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From 12 September to 14. September 2022, the Federal Academy for Cultural Education Wolfenbüttel e.V. organised a think tank on the topic "How to transfer knowledge...". Here you can find impressions from the think tank by Dr. Luise Fischer.

Between 12 and 14 September, the Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung Wolfenbüttel e.V. (Federal Academy for Cultural Education Wolfenbüttel e.V invited 20 participants from academia, education, cultural practice and civil society to the think tank “How to knowledge transfer...”. The workshop was led by Anne Hartmann, project officer of “Witra KuBi - Knowledge Transfer in Cultural Education”. Together with Kristina Fromm, Türk?n Deniz-Roggenbuck, Silke Ballath and Julian Scheuer, Anne Hartmann offered open-ended spaces for encounter, reflection, and experimentation that stimulated thinking, feeling, and creating.

The workshop, hence, invited exchange as well as the co-creative design of knowledge (transfer) formats. The senses, emotions, and relationships played just as central a role as cognitive reflection. Sandra Richter, Dr. Gregory Heuser and Dr. Luise Fischer, for example, designed and performed the “hot circle” – an improvisation theatre that used a participatory approach to invite dialogue and reflection around the fluidity of self-created boundaries. The “hot circle” showed itself as a plea for continuities1 and the endurance of ambivalences: co-creation and/or “transfer”, structure and/or freedom, knowledge and/or emotion? At the end of the event, “How to knowledge transfer...” remained an open question and “knowledge transfer” a concept and as well as a practice “in motion”.

The think tank, which was also a relational tank/workshop, thus showed that knowledge (at least in cultural/arts education and practice) is a complex concept whose respective meaning takes shape in relation. Speaking to the “spatial turn”2 and the “affective turn”3 in the social sciences, the participants made the situatedness of knowledge tangible and used it in a creative way. The openness of the results led to an emphasis on processuality – in interpersonal relations as well as in relation to material and immaterial entities and thus knowledge movements.



[1] Für eine Einführung in posthumane Kontinua und prozessphilosophische Ans?tze des Posthumanismus und neuen Materialismus, vgl. Karen Barad (2007) Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning; Rosi Braidotti (2013) The Posthuman.

[2] Vgl. z.B. Donna Haraway (1988) “Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective” in Feminist Studies.

[3] Vgl. z.B. Brian Massumi (2002/2022). Parables for the Virtual: Movement, Affect, Sensation; Melissa Gregg and Gregory J. Seigworth (eds). (2010). The Affect Theory Reader.