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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Moeller

Junior Professor

P?dagogische Psychologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Entwicklung unter Risikobedingungen (JP)
Haus 3
Marschnerstra?e 31, Room 216
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31280
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31269


Dr. Julia Moeller is an assistant professor for educational psychology at Leipzig University, Germany.

She studies motivation and emotions in learning and achievement settings, such as schools, university studies, and work contexts.

Dr. Moeller specialized in the work with intensive longitudinal studies (experience sampling method) and the intra-individual statistical methods needed to make sense of such intensive longitudinal data.

For further information, please see our website:

  • Individualizing emotional and motivational support for students through brief tailored interventions (Jacobs Foundation Early Career Research Fellowship)
    Moeller, Julia
    Duration: 01/2019 – 12/2021
    Funded by: Stiftungen Inland
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: P?dagogische Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Entwicklung unter Risikobedingungen
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more projects

  • Moeller, J.; Ivcevic, Z.; Brackett, M. A.; White, A. E.
    Mixed emotions: Network analyses of intra-individual co-occurrences within and across situations.
    Emotion. 2018. 18 (8). pp. 1106–1121.
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  • Moeller, J.; Ivcevic, Z.; White, A. E.; Menges, J. I.; Brackett, M. A.
    Highly Engaged but Burned Out: Intra-individual Profiles in the US workforce.
    Career Development International. 2018.
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  • Moeller, J.
    A word on standardization in longitudinal studies: don’t
    Frontiers in Psychology. 2015. p. 1389.
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  • Dietrich, J.; Viljaranta, J.; Moeller, J.; Kracke, B.
    Situational expectancies and task values: Associations with students' effort.
    Learning and Instruction. 2017. pp. 53–64.
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  • Moeller, J.
    Passion as concept of the psychology of motivation Conceptualization, assessment, inter - individual variability and long - term stability
    Doctoral thesis. 2014.
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more publications

  • Seminar: "The Psychology of Learning and Instruction", taught in English

    Winter 2020/2021, Summer 2020

  • Lecture: " The Psychology of Learning and Instruction", taught in English

  • Seminar: "Developmental Psychology"

    taught in German. Winter 2019/2020, Summer 2018 (2 seminars)

  • Seminar: Methods for teacher students Sommer 2020writing their final theses

    Winter 2020/2021, Summer 2020, Summer 2019

  • Seminar: "/ Educational Assessment, Treatment/Intervention, Counseling"

    Winter 2017/18 (2 seminars), Sommer 2019 (2 seminars)

  • Workshop Motivational Psychology

    Fall 2020; 5 workshops.

  • Workshop: "Experience Sampling Method"

    Fall 2020, Digital Leipzig Summer School

  • Workshop: "Network Analysis"

    Fall 2020, Digital Leipzig Summer School

  • Workshop: “Network Analysis”

    January 2019, for a group of researchers at the Department for Teacher Education, University of Helsinki, Finland.

  • Workshop: “Network Analysis”

    December 2018, 4-day workshop for the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence.

Research fields



Motivation, Emotionen, Emotionale Intelligenz, Burnout, Stress, Entwicklung unter Risikobedingungen, Rolle von Pers?nlichkeitseigenschaften im Lernen, Rechtspsychologie

Contact for media inquiries

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31280
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31269