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A text written by Dr Luise Fischer

Unlocking potentials of cultural education

"Passive becomes active." From 24-26 April, the Rheinsberg Music Academy organised a think tank to promote cultural participation through innovative concepts in rural areas. During this hybrid event, practitioners and academics from the fields of culture and cultural education came together to think, exchange, inspire and develop foundations for further (further) educational workshops and programmes. Dr. Luise Fischer from MetaKLuB particularly brought in perspectives from education and transformation research. 

Under the direction of Felix G?rg and Lucia Swientek, the participants demonstrated new perspectives in focus groups and stimulating dialogues and laid the foundations for guidelines and instructions for action in cultural education and cultural work in rural areas. Based on their personal and professional experiences, the participants focused especially on the cultural and social innovation potential of third places, the role of professionalisation, the importance of cultural education in the promotion of democracy and the development of local and regional narratives.

One central point of discussion: culture and cultural education vouch for as yet unexploited potentials for our societies – especially in view of our challenges in this 21st century. The ability to make decisions in times of great uncertainty. To endure other opinions and perspectives and, at the same time, to critically question these. To be able to find answers to the multiple and complex interlocking challenges and not succumb to feelings of powerlessness. Culture and cultural education embrace and nurture the ability to truly listen and to express oneself. They enable experiences of self-efficacy. They allow immersion in other life worlds and, thus, promote empathy. They allow creative engagement with one’s own and social processes of change – in protected spaces. Our societies therefore need more cultural education. Certainly, in dialogue with other aspects of education and societal transformation.

One key result of the workshop: We need more – more thinking and acting about self-created boundaries and spaces of experience.



Dr Luise Fischer is a research assistant and the project-coordinator. Among other things, she is responsible for (post-)qualitative research and networking.