Prof. Dr. Jobst Welge

Prof. Dr. Jobst Welge


Romanische Literaturwissenschaft und Kulturstudien mit den Schwerpunkten Hispanistik und Lusitanistik
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstra?e 15, Room 2307
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37412
Fax: +49 341 97 - 37498


Since 2018, Jobst Welge is Professor for Romance Literary and Cultural Studies (with special focus on Hispanic und Lusophone Studies) at Leipzig University. Previously, he taught at UC Santa Barbara, FU Berlin, University of Konstanz, and held professorships at KU Eichst?tt-Ingolstadt and Stockholm University.

Professional career

  • since 04/2018
  • 08/2016 - 03/2018
  • 10/2015 - 08/2016
  • 02/2012 - 09/2015
  • 04/2011 - 01/2012
  • 10/2010 - 03/2011
  • 04/2010 - 09/2010
  • 04/2009 - 03/2010
  • 10/2004 - 03/2009
  • 10/2002 - 09/2004
  • 10/2001 - 09/2002
  • 10/2000 - 03/2001

My research focuses primarily on the following areas:

  • Theory, History, and Geography of the Novel
  • World Literature; Cosmopolitanism
  • Hispanic/Lusophone Literatures: Representations of the Amazon / of cities
  • Poetics of the Baroque; Realism; Modernism
  • Historical Imaginations in Contemporary Literature

  • Calderón Villarino, ?.; Welge, J. (Eds.)
    Constelaciones familiares en la narrativa iberoamericana moderna
    Venedig: Edizioni Ca' Foscari. 2024.
    show details
  • Welge, J.; Burnautzki, S. (Eds.)
    Unzuverl?ssiges Erz?hlen in den romanischen Literaturen. Historisierungen, Revisionen, ?ffnungen.
    Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. 2024.
    show details
  • Welge, J.
    Moderne, Desillusion und Race in einem Roman der brasilianischen Belle ?poque: Lima Barretos "Recorda??es do escriv?o Isaías Caminha"
    Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. 2024. 261 (1 (2024)). pp. 171–184.
    show details
  • Welge, J.; Wild, C. (Eds.)
    Armut und Menge
    Paderborn: Brill/Fink. 2024.
    show details
  • Welge, J.
    Kannibalismus und kulturelle ?bersetzung: Analogien und Akkommodation im Werk von José de Anchieta.
    In: Béreiziat-Lang, S. (Ed.)
    Kannibalismus und Eucharistie. Frühneuzeitliche Figurationen des Einverleibens in den romanischen Literaturen. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter . 2024. pp. 87–107.
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more publications

  • Aspects of Literature, Culture, History: Hispanic and Lusophone Studies

    Lecture Bachelor Hispanic / Lusitanians Studies, University of Leipzig, winter term 2024/25

  • Family fictions in contemporary literature

    Seminar Master Hispanic Studies, Leipzig University, winter semester 2024/25 (together with Slavic Studies)

  • Authorship and Narrative: New Trends in the Latin American Novel

    Seminar Master Hispanic Studies, Leipzig University, winter term 2024/25

    (Course with student excursion as part of the Arqus Twinning programme)

  • Modernist poetry: landscapes, places, objects

    Interdisciplinary Master Seminar Romania, University of Leipzig, winter term 2024/25

  • Juan Gabriel Vásquez: History and imagination

    Seminar Bachelor Hispanic Studies / teacher training programme, University of Leipzig, summer term 2024

  • Machado de Assis: Novel and Society

    Seminar Bachelor 6th semester + Master 2nd semester Lusitanian Studies, University of Leipzig, summer term 2024

  • B. P. Galdós: Realism and imagination

    Seminar Master Hispanic Studies / teacher training programme, University of Leipzig, summer term 2024

  • Plants and plantations in Latin American literature

  • Research semester

    No courses in winter term 2023-2024

  • Overview of Romance cultural studies for Hispanists and Lusitanians

    Lecture Bachelor Hispanic / Lusitanians Studies, University of Leipzig, summer term 2023

  • Family and fiction in contemporary Ibero-American literature

    Seminar Bachelor Hispanic Studies / teacher training programme, University of Leipzig, summer term 2023

  • Not just Pessoa: the Portuguese avant-garde

    Seminar Bachelor 6th semester + Master 2nd semester Lusitanian Studies, University of Leipzig, summer term 2023

  • Genre and Gender in the Early Modern Period (Iberoromania)

    Seminar Master Hispanic Studies / teacher training programme, University of Leipzig, summer term 2023

  • E?a de Queiroz: Realism, Satire, Criticism

  • A Panorama of the International Avantgarde

  • Aspects of Literature, Culture, History: Hispanic and Lusophone Studies

  • Colloquium on Romance Literary and Cultural Studies

  • Introduction to Angolan Literature: Classics and Contemporary

  • Cuban contexts of the 19th century: Cecilia Valdés

  • Cervantes: exemplary novels.

  • Colloquium on Romance Literary and Cultural Studies

  • Colloquium on Romance Literary and Cultural Studies

  • Aspects of Literature, Culture, History: Hispanic and Lusophone Studies

  • History and Memory in the Mozambican Novel

  • City Imaginations in 20th/21st Century Literature

  • Colloquium on Romance Literary and Cultural Studies

  • The different faces of Miguel de Unamuno

  • Amazonian Imaginations: Nature, History, Culture

  • Historical Imaginations in the Contemporary Novel

  • Aspects of Literature, Culture, History: Hispanic and Lusophone Studies

  • Colloquium on Romance Literary and Cultural Studies

  • Falsifications, Conspirations, Simulacra

  • Brazilian Modernism: Vernacular and Cosmopolitanism

  • Colloquium on Romance Literary and Cultural Studies

  • Golden Age Theater. Texts and Contexts

  • Phantasms and Prose of the "Fin de Siglo"

  • Spanish Naturalism: Emilia Pardo Bazán

  • Machado de Assis as / and World Literature

  • Colloquium on Romance Literary and Cultural Studies

  • Aspects of Literature, Culture, History: Hispanic and Lusophone Studies

  • Cervantes and the theory of the novel

  • The work of Jo?o Guimar?es Rosa

  • The presence of the past. Specters in Latin American Literature

  • Colloquium on Romance Literary and Cultural Studies

  • French Decadent Prose (ca. 1890)

  • Family and Patriarchal Society in the Brazilian Novel

  • The Latin American "Jungle Novel"

  • Literature and the History of Laughter (from Rabelais to Diderot)

Research fields

Cultural studies, Literature, literary studies, Romance studies, Latin American Studies


Latin American Literatures; Contemporary Literature; History and Theory of the Novel; Literature and Landscape; World Literature

Contact for media inquiries

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37412
Fax: +49 341 97 - 37498

Im August und September 2024 Sprechstunden nach vorheriger Absprache per Mail.