Prof. Dr. Maren M?hring

Prof. Dr. Maren M?hring


Comparative Cultural and Social History of Modern Europe
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstra?e 15, Room H5 1.11
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35680
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35698


Having studied history and German literature in Hamburg and Dublin and having gained a PhD in history in Munich and a venia legendi in modern history in Cologne, my research interests currently include the history of migration, body and gender history, the history of modern mass culture and the role of food and health in modern societies.

Professional career

  • since 03/2014
    Professor of Comparative Cultural and Social History of Modern Europe, U Leipzig, Germany
  • 11/2012 - 02/2014
    Director, Research Group “Wandel des Politischen”, Potsdam Centre for Research into Contemporary History e.V. (ZZF), Germany
  • 04/2011 - 03/2012
    Acting Full Professor, U Cologne, Germany
  • 10/2010 - 03/2011
    Research Fellow, Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies, U Freiburg, Germany
  • 04/2002 - 04/2010
    Assistant Professor, U Cologne, Germany


  • 02/2011
    Introductory Lecture at the University of Cologne / venia legendi for Modern History
  • 06/2010
    Habilitation Colloquium at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Cologne
  • 01/2010
    Submission of the Habilitation Thesis at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Cologne; Title of the Habilitation Thesis: "Foreign Food: The History of Foreign Cuisine in the Federal Republic of Germany" (Fremdes Essen: Die Geschichte der ausl?ndischen Gastronomie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
  • 02/2002
    Doctorate at the LMU Munich with Prof. Dr. Martin H. Geyer in Modern and Contemporary History; Title of the Dissertation: "The Natural Body in German Nude Culture (1890-1930)" (Der natürliche K?rper in der deutschen Nacktkultur (1890-1930))
  • 09/1998 - 10/2001
    Doctoral student in the Research Training Group "Gender Difference & Literature" (?Geschlechterdifferenz & Literatur“), Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
  • 10/1990 - 06/1998
    Studied History, German Studies and Pedagogy at the University of Hamburg and Trinity College, Dublin

Panel Memberships

  • since 07/2023
    Co-opted member of the Board of Trustees of the Horst Springer Foundation for Modern History of Saxony in the Friedrich Ebert Foundation []
  • since 01/2023
    Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Department of History of the University of Basel[]
  • since 10/2022
    Member of the Council of Migration []
  • since 01/2022
    Scientific Advisory Board of the GLOBE22 Science Festival []
  • since 01/2021
    Scientific Advisory Board of the Gisela Eisenreich Research Unit at the Institute for History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf []
  • since 01/2021
    Scientific Advisory Board of the Austrian Journal of Historical Sciences (?sterreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften - OeZG) []
  • since 01/2020
    Member of the Board of Directors of the Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe) of the Leipzig University []
  • since 01/2020
    Vice-Chairman of the Association Board of Clio-online. Fachportal für die Geschichtswissenschaften []
  • since 01/2019
    Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam (Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam - ZZF) []
  • since 01/2019
    Member of the Board of the Leipzig Lab of the Leipzig University [/forschung/forschungsprofil/leipzig-lab/]
  • since 01/2019
    Member of the Board of the Graduate School for Global and Area Studies (GSGAS) of the Leipzig University []
  • since 01/2017
    Scientific Advisory Board of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (Zentrums für interdiziplin?re Forschung - ZiF), Bielefeld []
  • since 01/2016
    Scientific Advisory Board of the Studien zur Historischen Migrationsforschung (SHM) []
  • since 01/2016
    Scientific Advisory Board of the journal "Revue Sociétés Plurielles" []
  • since 01/2016
    Society for Historical Migration Research (Gesellschaft für Historische Migrationsforschung - GHM)
  • since 01/2015
    Member of FraGes. Center for Gender Studies, University of Leipzig []
  • since 01/2013
    Culinary Forum (Network of Cultural and Life Sciences) []
  • since 01/2012
    Advisory Board of the German Cookbook Museum Dortmund []
  • since 01/1997
    Working Group on Historical Women's and Gender Studies (Arbeitskreis Historische Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung - AKHFG) []
  • Social and cultural history of modern Europe
  • Food studies
  • Migration
  • Postcolonial studies
  • Gender and body history
  • Film and history

  • International Research Training Group "Belongings: Jewish Material Culture in Twentieth-Century Europe and Beyond"
    Weiss, Yfaat
    Duration: 08/2024 – 07/2029
    Funded by: DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Vgl. Kultur- /Gesellschaftsgeschichte d. modernen Europas (18.-21.Jhd)
    show details
  • Pandemic Space: Understanding Quarantine and Responsibilization in Times of Corona
    M?hring, Maren
    Duration: 04/2022 – 03/2025
    Funded by: DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Vgl. Kultur- /Gesellschaftsgeschichte d. modernen Europas (18.-21.Jhd); Soziologie mit Schwerpunkt Transregionalisierungsprozesse
    show details
  • Research Institute for Social Cohesion: Creating Unity: The Dispositif of Integration and its Concepts in German-German, British, and French Society in the Long 20th Century.
    M?hring, Maren
    Duration: 06/2020 – 05/2024
    Funded by: BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Vgl. Kultur- /Gesellschaftsgeschichte d. modernen Europas (18.-21.Jhd)
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  • Arbeitsgruppe ?Global Health“ im Leipzig Lab
    M?hring, Maren
    Duration: 10/2019 – 09/2024
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Vgl. Kultur- /Gesellschaftsgeschichte d. modernen Europas (18.-21.Jhd); Soziologie mit Schwerpunkt Transregionalisierungsprozesse
    show details
  • Cultural Entrepreneurs: Between Urban Mass Culture and Transnational Entanglements, 1880–1930
    M?hring, Maren
    Duration: 01/2016 – 12/2023
    Funded by: DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Centre for Area Studies; Institut für Kulturwissenschaften; Vgl. Kultur- /Gesellschaftsgeschichte d. modernen Europas (18.-21.Jhd); SFB 1199: Verr?umlichungsprozesse unter Globalisierungsbedingungen
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more projects

  • M?hring, M.
    Umk?mpfte Zugeh?rigkeiten. Migrations- und Identit?tspolitiken in der Vereinigungsgesellschaft
    In: B?ick, M.; Goschler, C.; Jessen, R. (Eds.)
    Jahrbuch Deutsche Einheit 2023. Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag. 2023. pp. 21–37.
    show details
  • M?hring, M.
    Wege zu Kraft und Sch?nheit (1925). Bewegte und bewegende Bilder
    In: Hannig, N.; Schlimm, A.; Wünschmann , K. (Eds.)
    Deutsche Filmgeschichten. Historische Portraits. G?ttingen: Wallstein Verlag. 2023. pp. 19–25.
    show details
  • M?hring, M.
    Gelato und Cappuccino, Pizza und Antipasti. Die Italianisierung des bundes-(deutschen) Esskultur
    In: Kraus, A.; Nedelkovski, A.; Placenti-Grau , A. (Eds.)
    Percorsi di vita. Lebenswege nach Wolfburg. G?ttingen: Wallstein Verlag. 2023. pp. 116–121.
    show details
  • M?hring, M.; Blome, E.; Ege, M.; Lickhardt, M.; Volkening, H. (Eds.)
    Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften . 2022. (1).
    show details

more publications

In my courses I mainly deal with questions regarding body and gender history as well as with migration and colonial historical topics. A major aspect is the historically variable handling of social and cultural differences.

  • Scarcity and Abundance. On Distributional Issues in the 20th and 21st Century (Winter 2023/24)

    together with Dr. Stefan H?hne (KWI Essen)

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies (Winter 2023/24)

    together with Prof. Quadflieg, Prof. Wohlrab-Sahr and Dr. Uta Karstein

  • MA Research Colloquium Cultural History (Winter 2023/24)

  • PhD Colloquium (Winter 2023/24)

  • Introduction to Comparative Cultural and Social History (Summer 2023)

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies, Focus: Diagnoses of Time (Summer 2023)

    together with Prof. Dr. Dirk Quadflieg, Prof. Dr. Monika Wohlrab-Sahr and Dr. Ringo R?sener

  • MA Research Colloquium Cultural History (Summer 2023)

  • PhD Colloquium (Summer 2023)

  • Introduction to Comparative Cultural and Social History (Summer 2022)

  • Writing a Bachelor Thesis (Summer 2022)

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies (Summer 2022)

    together with Prof. Dr. Dirk Quadflieg, Prof. Dr. Monika Wohlrab-Sahr and Dr. Uta Karstein

  • PhD Colloquium (Summer 2022)

    together with Prof. em. Dr. Hannes Siegrist

  • Writing a Bachelor Thesis (Winter 2021/22)

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies (Winter 2021/22)

    together with Prof. Dr. Dirk Quadflieg, Dr. Uta Karstein and Jan Beuerbach M.A

  • PhD Colloquium (Winter 2021/22)

    together with Prof. em. Dr. Hannes Siegrist

  • Introduction to Comparative Cultural and Social History (Summer 2021)

  • Global Health - understanding historically (Summer 2021)

    together with Dr. Nina Mackert

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies (Summer 2021)

    together with PD Dr. Thomas Schmidt-Lux, Dr. Uta Karstein and Jan Beuerbach M.A.

  • PhD Colloquium (Summer 2021)

    together with Prof. em. Dr. Hannes Siegrist

  • Reading course: Transregional entanglements in the Atlantic world (Winter 2020/21)

    together with Dr. Antje Dietze

  • Writing a Bachelor Thesis (Winter 2020/21)

  • PhD Colloquium (Winter 2020/21)

    together with Prof. em. Dr. Hannes Siegrist

  • Introduction to Comparative Cultural and Social History (Summer 2020)

  • Body, fat and ability – a history of the present (Summer 2020)

    together with Dr. Nina Mackert

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies (Summer 2020)

    together with Prof. Dr. Dirk Quadflieg, Prof. Dr. Monika Wohlrab-Sahr, PD Dr. Thomas Schmidt-Lux and Dr. Uta Karstein

  • PhD Colloquium (Summer 2020)

    together with Prof. em. Dr. Hannes Siegrist

  • Migration in Modern Europe (Winter 2019/20)

  • Methods and Perspectives of Historiography (Winter 2019/20)

  • Writing a Bachelor Thesis (Winter 2019/20)

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies (Winter 2019/20)

    together with PD Dr. Thomas Schmidt-Lux, Dr. Uta Karstein and Jan Beuerbach M.A

  • PhD Colloquium (Winter 2019/20)

    together with Prof. em. Dr. Hannes Siegrist

  • Introduction to Comparative Cultural and Social History (Summer 2019)

  • Consumption in der GDR (Summer 2019)

  • Writing a Bachelor Thesis (Summer 2019)

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies (Summer 2019)

    together with Prof. Dr. Dirk Quadflieg and PD Dr. Thomas Schmidt-Lux

  • PhD Colloquium (Summer 2019)

    together with Prof. em. Dr. Hannes Siegrist

  • GDR Homemovies (Winter 2018/19)

  • Writing a Bachelor Thesis (Winter 2018/19)

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies (Winter 2018/19)

    together with Prof. Dr. Dirk Quadflieg and PD Dr. Thomas Schmidt-Lux

  • PhD Colloquium (Winter 2018/19)

    together with Prof. em. Dr. Hannes Siegrist

  • PhD Colloquium (Summer 2018)

    together with Prof. em. Dr. Hannes Siegrist

  • Intersectionality in Research (Winter 2017/18)

  • Writing a Bachelor Thesis (Winter 2017/18)

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies "Cultures of the Body (Winter 2017/18)

    together with Prof. Dr. Dirk Quadflieg and PD Dr. Thomas Schmidt-Lux

  • PhD Colloquium (Winter 2017/18)

    together with Prof. em. Dr. Hannes Siegrist

  • Introduction to Comparative Cultural and Social History (Summer 2017)

  • Hunger. Cultural and Socio-Historical Perspectives (Summer 2017)

  • Migrant Gastronomic Economies in Leipzig (Summer 2017)

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies (Summer 2017)

    together with Prof. Dr. Dirk Quadflieg and PD Dr. Thomas Schmidt-Lux

  • PhD Colloquium (Summer 2017)

    together with Prof. em. Dr. Hannes Siegrist

  • Mass Culture. Theory and History (Winter 2016/17)

  • (Labor)Migration. Theory and History (Winter 2016/17)

  • Colonial spectacles. Non-Europe in mass cultural enactments around 1900 (Winter 2016/17)

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies (Winter 2016/17)

    together with Prof. Dr. Dirk Quadflieg and Dr. Thomas Schmidt-Lux

  • PhD Colloquium (Winter 2016/17)

    together with Prof. Dr. Hannes Siegrist

  • Introduction to Comparative Cultural and Social History (Summer 2016)

  • Comparative Colonial History (Summer 2016)

  • Film & Gender (Summer 2016)

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies (Summer 2016)

    together with Prof. Dr. Dirk Quadflieg

  • PhD Colloquium (Summer 2016)

    together with Prof. em. Dr. Hannes Siegrist

  • Eating as a socio-cultural practice (Winter 2015/16)

  • Foreign Food? From Colonial Foodstuffs to Asian Snack-bars (Winter 2015/16)

  • Contemporary History as Gender History” (with Maria Bühner) (Winter 2015/16)

  • PhD Colloquium (Winter 2015/16)

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies (Winter 2015/16)

    together with colleagues of the institute

  • Introduction to Comparative Cultural and Social History (Summer 2015)

  • Beyond the economy miracle and the economy of scarcity. Consumption in West and East Germany (Summer 2015)

  • Body/Theory. The Body in Cultural Studies (Summer 2015)

  • PhD Colloquium (Summer 2015)

    together with Prof. em. Dr. Hannes Siegrist

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies (Summer 2015)

  • The Animal-Human Relationship in Modernity (Winter 2014/15)

  • Recruitment of foreign workers in Western Europe after 1945 (Winter 2014/15)

  • Migration in Modern Europe (Winter 2014/15)

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies (Winter 2014/15)

    together with colleagues of the institute

  • Genre: Heimatfilm (Summer 2014)

  • Postcolonial Perspectives in Historigraphy (Summer 2014)

  • From the educational journey to mass tourism? (Summer 2014)

  • Interdisciplinary Colloquium Cultural Studies (Summer 2014)

    together with colleagues of the institute

Research fields

Migration, Culture, Society, Gender studies, Nutrition, Consumption


  • “K?rper in den Kulturwissenschaften” (2007-2010),
  • Forschungsverbund “Ern?hrung, Gesundheit und soziale Ordnung in der Moderne: Deutschland und die USA im Vergleich” (gef?rdert von der VW-Stiftung i.R. der F?rderlinie “Schlüsselthemen für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft”)
  • Interdisziplin?res Netzwerk “Postcolonial Germany and Britain
  • ?Cultural Entrepreneurs: Between Urban Mass Culture and Transnational Entanglements / Kulturunternehmer zwischen urbaner Massenkultur und transnationalen Verflechtungen, 1880–1930“ im Rahmen des DFG Sonderforschungsbereichs “Verr?umlichungsprozesse unter Globalisierungsbedingungen”, gemeinsam mit Dr. Antje Dietze

Contact for media inquiries

Fax: +49 341 97-35698
Phone: +49 341 97-35680