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Prof. Dr. Olaf Stieglitz


Amerikanische Kulturgeschichte
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstra?e 15, Room 3505
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37335


·        US Social & Cultural History, esp. since the 1890s

·        Gender History and the History of the Body

·        Sports History as Cultural History

·        History & Visual Media (Photography & Film)

·        Memory Studies 

MA 1993 University of Cologne

Ph. D. 1997 Hamburg University

Habilitation 2012 University of Cologne

2005: Feodor Lynen Fellow of the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation at Florida State University in Tallahassee, USA

  • Stieglitz, O.; Martschukat, J. (Eds.)
    Race & Sex: eine Geschichte der Neuzeit
    Berlin: Neofelis Verlag. 2016.
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  • Stieglitz, O.
    Kulturgeschichte des K?rpers
    In: Brümmer, K.; Janetzko, A.; Alkemeyer, T. (Eds.)
    Ans?tze einer Kultursoziologie des Sports. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 2021. pp. 115–133.
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  • Stieglitz, O.
    'Mentally superior children are born of physically superior people': Bernarr Macfadden's Physical Culture World and the Influence of Eugenic Thought in American Fitness Culture, 1900s-1930s
    Amerikastudien/American Studies. 2020. 64 (2). pp. 241–264.
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In my BA classes, I teach North American (mainly United States) History from colonial times to the early years of the 21st century with a strong emphasis on social and cultural history. Moreover, I underline the many and often changing transfers and entanglements between North America and other regions of the world. Another important aspect is Memory Studies, bringing historical topics closer to contemporary society and culture by asking how the past is still a core argument within American discourse.

BA classes include

·        SHP I & II lecture classes ‘Constructing North American History’

·        SHP III classes, e.g. on the History of Slavery, on the Vietnam War in American Memory, on Sports History

·        iTASK lecture class

In my MA classes, Memory Studies play an important role as well. Here, other main interests revolve around the history of bodies; around power relations structured along the lines of class, race, gender, and (dis)ability; around North American border regimes; and around visual culture (esp. film and photography)

Recent MA classes included

·        classes on Immigration, Ethnicity & Citizenship, e.g. on Irish American and Asian American History

·        classes on American Film Culture, e.g. on the New Hollywood and on Horror Movies

·        classes on American Body Politics, e.g. on Eugenics, on Racial Capitalism, and on American Border Regimes

·        classes in Memory Studies, e.g. on Civil Rights Memory

Research fields



  • Social & Cultural History of the United States of America, mainly during the 20th century

  • Gender Histry and Histories of the Body

  • Sport History as Cultural History

  • History & Visual Culture, mostly Photo & Film

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