Dr. Veronica Witte

Dr. Veronica Witte

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Haus 2
Liebigstra?e 16
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 24990
Fax: +49 341 97 - 24989

  • Changes in brain structure and function following interdisciplinary group treatment in the Post-COVID group program at the Clinic for Cognitive Neurology.
    Witte, Veronica
    Duration: 06/2022 – 12/2025
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Tagesklinik für Kognitive Neurologie
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  • Neurobehavioral correlates of Long-Covid/Covid-Grid.
    Witte, Veronica
    Duration: 10/2021 – 12/2024
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Tagesklinik für Kognitive Neurologie
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  • Obesity Mechanisms, project A1: Targeting neurobehavioral determinants of obesity
    Witte, Veronica
    Duration: 06/2021 – 12/2024
    Funded by: DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Tagesklinik für Kognitive Neurologie; SFB 1052: Mechanismen der Adipositas
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  • Long-term consequences of Long-Covid, extension of the LIFE-Adult study.
    Witte, Veronica
    Duration: 06/2021 – 12/2025
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Tagesklinik für Kognitive Neurologie
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  • Improving eating behavior and related brain networks in obesity: underlying mechanisms and microbotal mediators in patients undergoing bariatric surgery.
    Witte, Veronica
    Duration: 01/2021 – 12/2024
    Funded by: BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Tagesklinik für Kognitive Neurologie
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  • Hofmann, S.; Beyer, F.; Lapuschkin, S.; Goltermann, O.; Loeffler, M.; Mueller, K.-R.; Villringer, A.; Samek, W.; Witte, V.
    Towards the interpretability of deep learning models for multi-modal neuroimaging: Finding structural changes of the ageing brain
    NeuroImage. 2022.
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  • Medawar, E.; Witte, V.
    Impact of obesity and diet on brain structure and function: a gut-brain-body crosstalk
    Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2022. 81 (4). pp. 306–316.
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  • Kumral, D.; Cesnaite, E.; Beyer, F.; Hofmann, S. M.; Hensch, T.; Sander, C.; Hegerl, U.; Haufe, S.; Villringer, A.; Witte, V.; Nikulin, V.
    Relationship between regional white matter hyperintensities and alpha oscillations in older adults
    Neurobiology of aging. 2022. pp. 1–11.
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  • Wittekind, D. A.; Kratzsch, J.; Mergl, R.; Riedel-Heller, S.; Witte, V.; Villringer, A.; Kluge, M.
    Serum ghrelin is positively associated with physiological anxiety but negatively associated with pathological anxiety in humans: Data from a large community-based study
    Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2022.
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  • Hussenoeder, F. S.; Conrad, I.; Pabst, A. et al.
    Different Areas of Chronic Stress and Their Associations with Depression
    International journal of environmental research and public health. 2022. 19 (14).
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