Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielhofer

Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielhofer


Physische Geographie
Johannisallee 19a, Room 1.02
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32965
Fax: +49 341 97 - 32799

Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielhofer

Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielhofer

Dean of Studies

Faculty of Physics and Earth System Sciences
Johannisallee 19a, Room 1.02
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32965
Fax: +49 341 97 - 32799


I am professor of Physical Geography at the Institute of Geography. My main foci in teaching and research are the analysis of geohazards and environmental crises, fluvial geomorphology, soil geography, hydrogeography and (palaeo)limnology. I coordinate the DFG Priority Programme SPP 2361 "On the Way to the Fluvial Anthroposphere". In my studies I analyse long and short-term environmental changes due to climatic and anthropogenic forcing. I look at processes in the past (especially the Holocene) and analyse environmental dynamics and tipping points under the current influence of Global Change.

My preferred working areas are floodplains and agricultural landscapes in Central Europe, the Mediterranean Basin and Africa, as well as highly sensitive arid regions and desert margins.

In my student internships in Germany and abroad, drilling techniques, sediment and soil analyses, geophysical field methods, hydrological analyses and surveying technology are used.

Professional career

  • since 01/2023
    Board of Directors: LeipzigLab - Emerging interdisciplinary research at Leipzig University
  • since 03/2021
    Coordinator: DFG Priority Programme SPP 2361 "On the Way to the Fluvial Anthroposphere"
  • since 04/2019
    Scientific Advisory Board (Vice Chair), Leibniz-Institut für L?nderkunde (IfL)
  • since 10/2017
    Study Dean, Geography and Geosciences (Leipzig University)
  • 10/2019 - 09/2021
    Director, Institute of Geography (Leipzig University)
  • 10/2013 - 06/2020
    Member of DFG Priority Programme 1630 ?Harbours from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages”
  • since 04/2010
    W3 Chair Physical Geography (Leipzig University, 1st place)
  • 04/2009 - 03/2010
    W3 Chair Landscape Geoecology (TU Dresden, representation professorship)


  • since 01/2008
    Habilitation in Geography, PD Dr. rer. nat. habil.(Osnabruck University)
  • since 07/2002
    Dissertation in Physical Geography (KU Eichst?tt)
  • since 03/1997
    Diploma thesis in Physical Geography (KU Eichst?tt)
  • 10/1988 - 06/1990
    Civilian service (Surgical intensive care unit, clinical centre K?ln-Merheim)
  • since 07/1988
    Abitur (final secondary-school examinations), Overath

Panel Memberships

  • 10/2014 - 09/2020
    Rectorate Representative in Appointment Committees (Leipzig University)
  • since 10/2010
    Member of the Faculty Board (Leipzig University)
  • Historical Anthropospheres
    Schmidt-Funke, Julia
    Duration: 01/2023 – 12/2025
    Funded by: SMWK Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit; Physische Geographie
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  • Climate, Famine, and Plague: A Pilot Study of the 14th-century Mass Graves of Erfurt from an Interdisciplinary Perspective
    Zielhofer, Christoph
    Duration: 05/2021 – 02/2024
    Funded by: DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Physische Geographie
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  • Holocene summer temperature and biodiversity change recorded by Chironomidae in Western Mediterranean North Africa
    Bolland, Alexander
    Duration: 07/2022 – 06/2025
    Funded by: DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Physische Geographie
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  • DFG Priority Programme SPP 2361 "On the Way to the Fluvial Anthroposphere" - Coordination Funds
    Zielhofer, Christoph
    Duration: 04/2023 – 09/2026
    Funded by: DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Physische Geographie; SPP 2361: Auf dem Weg zur Fluvialen Anthroposph?re
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  • The Lower Havel River and Greater Donaumoos Regions: ‘Failed’ or ‘successful’ reclamation of floodplains and peatlands? – A comparative analysis
    Zielhofer, Christoph
    Duration: 04/2023 – 09/2026
    Funded by: DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Physische Geographie; SPP 2361: Auf dem Weg zur Fluvialen Anthroposph?re
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more projects

  • Zielhofer, C.; Schmidt, J.; Reiche, N.; Tautenhahn, M. L.; Ballasus, H.; Burkart, M.; Linstaedter, A.; Dietze, E.; Kaiser, K.; Mehler, N.
    The Lower Havel River Region (Brandenburg, Germany): A 230-Year-Long Historical Map Record Indicates a Decrease in Surface Water Areas and Groundwater Levels
    Water. 2022. 14 (3).
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  • Ballasus, H.; Schneider, B.; von Suchodoletz, H.; Miera, J. J.; Werban, U.; Fütterer, P.; Werther, L.; Ettel, P.; Veit, U.; Zielhofer, C.
    Overbank silt-clay deposition and extensive Neolithic land-use in a Central European floodplain – coupled or decoupled?
    Science of the Total Environment. 2022. p. 150858.
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  • Werther, L.; Mehler, N.; Schenk, G. J.; Zielhofer, C.
    On the Way to the Fluvial Anthroposphere—Current Limitations and Perspectives of Multidisciplinary Research
    Water. 2021. 13 (16).
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  • Zielhofer, C.; K?hler, A.; Mischke, S.; Benkaddour, A.; Mikdad, A.; Fletcher, W. J.
    Western Mediterranean hydro-climatic consequences of Holocene ice-rafted debris (Bond) events
    Climate of the Past. 2019. pp. 463–475.
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  • Zielhofer, C.; von Suchodoletz, H.; Fletcher, W. J.; Schneider, B.; Dietze, E.; Schlegel, M.; Schepanski, K.; Weninger, B.; Mischke, S.; Mikdad, A.
    Millennial-scale fluctuations in Saharan dust supply across the decline of the African Humid Period
    Quaternary Science Reviews. 2017. pp. 119–135.
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more publications

  • Andere Stipendien/Forschungspreise: Volksbank Award (Best Interdisciplinary PhD Thesis)
    Zielhofer, Christoph (Physische Geographie)
    awarded in 2002 by Pr?sident der KU Eichst?tt.
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  • Andere Ehrungen: Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board, Leibniz-Institut für L?nderkunde
    Zielhofer, Christoph (Physische Geographie)
    awarded in 2019.
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  • Andere Stipendien/Forschungspreise: LeipzigLab working group "Historical Anthropospheres"
    Zielhofer, Christoph (Physische Geographie)
    awarded in 2023 by Leipzig University.
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  • Andere Stipendien/Forschungspreise: Coordinator - DFG Priority Programme 2361 "On the Way tor the Fluvial Anthroposphere"
    Zielhofer, Christoph (Physische Geographie)
    awarded in 2021 by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
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more awards

  • Physische Geographie
    Geomorphological and environmental responses to rapid hydrological changes in the Atlas Mountains (Morocco) during the last 30,000 years
    Start Date of Collaboration: 10/08/2017
    External participating organisations: Cadi Ayyad University Marrakech (Morocco)
    Involved persons: Zielhofer, Christoph
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more cooperations

  • DFG-Rudgespr?ch/DFG roundtable
    On the Way to the Fluvial Anthroposphere
    Physische Geographie
    Event Organiser: Zielhofer, Christoph
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  • Workshop
    International Mediterranean Desert Margin and Drylands Workshop (MULTIPP)
    Physische Geographie
    Event Organiser: Zielhofer, Christoph
    06/03/2018 – 09/03/2018
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  • Workshop
    Gekoppelte geophysikalische und (geo)arch?ologische Erkundung in Auen und Küstenr?umen
    Physische Geographie
    Event Organiser: Zielhofer, Christoph
    22/04/2015 – 24/04/2015
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  • Jahrestagung
    Annual meeting of the German Association on Geoarchaeology
    Physische Geographie
    Event Organiser: Zielhofer, Christoph
    04/05/2018 – 06/05/2018
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more events