presence in contemporary films and series. It scrutinizes central existentialist themes like freedom, choice, human existence, consciousness, and interactions with artificial intelligence. While previous studies have explored existentialist 20th-century cinema, this project uniquely addresses existentialist themes in 21st-century cultural productions. It also grapples with the intriguing question of whether Artificial Intelligence might be capable of self-consciousness and therefore what it means to be a human being. The project aims to unveil how existentialism continues to shape our modern culture and how we can gain a deeper understanding of the human condition through existentialism.

Diandra Ursu

Ritterstra?e 26
04109 Leipzig

Dr. Joris Spigt

Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstra?e 15, Room H2 1.03
04107 Leipzig

enlarge the image: Portrait of Elisa Wagner (right) and Dr. Jacqueline Schmidt (left) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller
Elisa Wagner (right) and Dr Jacqueline Schmidt (left) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller

Digital training for AI-related competences among vocational teachers

Einrichtung: Institute for Business & Economics Education


Teachers are confronted with digitalization- and AI-related challenges on at least two levels:

1. the content of vocational education is affected by AI-related changes in work and business processes.

2. AI holds potential for instructional design and can be used as a tool in teaching and learning processes.

Recent publications and projects show an increasing interest in AI in vocational education. It is therefore our goal to develop, test and evaluate a digitally supported training course for (in-service) teachers in vocational education on the topic of AI. For this purpose, a theoretical framework model for AI-related competences as well as a test instrument for their assessment will be adapted.

Prof. Dr. Roland Happ

Grimmaische Stra?e 12, Room IZ 17
04109 Leipzig

Dr. Jacqueline Schmidt


Dr. Jacqueline Schmidt has left the University of Leipzig and is therefore currently participating externally in the Pre-Doc Awad programme, including the supervision of Elisa Wagner.

Theresia W?bke & Dr. Berit Streubel

enlarge the image: Portrait of Theresia W?bke (left) and Dr. Berit Streubel (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller
Theresia W?bke (left) and Dr. Berit Streubel (right) at the Pre-Doc Award Kickoff Event 2023/24, Photo: Christian Hüller

The impact of an emotion-specific language skill training on both emotion understanding and emotion regulation abilities within preschoolers

Institution: Institute of Educational Sciences


Emotional self-regulation (ER), i.e., the ability to regulate one's emotions and related action tendencies to align them with personal goals and social demands, is related to children’s social and academic development. Research suggests that language skills (LS) and particularly emotion-specific LS predict children's ability to understand and handle emotions. These findings raise the question of whether targeted training of emotion-specific LS might promote children's emotion understanding and ER skills. In this project we will develop and evaluate an experimental emotion-specific vocabulary training for both typically developing children and children at risk to gain a better understanding of the interplay between LS, emotion understanding and ER skills in order to contribute towards intervention strategies for professionals within a special educational context.

Theresia W?bke

Haus 3
Marschnerstra?e 31, Room 217
04109 Leipzig

Dr. Berit Streubel

Haus 3
Marschnerstra?e 31
04109 Leipzig

Information for the Awardees

enlarge the image:
University Information Day, Photo: Christian Hüller

Here we have compiled information that can support you during your Pre-Doc Award sponsorship.

There are various ways to finance your doctorate. In addition to your own position, which is financed by third-party funds raised by your postdoc, you can also apply for funding yourself. You will find a number of possibilities on the following pages.

The website Stipendiumplus provides information on foundations that also award doctoral scholarships. You can find a further overview of scholarships and study support through foundations on the website Stiftungssuche.

On the basis of the Saxon Higher Education Freedom Act and the Saxon State Scholarship Ordinance, scholarships for doctoral funding are awarded at our university as state postgraduate scholarships.

You can also find further important information on the following pages of our university:

On our homepage we inform you about the possibilities of a doctorate at Leipzig University and provide documents such as doctoral regulations.

You can also find a comprehensive range of information and advice on your doctorate on the website of the Graduate Academy Leipzig.

Nationale und internationale F?rderung

The Department of Research Services provides information and advice on national and international funding programmes and, if required, support in submitting applications.


The international doctoral initiative warmly welcomes all new as well as future doctoral students. Find them on Facebook.

Information about the ProRat (PhD Council) can be found on the Intranet or on Facebook.


The interdisciplinary and international Postdoc Club meets regularly and offers space to help shape events and topics

We also offer you the opportunity to network with other postdocs via the LinkedIn group Postdocs in Leipzig.

We provide a wide range of further information for doctoral researchers on the Leipzig Researcher Development Programme page.

The Career Service supports you with questions about your career prospects.

The continuing education database of our university bundles all continuing education offers from various offices. In addition, you can obtain further information, e.g. on the further education centre of the Free State of Saxony in Mei?en, where you can take advantage of all further education offers free of charge.

The Graduate Academy Leipzig is the central institution for the promotion of young academics at the University of Leipzig. Among other things, you will find a comprehensive workshop programme there.

The foreign language offers of the Language Institute are aimed at all those who want to expand and improve their foreign language skills for professional or private reasons.

Further information for postdocs is available here.

Do you have any questions? We will help you:

 Andrea L?sel

Andrea L?sel

Staff development officer

Stra?e des 17. Juni 2
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 34997
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35009

Office hours
Monday All-Day

 Matthew Cummins

Matthew Cummins


Stra?e des 17. Juni 2
04107 Leipzig

 Cornelia Averdunk

Cornelia Averdunk


Johannisallee 21
04103 Leipzig

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