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Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hartmann


Institut für Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft der Sportarten II
Haus 1, I-Trakt
Jahnallee 59
04109 Leipzig


Study of biology & sports science (Bonn & Cologne). Work/research at the University of Bonn (1981-90), German Sport University Cologne (1990-2000), Technical University of Munich (2000-2008), since 2008 head of the Institute for Movement and Exercise Science of Sports II at the University of Leipzig. Visiting professorships: Tsinghua University Beijing, Tongji University Shanghai, University Thai Yuan, Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science, Shanghai University of Sports, University of Salzburg. Lecturer at the Cologne Trainer Academy. Scientific advisor to numerous national/international sports associations, accompanying numerous athletes in preparation for international championships/Olympic Games. Longstanding support for the German national rowing team. 85 first and 150 second authorship, supervision of 350 qualification theses, 30 dissertations and 5 habilitation theses. Multiple organization and implementation of scientific congresses. 420 lectures in about 50 countries.

Professional career

  • since 03/2008
    Head of the Institute | University Leipzig | Faculty of Sport ScienceInstitute of Movement and Trainings Science in Sport II | Professor for Movement and Training Science in Sport
  • 12/2009 - 12/2020
    Honorary appointment as Visiting Professor at the Shanghai University of Sports | Shanghai | PR China
  • 12/2009 - 12/2017
    Honorary appointment as Visiting Professor at the Shanghai Research Institute of Sport Science | Shanghai | PR China
  • 11/2000 - 03/2008
    Technical University Munich | Faculty of Sport Science | Department of Theory and Practice in Sports | Professor for Theory and Practice in Sports
  • 06/2006 - 12/2009
    Honorary appointment as Visiting Professor at the Northern University of Tai Yuan | Tai Yuan | PR China
  • 06/2004 - 12/2007
    Honorary appointment as Visiting Professor at the Tongji University of Shanghai | Shanghai | PR China
  • 08/2003 - 12/2006
    Honorary appointment as Visiting Professor at the University of Salzburg | Salzburg | Austria
  • 03/2002 - 12/2013
    Honorary appointment as Visiting Professor at the Tsinghua University | Beijing | PR China
  • 01/1996 - 10/2000
    Academic Adivisor | German Sport University Cologne | Institute of Training and Movement Science | Provisional Head of the Institute of Training and Movement Science
  • 01/1994 - 12/1995
    Senior Research Fellow | German Sport University Cologne | Institute of Training and Movement Science | Institut for Cardiology and Sports Medicine
  • 04/1990 - 12/1993
    Academic Assistant | German Sport University Cologne | Institut for Cardiology and Sports Medicine | Institute of Training and Movement Science
  • 08/1986 - 03/1990
    Academic Assistant | University Bonn | Institute for Sportscience and Sport | Head of the Watersport- and Track and Field department
  • 04/1981 - 03/1986
    Senior Research Fellow | University Bonn | Institute for Sportscience and Sport | Head of the Watersportdepartment
  • 09/1979 - 04/1981
    Student trainee


  • 10/1973 - 04/1979
    University Bonn | Studies in Biology and Sport Science

Panel Memberships

  • since 07/2016
    Member of the Korean Society for Exercise Physiology
  • since 01/2016
    Foreign expert and member of the International Peer Review Experts Committee of Tsinghua University | Beijing | PR China
  • since 09/2015
    Editorial Board Member Ceska Kinantropolgie
  • 09/2015 - 01/2018
    Head of the Assignment Council for Elite Sport at the University of Leipzig
  • since 01/2015
    Examination Board Member | Faculty of Sport Science
  • 09/2010 - 09/2018
    Member of the Assignment Council for Professorships of the University of Leipzig
  • since 10/2009
    Faculty Council Member | Faculty of Sport Science
  • since 01/2008
    Editorial Board Member of the Leipziger Sportwissenschaftliche Beitr?ge
  • 01/2006 - 12/2020
    Reviewer for the Federal Institute for Sport Science (BISp) for Training & Movement Science, Exercise Physiology, equipment in sport & technology
  • 01/2006 - 12/2014
    Reviewer for German Science Foundation (DFG) for Training Science and Exercise Physiology
  • since 02/2002
    Editorial Board Member Revista Antioque?a de Medicina Deportiva
  • since 06/1997
    Editorial Board Member of The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness
  • Development/evaluation of training/competition-accompanying metabolic studies in (endurance) disciplines in the laboratory/field.
  • Creation of sport-specific, physiologically oriented requirement/competition profiles in sports/disciplines.
  • Cross-sectional/longitudinal examinations of performance physiology/hematology under natural hypoxia conditions.
  • Investigations on transverse/longitudinal performance developments/adaptation phenomena in sports.
  • Development of categorization schemes based on physiological classification criteria for recording sport-specific demands.
  • Creation of physiologically oriented framework requirements/standard conditions for athletes.
  • Creation/development of databases to document the content in the training process.
  • Development of computer-aided models to expand the interpretations in performance diagnostic examination procedures.
  • Investigations of load design/tolerance or overtraining.
  • Development of measurement/control procedures for training practice.
  • Evaluation of measuring/control devices for industry (spirometry systems, heart rate sensors, speedometers, calibration devices, etc.measuring devices (stationary and mobile lactate and hematology devices) for metabolic physiological parameters in the context of validity studies).
  • Investigations of nutritional substitutes on the performance/resilience as well as related aspects of recovery/regeneration.

Lectures/seminars in the field

"General basics of training and movement science",

"Diagnostics, monitorng and control of athletic performance",

"Basics of energy metabolism",

"Performance diagnostics",

"Performance physiology & nutrition",

"Methods and methodology",

"Theory of sports",

"Sports biology".

All lectures are also offered in German.

Research fields

Sports, sport science


  • Leistungsphysiologie, Leistungsdiagnostik, Energiestoffwechsel, muskul?re Anpassung
  • Trainingswissenschaft
  • (Hoch)Leistungssport
  • Ausdauer- & Kraftsportarten

Contact for media inquiries

Phone: +49 341 97-31700 / -31701
Fax: +49 341 97-31719